Saturday, June 22, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Cult Speak

 Storied - How Cults Use Language To Control

I can’t say I’ve been paying enough attention to my Storied YouTube channel subscription as I should.  For me it’s always been a fun channel.  Instead of looking for my usual suspects and what, if anything, is at least mildly different and topical in the world of Internet grift it represents “touching a little grass”.  Getting away and listening to a quick video about some old mythical creature and its impact on literature.  (If you think Santa Claus and the commercialization of Christmas is bad, you really don’t want to know the trauma Iceland puts its kids through with their Yule Cat - )

I know dozens of gematria accounts, a mix of those that qualify as true believers and those that are disinformation artists, that would insist this is some amazing synchronicity.  That my fun channel takes a break and makes a video just for me.  Something that ties together my love of a good book or movie and touching grass with hoping to wake people to how scammers use loaded language to entice targets into the fold.  <sarcasm font> Because certainly, I am the most important thing that’s ever happened to this planet.</sarcasm font>.

Kidding aside, what I can count on is that the YouTube algorithm ignored how I’ve been away from the channel for a good bit where I wasn’t getting notified of new material and did recognize that this would be something I’d be particularly interested in.  No fun Christmas cats mauling children for not being productive enough, right for the throat with how cults, MLM scams, and conspiracy grifters go at using words as a weapon.

Years ago I rated gematria cliques as not a cult but with a lot of cult characteristics.  Not so much anymore as the top names use the top cult tactics regularly.  At the top of the list is that instead of an immortal deity, a human who to the rational world is obviously flawed is considered to be divine and unable to ever be mistaken..  And they tell you about it.  Every single day.  Every day there’s a new video.  Every day the new video has to go over the basics instead of relying on everyone being there willingly and knowing what’s going on.  Social media doesn’t mind at all that tricking somebody into watching something that wasn’t really what they thought it would be happens every day.  And the gematria account’s existence owes it to the daily bad news trickery.  The click bait titles combined with the cross pollination of outside non gematria interests spreads misinformation throughout the digital ecosystem.  Most of the pollen misses, but like actual pollen by math and sheer force of numbers some of it takes root.

And then the next step in the pyramid is to personalize some Attaboy!TM content.  Dear leader proclaims you to be worthy.  “Hey everyone, Joe is doing great work in the community.  Subscribe to his channel!”  And fast forward to Joe getting doubts.  Hey, exactly what is up with how every single number is something evil?  What’s up with the contradictions, lies, hypocrisy and attack videos?

You’re not using discernment.  The loaded language to shut down dissenting opinions as you’re getting dangerously close to escaping the trap.

In regards to the Alex Jones bankruptcy I’m on Team Connecticut and having him shut down ASAP.  But if Team Texas gets their way and it’s more money for the plaintiffs I’ll have to live with that.  Although the head of the snake has been addressed the body is still writhing around.  The material to train new cult members and leaders is out there.  It’s being studied by the next Jim Jones wannabe.  And until we fully train Christmas cats to kill cult snakes it’s going to be an ongoing problem.  The food source of misinformation and how to utilize it has been around for a very, very long time.

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