Monday, June 17, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Uh…Grifting

It wasn’t always this way.  Back when Zach ran his Free to Find Truth (Fee to Find Misinformation) blog the sports content was openly posted in the midst of the Illuminati/NWO/Freemasons are ruining the world content.  Eventually he got trolled enough he abandoned it and started fresh with Gematria Effect News (Gematria Defect Skews) and created his Patreon page.

The Patreon always had a tier set up.  That’s kind of the point of Patreon, getting more money from your followers means offering better swag for the higher paying followers.  The set up of his Patreon has us wondering about some questionable things.

The $1 tier seems to be entirely pointless.  Reading through the post titles it’s sports (locked), sports (locked), sports (locked), etc….  As far as the eye can see, over and over.  Strangely, sports betting grifting requires posting about sports, so you could encourage direct donations to avoid the Patreon fees to administrate the accounting.  There’s no extra perc, no value other than if you really like his actually totally free abrasive and annoying YouTube and other social media content you can throw him $12 per year.  (Less administrative fees.)

The $2 tier is the same as the $1 tier, faster.  Your bank account gets reduced with no value in return at twice the rate as before.  This tier is perfect for Russian election interference to astroturf his numbers and keep him interested in posting disinformation.  The description is EXACTLY the same as the $1 tier, except the part about it being $2 per month.

The $5 tier is the only one that should really exist.  That’s the meat and potatoes of the grift.  Put out free social media content, funnel the user to the Patreon.  Get him to cough up $60 per year for a couple of years.  Maybe even get some bonus time for lazy people not canceling their subscriptions long after they’ve moved on.  And this tier is ruined by the promise of non sports content.  What, you mean you get the non sports content that never appears on the Patreon?  Shocking.  He’s gotten so lazy that not only is non sports content posted on his sports YouTube channel, he’ll post the same video to his sports channel and his news channel.  Just to make sure someone new to the party doesn’t miss.  Your $5 gets you nothing but sports, free from the shaky cover ups for his picks would get him on Facebook or Twitter.  This tier is perfect to phish out the newcomers that get extra attention, personalized Attaboys!TM to draw them further into the my sports picks don’t make me rich my getting donations do rabbit hole.

The $8 tier is completely laughable and really delving openly into the fraud territory.  Not only is it advertised as a kind of 501c charity that likely doesn’t actually do any charitable work (including all the actual charity things like filing for a federal EIN) the Zachary on the Corner YouTube channel hasn’t had a new video in over a year.  $96 a year for no additional content.  And signs listed in the description?  Doesn’t even exist except on Cloudflare giving you an error message.  Which seems like it could possibly mean they’ve flagged it for being questionable.  Hopefully the owners of the sign business at the .com extension haven’t had any problems being associated with this being so close.

$11 tier - finally getting something for the extra money.  That would be “extra” once you get past that apparently the “all future sports content” in the $5 tier doesn’t include NFL livestreams.  Without NFL picks there’s no point.  People are crazy stupid when it comes to NFL gambling.  This tier is perfect for convincing someone to switch over from just $5 per month to over double that, hence the phishing expeditions for the $5 tier newbies.  Because it’s not going to take multiple seasons for them to figure out something is amiss.

$20 tier so he can hire somebody.  That empty promise has been way overused.  This tier is perfect for the wannabe coattailing grifter that wants to strike out on their own and is dumb enough to think they can actually partner with this notorious thrower of bodies under the bus.  At least if he does hire someone they can finally fix the typo with the stray period in the description.

$100 for supporting travel.  As much fun as it is to see him go out of town and get roughly treated by private security or ignored by the police, I’ll pass.  By his own admission the last trips have been less than successful.  These have always been like a networking social event during a work seminar.  The chance to get a temporary association going to look for new blood.  And actually getting to events is a long car ride for someone on the no fly list.  (Not saying that’s Zach, the other people are that type.)  And there’s always the story about the girlfriend not liking it, so your $1200 a year may not bear fruit.  It might get you an upgrade to a new fake Zach girlfriend who does approve.  

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