Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Know Your Conspiracy Tactics - Appeal To Limited Pattern Recognition

Building on what was posted yesterday regarding updating and updating.

You do need a basic framework to operate off of to have something to work from.  You literally can’t update without an infrastructure.  And consider yourself lucky if you were absent from the social media nightmare years of the lead up to Trump’s election and the aftermath we’re suffering from today, and likely quite a while to come.

In gematria camps, the pro gematria lingo served as a sort of dog whistle, and still does.  If you were talking about decoding all your gematria clan knew you were talking about gematria.  And the other associated phrases served the same purpose.  Your ciphers, Illuminati, NWO and other catchwords didn’t just become lingo for gematria alone.  It came to mean right wing politics.  And not just right wing, quite often extremist right wing.  Which is actually more anti-left wing as opposed to pro right wing, because that’s the content that sells on social media in the Alex Jones method.

In the gematria world there is acknowledgment of the “double coding in sports”.  Which isn’t wrong.  Everything can always mean not just some neutral and different thing in gematria, it’s always easy to concoct the opposite meaning.  Which leaves you with the narrator’s right wing message for the only context, skewed heavily towards liberal bashing.

And what if gematria isn’t your thing because so many other YouTube accounts use it and you really really need some attention?  Transvestigation where literally every celebrity is the opposite of their actual gender is taken.  There’s people talking about symbolism via hand gestures and clothing colors that could mean anything but the message is always right wing, those niches are already filled.   Heck, even the weird shot in the sky crowd = chemtrails = angry doomsday preppers = super duper pro guns is right wing. You need to appeal to limited pattern recognition skills to make those work. 

Well somebody found something a little different.  So you the aspiring attention whore or grifter can put some energy into trying something new.  It doesn’t seem to be wildly popular now but Notnilc is a thing.  And from my initial review it seems to be a “everything is tue opposite of what you’re told” thing.  The psychological projection of presenting the wrong answer to justify the opposite or at least a different result to what actual evidence fact checkers would present.  It fits right in with the other stuff. That’s not a contrail it’s a chemtrail.  It’s not Michelle, it’s Mike.  It’s not HUBBARD = 56, it’s SOCIETY OF JESUS = 56.  It’s you wearing purple because you like the color purple, but when the arbitrary scapegoat wears purple they sacrifice babies.  It’s Lady Gaga making a hand gesture to signal her demon overlords, but if you do it (because every hand position is evil) you just never even notice.  That’s how limited your pattern recognition skills are.

And the Notnilc content has their right wing arbitrary scapegoat selection covered, because like a new entrant to the conspiracy rabbit hole, you may notice it’s Clinton spelled backwards.  Purposefully selected as a slam on anything remotely left.  The first in the club joke to get you started on the years long worth of other Notnilc content out there.  If a neutral name were chosen like “Field Inversion Spiritualism” and the content was strictly occult, weird, and maybe the account sells some magic crystals and candles that’s not too bad.  But as soon as it becomes Notnilc you’re already treading on the disinformation border like.

It will come as no surprise to readers of this that gematria believers can be and are also Notnilcers. (By the way Nilc is pronounced like  NOT-NILK, the second syllable rhyming with milk).  I’m sure there will(iam clinton) be some lovely shill game content over the next several years as gematria leaders fight with Notnilc gurus over market share of the political grifting pie.  The supply of just the right amount of limited pattern recognition skills targets is not infinite.  They’re just noisier than most people and it seems that way.

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