Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Rise and Fall of Discernment

Any long term gematria abuser who has also dabbled in interrupting adult conversations on Twixter (aka trolling) has a much better chance of encountering what I call dipshitmatic immunity.  That’s where someone points out to them that their own details have gematria that is negative.  It’s completely unavoidable, the numbers that are useful for a gematria narrative are so small that every single number can have a negative connotation if not tue outright opposite meaning of the intended story.

Keep in mind this old and simple explanation I put up on Rationalwiki years ago, all you need is a crude knowledge of basic grammar to debunk gematria.

Tina is evil and Joel is good.
Joel is evil and Tina is good.

It requires a lot of mental gymnastics to genuinely believe that these do not have an opposite meaning.  And they have the exact same letters and therefore regardless of which cipher you’re using it has got to have the exact same gematria.  Your average sports decoder can avoid the cognitive dissonance since they’re looking at clock times, point spreads and the final score.  But in a Qanon setting where they’re decoding phrases in speeches, yeah that gets a little trickier.  The gematria critic, possibly one of the people who had their adult conversation interrupted, may resort to a dipshitmatic immunity retort.  Pointing out the antonym of a key word that has matching gematria.  Or maybe even posting a negative comment about the gematria fan’s account name or other details.

And that’s the rise of the word discernment in a gematria setting.  From a purely grammatical and numerical view the inescapable stripping of their dipshitmatic immunity requires training on some sort of scripted automatic response to justify not having to put mental effort into recognizing that from an evidentiary standpoint they have no valid argument.  And that response is that they are using discernment and/or you are not using discernment.  To which you could post gematria of this in reply:

I use discernment in gematria, you do not.
You use discernment in gematria, I do not.

And we’re back to square one with the exact gematria for two opposites by flipping one simple word.

The rise of the discernment defense is popular enough that the correlation between the words “gematria” and “discernment” has made a search for the phrase “gematria discernment” a thing that produces a significant number of results.  Even to the point of proactively spewing it out in anticipation of the upcoming attack.  But what is alarming is this recent gem:

That could be some kind of weird Freudian slip mentioning disinformation.  But hey, kudos for mentioning exactly what gematria is all about in a social media setting.  Use your discernment to believe your fake evidence means whatever you want because disinformation is so damned important somebody has got to do it.

This is one of the big problems with the modern U.S. conservatives.  There’s no encouragement for an adult conversation related to issues and solutions.  It’s all populist rhetoric where if you aren’t going to the extent of mindlessly insulting progressives you aren’t using discernment.  Go ahead and through some disinformation there on the fire.  They have it coming to them.  It would be refreshing to see a conservative candidate include a policy stance, “Thanks for liking my viewpoints, but knock it off with the gematria crap, OK?”

But I fear it’s too late.  The training that openly admitting disinformation is the goal, the open disregard for rules and laws is so ingrained in our global culture that being deliberately wrong makes it a 50-50 chance you’re considered cool instead of people being mortified at how far we’ve fallen.  Do I really need to start searching for “gematria disinformation” every day to find who is openly talking about how cool they are for it?!?

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