Sunday, May 28, 2023

Not Subliminal Scapegoating

Scientology criticism was one of my first passions in researching disinformation.  It was a mix of being involved with the fraud in internet strategy games, especially online poker and a lot of just plain dumb luck, since shit happens.  Before the key event, I was part of what I suspect was a large group of people that just thought it was some space alien weirdness that Tom Cruise was into.  Which was no surprise he was involved , because Tom creeps me out to this day.

A co-worker thought I might enjoy a copy of Maxim magazine she had picked up somehow for free.  Never turning down a chance to look at pict…read high quality journalism about guy stuff, I was all like, “Hell yeah, sure.”  The amusement park ride was best described as a friend:  “Come for the crazy.  Stay for the human rights violations.”  Here’s the type of literature I was now consuming, since I love dwelling in overwhelming negativity.

This was well before Leah Remini escaped and not long after the South Park episode.  And similar to a lot of flat earth/gematria/other “weird” stuff - a lot of the discourse revolved around how could people be stupid enough to fall for this?  Just because you are savvy enough to not be involved in a cult doesn’t mean Dunning and Kruger aren’t that savvy.

Nowadays, the scapegoat is more generalized to anyone who has a science degree.  Add on attacking someone who demonstrates any empathy in a job that to be effective requires some empathy (police, teachers, health care workers, you know - the everyday people that are the real heroes).  Hubbard, no not the new cult leader*, L. Ron Hubbard, chose a specific target as the scapegoats.  Psychiarty.  The group of people that if they take their job seriously would be best suited to help people avoid getting involved with a cult masquerading as a religion.  Giving brainwashed cult members a convenient target - check that box off on your cult bingo card.

It would require an entire other blog to recap what I learned about Scientology.  And it’s not really necessary since the cat is pretty much out of the bag on that one now.  Let’s turn back to our old friend Alex Jones.  The scapegoat is now the government.  Well, that’s an overused topic.  Always has been the scapegoat, always will be the scapegoat.  What a yawn fest.  So what changed, what made it catch on?

To me - it seems fairly obvious the scapegoat is EVERYBODY.  If dead children are crisis actors and your not allowed to mourn them, then pretty much nobody is safe.  And with the crank and grift magnetism going around every con artist is looking at ways to point a finger at the most arbitrary targets.  You did WHAT?  That’s a Freemason hand gesture!  Heretic, Satanic, Pedophile, how dare you wear purple clothes!  We all know what that means.  If only a knight with a duck could prove that the target doesn’t weigh the same as that duck….

In case you need a current example of how this works, I give you this:

Apparently the solution to climate change is to make online death threats to weathermen because planes leave condensation behind them.  The same people that fall for the long debunked chemtrail conspiracy and act like a shithead online are the same people that look for trouble in real life and are terrible employees.

It’s not my fault you failed science class.  It’s not the weatherman’s fault you failed science class.  It’s not the rest of the world’s fault the only class you passed is Having cognitive biases 101.

* Since there’s a Jimmy Butler is Michael Jordan’s son conspiracy going around here’s my version.  Zach is actual L. Ron’s son and has modeled his cult by access to all the history of what works.  Fictitious back stories.  Targeting sports are rigged for a fresh scapegoat.  Pumping up viewership by buying likes and followers.  It all makes so much sense.  The only thing that can change my mind is if he posts a video of his girlfriend hugging a weatherman.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Subliminal Scapegoating

I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this. ~ Emo Philips.

The average “newbie” conspiracy theorist, someone that hasn’t yet figured out the grift laden material on social media and qualifies at least to some extent as a “true believer”, has a pretty good idea that they are not in fact a member of some ill defined evil empire.  Again (and again, and again, and…) these are not brand new to the 20th and 21st century battle of wills on the social media field of conflict.  Going back to what I read of philosophy decades ago.  Nichomachean Ethics, Leviathan, The Critique of Pure Reason, etc….  What I got out of these works - your confirmation bias has a wide array of information to latch on to.  Whether you think it’s a dog eat dog world where only the strong survive, you think there is a moral imperative built into the fiber of our being, or some mix in between, your personal brain will fixate on the bits and pieces that resonate with you most.  And the practical value gained from this is getting drunk in your dorm room and arguing with the collection of misfits you hang with about it while wondering why you need to take a badminton gym credit for you criminal justice degree.

What you should find is that everybody that isn’t you is not you.  Not you has a distinct set of beliefs, probably from a different genetic make up and peculiar set of life experiences.  Maybe we’re in a simulation and that’s the way not you is programmed in comparison to you?  I don’t know.  My isn’t that fun.  Even sans booze and the collection of misfits to debate with.

Maybe I need to force my beliefs on the not me’s of the world.  Good luck with that.  Not Me outnumbers me significantly.  Best find some allies among the not me’s.  At least I’ll have some back up.  But how do I identify the worthwhile not me’s from the group?

Just like every bullshit gematria celebrity death story, finding a scapegoat is the key.  All scapegoats are not equal, and historically some get more attention than others.  But gematria has helped the crank magnetism movement significantly, bringing to the table a self delusional aspect missing from other conspiracy content.

Sure they might have talked about the Freemasons (with minor degrees in Illuminati and badminton), then arbitrarily switched to the Jesuits (with a dual major with criminal injustice), but they simply can’t help taking a stab at the Jews occasionally.  And before I start ranting about that in particular let’s be completely clear about the point -

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter who the scapegoat is.  The goal of gematria is beginner training for a cognitively damaged mind to “do its own research” and let your bigotry take you where it will.  Subliminal scapegoating.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t like negroes, white people, Jews, gays, people from Madagascar, Neapolitan ice cream, Democrats, Republicans, or pink paper clips.  If it’s a noun that can be hated a gematria narrative can be created* for it.

So every time there’s beginner content being posted it’s a signal that a fresh wave of subliminal scapegoating is being fed.  “A=1, B=2, C=3…”.   A new video posted with the intro, “Today’s date is…” as if the viewer is too stupid to see the date on YouTube and needs to be reminded that non-actual gematria date numerology is being incorporated.  If a long time gematria knucklehead is saying these things it means the previous crop of cult initiates has gotten frustrated with the constant incorrect predictions or graduated to where their hatred has taken them.  Or even both.  Because the evolution of confirmation bias now allows those without critical thinking skills to accept being wrong in return for the never received in real life attaboy they crave.

There are other non gematria scapegoating dog whistles.  Hand signals - it’s virtually impossible to hold your hand in any position without being accused of it meaning something other than what it was.  Every color “means” something evil.  The most trivial things get elevated to instant scapegoat status and merged into a broader us vs. them narrative that started as an internalized me vs. not me narrative.

Consider for a long moment that the reason Hubbard’s books have been dirt cheap or even free (I got his first book free at the cost of 15 minutes of my life creating a sock puppet account) may just be the starting point of 
conspiracy theory light and he doesn’t mind being wrong all the time.  Modern conspiracy thinking has normalized being wrong.

I wonder what Hobbes, Kant, Calvin, Aristotle etc… would think about this and badminton.

* This would be a lovely rhyming line delivered by Johnny Cochran in the summation of an Alex Jones bankruptcy trial.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Back To Basics

Since the Gematrinator posted a video about going Back To Basics it’s time to go off the recent trend and get back to the basics here.

He is the reigning champion on forcing the narrative.  While Hubbard finally realized that four ciphers is plenty to force the narrative, the mere fact that the Gematrinator calculator has a ton of them, even though some are rarely used, is enough to lure people astray into mindless “decoding”.

An old favorite of mine from years ago was the absolutely bonkers outright claim that the entire English language was coded by the evil empire.  This is the kind of statement that when presented in a court of law would get you the same kind of stink eye reaction that Sovereign Citizen pseudo law claims. 

 “So Mr. Gromk, you defrauded your entire cryptocurrency community group, what do you have to say in your defense?”

“The evil empire encoded the entire English language, and I was just showing them this great knowledge.”

“Hmmmm….that’s bullshit.  ‘Mary is cool, Bob is a jackass’ has the same gematria as ‘Bob is cool, Mary is a jackass’.  You lose.”

While gematria has morphed into some of the nuttier ways of forcing the numbers being downplayed, they still use a more subtle method of forcing the narrative called phraseshopping.  That’s  where you cherry-pick what wording you use so the resulting number matches the predetermined story you have chosen.  Effective storytelling requires a grasp of how the words flow to let the reader visualize the themes.  Without using awkward grammar that interrupts the chain of thought.  Since a decode generally doesn’t present a paragraph or even a sentence as a story, it’s far less obvious that word substitution is playing a role.  It can be extremely subtle such as picking what synonym lets you find the target.  Or as blatantly obvious by adding your own favorite secret words.  ICE CREAM=57, but SIGNAL CODE MK ULTRA WARFARE ICE CREAM=314. Thereby, your ice cream is now a Pi ritual and everyone knows that 314 means Pi because you’ve been beating that to death.

Now, that last example was purposefully silly, but if you were part of Hubbard’s old Free To Find Truth blog there was someone that actually spent a significant amount of phraseshopping extra added words like SIGNAL and CODE to produce repeating triple digits.  The Gematrix calculator has a lot of super awkward religious phrases something like HOLY TRINITY BORN OF GOD’S DIVINE JUSTICE TUESDAY just because someone wanted to hit a number they wanted.

There we go.  It’s not just FREEMASONRY  It’s not just SCOTTISH RITE.  It’s not just SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY or ANCIENT SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY.  You don’t get the forced result without adding that ACCEPTED into the decode.  How about you just keep adding modifiers until your brain explodes?

And it gets even better, which scores some points on the subtlety portion of your English test, but fails in the awkward wording storytelling part of the exam.

No, you should consider using a compass to draw A CIRCLE.  Not THE CIRCLE.  But of course just the word CIRCLE, arguably the most natural phrasing, is 32/40 in the reduction methods and A CIRCLE =33/48.  Here you drawing THE CIRCLE makes it sound like it’s the best circle that was ever made.  The most important circle ever.  The one Circle that Sauron created to deceive mankind that they could make sports predictions and guess what’s going to happen in cryptocurrency markets.

Since the claim is made that basics are being addressed it looks like there’s a push to add content for a crop of newbies.  Make no mistake, gematria has always been about pretending to be able to make predictions.  And since people with critical thinking skills don’t word things like SAURON BITCOIN THE ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH CIRCLE SIGNAL CODE ECLIPSE RITUAL and there’s always an “out” to cover the inevitable failure, phraseshopping will keep being a problem.

At least you can spend some time with the shitty ads on the Gematrinator blog.  You might get something in return instead of losing your life savings in the crypto market or placing bets with Draft Kings.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Dwelling In Overwhelming Negativity

I spend a lot of time looking at insincere social media accounts on the major platforms.  They range from what looks to be temporarily misguided accounts that might actually come around if they can get over a few stumbling points to ones that are fairly obviously only existing to spread a wide array of blatant disinformation.

The first of those - I don’t spend a lot of time with.  And that’s a personality fault (cognitive bias) of mine I just can’t seem to get over.  I just can’t seem to muster the energy to spend on trying to help someone that refuses to do actual research on their own, while claiming they are searching through content “researching on their own”.  Yes, years on dwelling in overwhelming negativity can bring a buzz kill to even some of the happiest battles won.

The accounts mired in overwhelming negativity - my Dunning-Kruger (more personal cognitive bias problems) leads me to judge as “guilty until proven innocent”.  Which is a terrible attitude to have.  I would inevitably word something the wrong way trying to help the followers of these incorrectly.  Which is also a terrible thing.  What a lot (and a mean A LOT, like a gazillion metric bitch tons A LOT) of people don’t get is that the counterattack is the desired outcome.  They want to give newbie cult members a convenient target to “debate”.  Which is inevitably a logical fallacy shit fest that creates more background noise while the adults are trying to have an actual debate on an actually debatable topic.  The easiest example from recent history - “Viruses don’t exist”.  There’s far more content that simply makes that statement than even bothers to try putting up a coherent not already thoroughly debunked basis for the claim.

Since I have the experience I do, and if you want a tip I have some tests.  There are things I’ve already mentioned.  Is this person being a hypocrite?  Like do you drop zeroes in gematria like you claim is a rule or leave them in when it suits you?  Are you a “Christian Nationalist” sitting in Congress, espousing how nothing is more important than family values and you are getting a divorce?  Did you talk up how great the Covid researcher is on your radio show, only to later in the pandemic take Ivermectin and give one of the big name purveyors of  vaccine misinformation a platform, talking up how great they are?  Etc….

But I have a new not before mentioned on here test.  I call it the dog test.  Somewhere between the possibly salvageable and “won’t ever shut up because their job is disinformation account”, there is something that usually puts up political info.  They clearly establish they are a real person, using their actual name, show pictures of themselves at political rallies.  Share good mornings with everyone that pops up on their time line.  But they dwell in overwhelming negativity.  There are no puppies.  There’s never, “I had a rough morning, the dog puked on the carpet.”  There’s no, “Oh I’m so sorry!  Send me a picture when he’s better.”  There’s no idle chit chat about the weather, the kids, sports teams.  But I like the dog example the best.

These accounts exist to boost likes and followers to give illusion to actual support of the ideas.  The ideas don’t have much value.  The idea is usually something meaningless like “Fuck you, liberal assholes!!”  That gets 250 likes and 20 retweets the first hour it’s up on Twitter.  The advantage to operating an account such as this - You can’t censor my content you evil social media bastards, I’m a real person!  The downside, you are only playing the Alex Jones elicit an emotional response for engagement game.  And if you are following such an account you have put up a red flag that you are dwelling in overwhelming negativity and you’ll never get a puppy. At least one that you’d treat right.  Pretending to have empathy when you don’t is too much of a burden long term.  The same thing exists in the workplace where dishonest and/of narcissistic folks don’t have patience to maintain the charade beyond a three month probationary period after hiring.

Now go to your local rescue and get a dog or a cat.  Do NOT get a red panda.  They will just pretend to be your friend while plotting against you as they dwell in their overwhelming negativity.

Monday, May 15, 2023

It’s OK To Be Wrong! (No, No It Isn’t)

One of the peculiar psychological aspects of gematria, and an exceedingly damaging one at that, is the mentality of it being perfectly fine to be wrong.  The marketing plan, whether openly admitted or not, is that this secret knowledge will allow you to make predictions.  It doesn’t matter if the it’s OK to be wrong mentality existed before involvement in gematria, or if the cult clique leader of choice egged you on into the belief-helping the tiny sprout of wrongness blossom into a tree of joining the being wrong about everything forest.

It’s severely downplayed now, you really don’t need dozens of different ciphers to “decode” a news story.  Anyone with a tiny bit of talent can operate with just the original four.  But thanks to the Gematrinator the life of the letter and word confirmation bias rules my life groupie it’s way too easy to disregard multiple times being wrong analyzing a single word.

Mathematically and statistically, one is wrong more often than right, even with just the base four ciphers.  For example, the word WRONG = 77, 32, 58, 22.  If you are searching for 58, (because we all know what that means, it’s evil!), you are already wrong three times.  But that’s OK.  You can also play around with prime numbers, transposition, being a hypocrite about whether you drop zeroes or not, even make up your own cipher.  Just to help with that temporary rush of endorphins that one time where you find three distinct words or phrases that matched the magic number of the day.

In the current highly polarized political climate this is a dangerous mindset.  The extreme views on both sides don’t work.  (E.g. the right wants unbridled capitalism with the rich not getting taxed, the left wants everyone to get free money without working for it.). A true long term economic solution almost certainly exists somewhere in the middle.  And our system of checks and balances has morphed into pitfalls and roadblocks.  The extremists on both sides constantly keep their base whipped up into the other side is ALWAYS wrong, our side is ALWAYS right.

And that’s why we have both Qanon and “Blueanon”.  Qanon is easier as they directly embraced use of gematria.  Social media was assaulted by grifters all attempting to sway the confirmation bias commoner into accepting that their particular version of alternate reality is the correct one to separate you from your hard earned money and waste your valuable time.  Blueanon seems to be a reaction where it has got a lot of “well, their wrong about these nutty ideas, so my nutty idea seems a lot more believable”.  

This isn’t a football game where both sides shake hands and come back next year and try again.  This is a “well, they obviously cheated, so I need to lash out and fix this retroactively.”  Taking the L is not an option.

A good part of the reason for this post is the Blueanon reaction to Qanon and how it’s becoming more common.  There is a distinct uptick in content suggesting that since they are liars, it’s ok for me to lie.  I don’t care who the enemy quarterback is, a lie is a lie.  You don’t have to be George Santos obvious - there’s always some kind of negative dirt hiding in your background.  This is why attack ads are far more popular in political campaigns.  And why I’m deeply regretting mention red pandas.

Politically, common people who would be much better off ignoring parties and concentrating on content refuse to take the L (can you say January 6th?). Yep.  It’s pretty much always been that way.  We’re just more exposed to it now with the good ole internet being a ready platform for grifters adding to the confusion.  And now people with no business being involved in political debates are constitutional experts, because the Internet told them so.  The other side is obviously wrong.

Newsflash.  Both sides are wrong.

And it’s not OK to be wrong.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Violent Event Denial

The long lasting legacy of Alex Jones - popularizing the word, that one word, that at this point raises the hackles of those with a decent grasp on reality.  It’s only four letters. But it’s kind of odd looking, so it jumps out at you, even with a cursory glance at the sentences and paragraphs it’s included in.  It’s the ‘x’ that’s in it, I’m pretty sure.  Just reaches out and grabs your attention since it’s not too common.


And since engagement is more important than actual substantive content, and repetition is an effective memory tool, the truthers love to repeat that word ad nauseum.

The classic multi person event is the Holocaust.  The classic single person event is the Kennedy assassination.  Either way, these are famous newsworthy events that the official narrative will be denied.

These are the kinds of things that allow a newbie truther to gain a sense of belonging.  Presentation of a new, even microscopic in significance, detail can gain them attention in their chosen cult of denial.  To sidetrack a bit off topic. Was Covid created as a bio weapon in a lab or a natural mutation?  Once it got out, spread and killed millions, shouldn’t some energy be focused on getting through the worst public health crisis instead of bickering about the origin?

Not to the truther.  It’s more important to whine and complain than actual solutions.  You’re edgy and cool now, and you didn’t even have to get a piercing or buy an exotic pet (I’m partial to red pandas).  You KNOW you’re edgy and cool.  Because some cult leader operating a sock puppet account on social media told you that you’re cool. You’re part of the team.

It starts of slow, liking photoshopped posts, then being encouraged to produce your own posts for continued pats on the back.  Eventually, hey, it’s all for the greater good. Go ahead and start creating your own bogus content. You’re edgy and cool.  Do what you want.

In the meantime, being part of the background noise, you’re interfering with others rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Average-ish people that don’t give a shit about tiny little details on the origin of the virus, they just don’t want to die from it.  And unlike the truther have empathy and don’t want others to die from it.

The Alex Jones method on death.  Instantly declare it a hoax.  Whether a mass shooting or single celebrity passing, produce a massive amount of fake content (this is what the dictionary calls “lying”.  Float it out there, and enough shit on the wall - some of it will stick.

The effectiveness of the method involves lag time.  A shooting is newsworthy.  A celebrity death makes the headlines.  The more legitimate news agencies want to put out something right away.  Until more details arise, there’s a period of time that the truthers, many of them knowing full well the content they put out is bullshit, slam social media to try and keep the bogus narrative alive as long as possible.

Social media’s approach has long been “stop, or I’ll say stop again” as opposed to actually caring about content removal.  Which frankly is the way it should be.  Thinking that the Sandy Hook shooting didn’t play out the way we were told is not illegal.  You have a right to say that you don’t believe it.  But somehow, it’s impossible for them to recognize that there are large numbers of accounts that you just know when death is involved they are instantly going to say it - HOAX.  

All the big names in the circa 2018 gematria era did it.  Riding the coattails of Jones method it was easy to build a following just by going with the flow.  The same way a person targeted by a toxic narcissist in the work place becomes narcissistic supply, well if I keep stroking their ego they will put in a good word for me and I get a raise.  Or, at least I won’t get fired for challenging them.

Hubbard doesn’t seem too keen on giving the rotating flock of loyalists monetary raises.  He’s much more interested in keeping that for himself.  Getting them to do his dirty work as free advertisement.  Then when he finally gets called out weeks or months later dedicating some effort to posting content about how they are just a troll and even suggest they should be unalived.  Which is very much borrowed from the Alex Jones method.  Doesn’t matter.  There will be more 15 year olds joining social media that don’t want a red panda for coolness.  There will be more mass shootings.  Just need to get them trained on the lingo for a couple of weeks.

Violent event denial lingo:
Hoax, crisis actor, agent, false flag, psy-op, ritual sacrifice and any text in quotes indicating sarcasm like “attack”.  If your little boys and girls are dropping these terms, they probably aren’t just denying a single shooting.  They’ve joined the Every Shooting is a Hoax Club.  And by wearing the beginners “I have a severe cognitive bias problem” badge they are targeted to join the rabbit hole of all the other bad ideas.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

What To Expect When Aliens Discover Earth

 If they haven’t already.

When the Great Filter discussions and thought experiments are made, they never factor much about human psychological aspects.  The most you get is a vague “intelligent life itself is the filter”.  Meaning that life is so competitive we are self destructive.

So what if we were visited by aliens?  A rich source of fiction surrounds the diametrically opposed views of:

1). Kill us/enslave us to take our resources.

2). They are also awestruck that intelligent life outside their own exists and wouldn’t it be fun to cooperate and be friends?

#2 is clearly out of the question.  The conspiracy theorist operates in a world of actively keeping the planet in a constant state of turmoil, whether they actually realize it or not.  The rich and powerful don’t give a shit about anything but maintaining being rich and powerful.  Bored out of their minds that being born into a life of privilege and having the quest for resources bypassed, they seek the one thing that the money can’t directly buy.

Attention.  And since the conspiracists operate by making their grift a cult - promotion of bad ideas is rewarded, promotion of anything resembling empathy is attacked, the rich and powerful have a ready source of pseudo-slave labor.  Fanboys love to pick shitty role models who will do anything for attention.  Start a pointless war on a whim.  Buy a social media site for the lulz.  Suggest that surgery to make your booty more luscious is what all females must strive for, etc….

Flying a fleet of warships across huge distances to steal our chemicals?!?  Nonsense. There a going to be more space rocks a lot closer to get minerals from.  If the aliens are that far advanced they’d more likely have a method of turning less useful stuff into more useful stuff we currently can’t comprehend.  If they don’t have super duper faster than light travel, we might have figured out how, oh hell, I don’t know, make bombs out of carbon ashes in a few million years.  Because that’s the kind of things our governments do.  Hey, scientist that made a way to clean up swamp water into potable drinking water.  That’s all well and good.  Somebody is going to make money off this.  I’d like to be in on that first stock issue.  But in the meantime, how the fuck do I kill somebody with clean drinking water?  And somebody will find a way because they will get attention.  It’s what we do.

As for slave labor, humans make shitty slaves.  Strangely, those enslaved do not enjoy being enslaved.  There is a distinct lack of cooperation in the human species.  Every civilization has had problems with getting too big for its britches and imploding.  There’s always too many people that don’t want to cooperate, stirring up trouble, looking for attention.  It’s vastly more difficult to get attention while being enslaved.  Or so I’ve been told.  No, the way to go is to be the enslaver, not the enslaved.

So what exactly does this mean to our tiny little piece of rock that probably has a bit more going for it in the raw materials being turned into useful stuff?  The Great Filter is cooperation.  Only by finding a common ground can life peacefully coexist with itself.  An advanced civilization out there among the stars must have figured that out.  Therefore, upon finding us they have two basic options.

1).  Ignore us as being to trivial to waste their time on us.

2).  And this is where it gets scary.  Monitor us to see if we become a threat.  “Hey Florg, they have nuclear weapons!!”  “Hey, Skizinx, don’t be a dumbass.  Do they have hyperdemocracy yet?  Of course not.  Get back to me when you’ve got real news!!”

And then one day we create hyperdemocracy, having overcome our near self destruction by the Great Clean Drinking Water Wars.  “HEY FLORG!!!!   Who’s the dumbass ass now?!  They have hyperdemocracy now!!”  “Alright, calm down. Skizo, what about super duper quantumdemocracy?”  

“Not yet.  But they finally stopped electing total douchebags as political leaders.”

“Oh holy mother fucking black hole singularity SHIT!!!”

And then they realize the time has come.  Having already figured long ago wasting resources on a fleet of starships was not on option.  Just to make sure we don’t revert to our warlike stupidity and can remain aloof in their quantumdemocracy life of utopian leisure and not being enslaved, they hold their most important Grandificent Council Meeting.  Where it’s decided to nudge the Earth backwards with their faster than light massless ray weapons.

“Those that nearly kill each other with clean drinking water are a threat we cannot take a chance on.  We must disrupt them, return them to their confirmation bias attention whore ways.”


Saturday, May 6, 2023


The birth of gematria grifting is in part due to how much misinformation there is about vaccinations.  There isn’t much to rival health issues for being a constant source of opposing (stupid) views that seek to take advantage of those that refuse to take a time out and listen to actual medical experts.  Which means there a lot of practice out there for there grifters to use as a starting point.

Vaccinations are the victim of their own success.  And COVID-19 was a perfect demonstration of how woefully - psychologically -  unprepared global society is in trying to deal with a pandemic.  If you paid attention to actual experts you would have realized that the planet was actually long overdue for a major, new public health crisis.  The previous crises were so long ago the pandemic newbies who failed science class don’t have actual experience with the death and debilitating long term effects of some of the more notable vaccine mitigated diseases.

Health disinformation grifting follows the basic pattern of:

1). Discredit experts

2). Provide alternative information 

3). Make fundraiser for alternative 

4). Aggressively market alternative

Since people are not traveling around in wagons town to town selling snake oil anymore, the marketing is now on social media.  Being scared of nasty diseases that are mostly just a vague memory is a valid viewpoint, and not trusting vaccinations a undesirable yet understandable consequence.  However, the marketing is targeting the same group of cognitively damaged people, torn in different directions on which fundraiser is the best solution.

Gematria as practiced today is clearly self contradictory.  Always being allowed to ignore being wrong is self delusional.  Being wrong about vaccinations, now you’re interfering with others survival and health.  The gematria cliques tend to hang with just their clique.  Throw out an easily manufactured two or three digit number and you’ll get different commentary from the sports enthusiast, the spiritualist, the crypto bro and the personal synchronicity enthusiast.  Finding a common consensus within a single clique much less all cliques combined is impossible.

At least the anti vaccination crowd doesn’t pretend they can make predictions too much.  They do have a wide array of alternative beliefs that have their own cliques.  So like gematria having no consensus on what’s going on there’s no anti vaccination consensus.  It’s dependent on the disinformers fundraiser, which may even change over time thanks to memory holing.

Here are some often incompatible anti vaccination topics.  They can often be found by using the friend of the friend test if not directly in a social media account that fairly obviously is just spreading bad information:

Viruses don’t exist

Viruses exist but the current virus is a hoax

The virus isn’t dangerous, but the vaccination is what kills you

Vaccinations are to force people to submit to government authority

Vaccine side effects are worse than the disease

There’s something dangerous in the vaccine ingredients

Vaccines travel from one person to another (shedding)

When you see these types of statements think “WARNING WILL ROBINSON!!!  Danger!”  Is this person and his circle of “friends” trying to claim contradictory things like

The virus is just the common cold - and - virology is a lie?  Or, vaccines will kill everyone by <date> - and - there’s a nano chip in the vax to control your mind?

And do look for the fundraiser red flag.  “Viruses don’t exist, eat healthy and workout, you’ll be fine.  My book is available on Amazon!!!”  “Fauci lied and should be in jail, join my Patreon and you’ll get exclusive first looks at my blog and upcoming podcasts!!”

As I said, the discrediting the experts path for health issue grifting is a well traveled road.  Scam diet fads, pseudo-science alternative medicine, supplements.  These things have been around for a long time.  Viruses will do what they do best.  Mutate and bypass the human bodies immune system and be a problem.  There will be another global health crisis (unless global warming finishes us off first).  When that happens, there will be grifting.  The only question is when it happens next, not if.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Thar Cumin’ To Git Ar - Well, Pretty Much Everything

In the so called Truth Community, the psychological projection is fucking relentless.  A semi regular reminder - at its core projection operates on the “I’m rubber your glue” principle.  Merely getting in the first shot is far more important than actually having a coherent argument, and endless petty bickering about non issues ensues.  There are two basic forms “I’m <positive>, you are my opponent, therefore it follows you are <negative>.  Since conspiracy theorists dwell in the world of constantly being factually wrong, the other format prevails.  Usually without the negative being said, as it’s psychologically implied - “You are fat and ugly.”  Therefore by default I am not fat and ugly, even though I’m hideous.  More directly to the point - “I am a truth seeker, therefore you are a lying piece of shit.”

Sovereign citizens are firmly anti-government.  I’m special, therefore your society rules don’t apply to me.  Often I see that they tend to just focus on the government of the country they reside in, but this extends to complaints about the so-called “global elites”.  That is, when they aren’t yammering on about a fictitious cabal and the Illuminati.  As there are tons of average-ish people trying to muddle through their mundane lives, the conspiracists drag down the quality of life by insisting that it’s ok for Sovs to not pay heed to society’s rules, and if you are just going to be a sheep then I’m obviously better than you.

Sovs, as firmly anti-government, are far more likely to be pro gun.  The evil government is trying to take them, and the 2nd Amendment says you can’t.  But it’s not just the guns, the evil government is trying to take away our free speech.  You can’t censor me just for telling the truth!!  That’s Alex Jones rhetoric.  And while you’re here listening to Infowars, the evil government is trying to take away everything from you.  So, buy some protein powder and that will solve everything.  And here’s some lovely militia groups in the chat.  What could possibly go wrong with infringing on average-ish sheeples rights along the way?

Here are some things Sovs actually do and have down.

 Court - Admiralty Law, etc... 

There's a lot of weird stuff about how courts don’t apply to Sovs since they tip their hand they aren’t legitimate courts, like “fringe on the flags means it’s Admiralty Law”.  Or it’s a foreign government.  Or the government is a corporation and commercial law applies.  Or whatever else they heard that supposedly means the court holding their case doesn’t count in regards to whatever they did wrong.  Spoiler alert - it never works.  Sovs are more likely to deny counsel and try to defend themselves. Spoiler alert - that never ends well.  In fact, the sovereign citizen movement is 50+ years old, and since it’s never worked, as soon as the lingo shows up they instantly lose, courts being so fed up with their time being wasted.

Name changes
In the never ending contradictions in the conspiracy world there is overlap, and this also applies to court cases.  Now, you are either not violating a law because you are in the commercial court since the government is a corporation, or you are talking about the wrong person.  This paragraph gets a special shout out because it’s a bit sillier.  You’ve got the wrong man, because my name is JOHN SMITH, not the “John Smith” on my birth certificate. Or John Smith, not the “John Howard Smith” on my birth certificate.  Etc…. My birth certificate is illegitimate, because you aren’t my government.

Traffic stops
The go to fundraiser for Sovs is a seminar.  Get a couple hundred people at a couple hundred bucks each to park their butts in a seat and teach them useless tricks for getting out of trouble you got into…that don’t work.  What you’re doing wrong is that you didn’t announce your Sov status properly - you need a special license plate!  So there’s a nice side gig of paperwork and license plates to have a bogus get out of jail free card.  What actually happens?  Naturally you get pulled over for an illegitimate license plate.  Then if we’re all lucky you resist arrest and lots of law enforcement time and resources are wasted.

Don't pay taxes
Well news flash, the actual number of people that enjoy paying taxes is about zero.  But this is the big one.  Just like a gambling addict confronting gematria for the first time, there’s likely a potential Sov confronted with not having to pay taxes for the first time.  Curiously, a state funded fire department putting out the fire at their house is just fine.  But, only as long as someone else pays for it. In the US, the IRS is trained to recognize the Sov lingo and instantly classify them as a contentious non payer.  Taxes being hated like guns and uncensored speech being adored are universal, and not wanting to pay taxes is not going away.  There’s a lag time between recognition that non payment is counter productive and when the “bright” idea was fed to you at that seminar you paid $300.  Once it catches up to you the problem is magnified with late penalties and interest.  This applies to all taxes so it’s not just your income tax.  Real estate tax collectors have to put up with this nonsense, too.

Don't pay anything
So you bought that sweet F350 you had your eye on for awhile and you didn’t count on getting laid off?  That seminar said it wasn’t legitimate debt!  Woo Hoo!  Free vehicle!  Why stop there?  Those utility bills - utilities are government regulated!! Gotcha!  Sov ringleaders will throw out non payment of anything, because of course everything should be free in our Utopian world.
I’m not going to link it, since the Wikipedia article is easily found.  There is a correlation between non payment spurred on Sov thinking and terroristic threats.  What’s outside the scope of Wikipedia is how the grifting on the internet is a never ending quest to pull away someone from one clique into the clique you have.  Since none of the get rich quick schemes ever work, there are multitudes of other bad ideas to pick from.  There are now, always have been, always will be grifters looking for an easy source of cognitively impaired marks.  There are social media accounts that are designed to literally promote a wide array of disinformation just to see which shit thrown out there sticks on the wall.  Getting lost in the inevitable hypocrisy and contradictions is the “rabbit hole” people keep talking about.  

Monday, May 1, 2023

Sovereign Citizens - Thar Cumin’ Ta Take Ar Guns!!

In the United States, the issue of gun control is extremely divisive.  Therefore, it’s perfect for grift magnetism.  As a reminder, recently we touched on some background, and if you’re new here, there are a few posts to glance.  I will take some space up with getting more political, philosophical and preachy than I normally do, therefore this is heavily opinionated instead of sourced proven facts.

When life is properly viewed as a competition for resources, there are two basic approaches.  Make stuff to use.  Or take stuff others made.  In a more peaceful society there’s a balance of making some kind of valuable product and taking the stuff other people made in an agreed upon exchange of value for value.  Naturally, some are better at this than others, which is fine.  But across the spectrum there are plenty who make it their mission to clearly take more than they give, even to the point of saying, “I’m just taking your stuff, and you get nothing.”

Our technology has advanced so much that the tools for taking make it easier and easier for the takers.  During the Cold War era post WWII, there was a global boom in education, the more functional societies determined to do what it takes to keep pace with the bad guys determined to take your stuff.  Every major tech improvement has government’s thinking, “Ok, this using lasers to play a copy of a movie is cool, but seriously, how do I kill someone with this?”  And the reply, “Hmmm….I can make money off this, so yeah sure…I found just what you’re looking for.”  Social media is more indirect.  It’s all fun and games until you get tired of Farmville and want to hang with that group that has violent tendencies.

In the old days, a society would be isolated enough that if they chose a bad idea to the solution of a problem it didn’t affect anyone but themselves.  God is angry?  Through a virgin into the volcano!” Then when the crops still fail because the plant disease wasn’t cured, or they die out completely because the plague didn’t end - game over.  Thanks for playing.  Proper science builds on mistakes, learning what was wrong, fixing it for next time.

Technology has been all about getting more resources with less human input.  In theory this is fine when trying to feed hungry populations.  Sadly, attention is underrated as a resource being competed for.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Debating the tough issues is good.  But when the debate generates into “shut up or I’ll kill you”, we no longer have a debate.  We have a skirmish that could blow up into a war.  People do a shitty job of hero worship.  People who are clearly takers instead of makers rise to the top of the food chain by getting fake credibility to their bad ideas.

Enter somebody like Alex Jones.  Decades of “how dare you infringe on my constitutional right to defend myself” getting twisted into “how dare you infringe on my constitutional right to take your stuff and infringe on other peoples constitutional rights!!”

Sovereign Citizens existed long before Alex, and universally show the lack of empathy of the takers of the world.  More on this in the next part, but needless to say there’s a word for a society of all takers - anarchy.  A society where everyone exposes the Jesuits because they are rigging sports games?  How exactly does that work?  Who runs the sewage treatment plant?  Who cuts the grass in the HOA?  Did you pick up on the silly logically fallacious idea there?  Sound stupid?  Yes, I’m coming off like a low grade moron.

That’s what you get when bad ideas thrown out there get attention.  As a non gematria example - let’s throw out a Scientology historical nugget.  L. Ron made books and bought them.  Just to keep them on the best seller list.  Whoa!!  A hot seller!! This must be good!!  Eventually this lead to numerous human rights violations and the implosion of the cult.  Which still amassed enough money that they’ll be a pain in the ass for some time.

And somebody else will come up with something.  It may sound ridiculous, but there are some things we can count on:

1). It will take advantage of weapons and computers (which may be synonymous) as great equalizers.  Everyone’s a bad ass.  Everyone’s super smart.

2). Somebody with a clear lack of empathy will start talking to people with poor critical thinking skills.

3). The smart people with empathy will be discredited, in advance because psychological projection is one of the top orders of the day.

4). Innocent people just trying to get by will suffer.

I promise that this is out of my system for awhile, next up - the actual sovereign citizen beliefs.  Which is apparently summarized as “how dare you infringe on my constitutional right to not be a part of society except when it’s convenient.”