Monday, June 3, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Deceptive Wording

Our first story today is fresh from the hellhole formerly known as Twitter being at the top of my search results for gematria.

Something we’ve covered before, but a long time ago.  Before some upgrades including a free new cable box, so thank you for that, Comcast had a years long common deceptive wording tactic.  Just a little psychological trick that I would hope doesn’t work but apparently it did and does.  Not blatant false advertisement, yet not truly on the up and up.  As one would dial switch around as we humans do there would be that occasional piece of film you’d get excited about watching.  And they would let you know it was FREE.  That magical word that really makes a movie worthwhile.  Until you get hit with the caveat.


One of my all time favorite oxymorons, along with ‘legitimate gematria’.  Because, you need to pay for the subscription in order to get the free movie, therefore it’s definitely not free.  The format has changed somewhat where the free content is organized under menu options.  Within the FREE MOVIES section you click on the title, and their AI remote voice (including amusingly mispronounced words) will let you know a few details about it like which languages it’s available in and the run time.  And if it’s internet content.  And that’s the same problem.  If you don’t have a paid subscription for internet content you can’t view it.

Our sports gematria friend is doing the same thing.  Free MLB pick on the Patreon.  The entire purpose of Patreon is to get subscribers, so I doubt it’s free to subscribe to the tier that gets MLB content.  And I have a pretty good idea without inserting myself as a mole in his club that it’s the standard pick both teams to win by being vague and yammering about double coding.


Our second story today comes from the world of angry rant videos.  But a special subsection of angry rant videos.  The rage quit.  I’m so disappointed in you, my loyal subjects, that I’m taking my baseball and going home!  You might have other baseballs, but mine’s the best and your game is going to suck without it!

In the gematria grift world setting, these are never to be taken seriously.  The people that slip away quietly into the night do the quitting right, they just leave.  The gematria guru rage quit = fundraiser.

The audio portion of that video is legitimately from a very recent Joseph Acquaviva video.  The reigning champion of Obama is the Antichrist content.  So much so that you can go through his entire playlist and be hard pressed to not find a video without an Obama Antichrist reference.  If ever there was a true need for an actual quitting of gematria this is one of our top choices.  The content is the same.  Every. Single. Fucking. Day.

Hi everyone
Quick and simple gospel (same each time)
Prelude and announcing that this is mind blowing and not a coincidence; announce non Antichrist content if any
Reminder to like, share, and of course DONATE
Wait for a few other people to arrive to livestream*
This is my most mind blowing Antichrist confirmation reveal ever
Stretching and fudging like all gematria gurus.
(Maybe some of the early bits get done in a different order, but not much change to the overall presentation.)

But when he rage quits, that’s the chance to shine.  That’s the opportunity to do something different from that standard format.  That’s because he’s mad at YOU, the flock he’s leading because you aren’t supporting him enough.  He’s so good at rage quitting it’s been done less half a year ago, when on Dec. 26, 2023 he announced his wife was leaving him, she was taking the kids and he was super unhappy and not sure he’d ever make another video again.

I’m not a fan of that Deion Sandals account that uses gematria to attack other gematria users.  But it does get a couple of key points right.  Gematria can be used easily to attack content that relies on dipshitmatic immunity.  And Joseph had absolutely no intention of quitting.  If the pattern holds he’ll do it again several months done the road.  There’s a core group that consists of die hard clueless confirmation bias junkies, sock puppet accounts driving engagement and the target audience - newbies that haven’t yet fallen for the begging for donations.  He’s still with his wife, apparently.  (Like Zach’s girlfriend you never see her). That break lasted maybe a week and half or two.  It was just a few days before the return this time, now that his deceptive wording has generated a list of targets that cried, “Please don’t go, who will tell me Obama is the Antichrist without you?”

I wonder if I should try rage quitting on Comcast.  I’m going with Verizon unless you give me more free movies!!

* The most amusing moment ever in waiting for others to join the livestream.  I wish I had taken a note on exactly which video it was.  He’s in the habit of saying, “Hey, <person’s name>!” when greeting.  So one day it was like, “Hey Brian.”  “Hey Tina!”  “Hey Yeshuaislord126!” And then 

“Hey Jude!”  and he couldn’t help but crack a smile when he realized what he’d said.  A rate break from the constant world is ending rhetorical assault.

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