Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Copying the Playbook


Little Sally opens up a lemonade stand.  Being just five years old, Mom is the one actually making the lemonade.  Mom thinks it’s neat that Sally is blossoming into a fabulous entrepreneur and keeps up with it.  Sally’s friends take notice and make their own lemonade stands.  And the entire operation comes to a close because the market is saturated with lemonade stands and not enough purchasers lured in by Sally’s cuteness that are willing to keep buying lemonade just for the cuteness.

Sally’s friends are not doing it because of the soundness of the business model.  Not all of their parents are willing to do the actual work to make the product.  Some of their lemonade may be superior to Sally’s, some worse.  But lemonade has some defined limits on what actually makes it lemonade.  And in our story they are not scamming, they are just riding on coattails and mimicking what someone else did first.

Sports decoders using gematria.  The bread and butter of the social media gematria grift.  Their lemonade is not actually lemonade.  Their product is marketed as lemonade, but it’s actually selling “You can make lemonade if you buy my secrets to how to make a successful lemonade stand”.  And instead of just passively garnering mimics it’s actively thrown in the faces of potential clients.

@AceGematria shows all the red flags of the dime a dozen sports gematria grifters peppered throughout social media.  Actively berating non gematria sports gamblers for not using the secrets of his lemonade stand.  A relatively new account (April 2024) that’s already encountered the one magic question that is all that really needs to be asked, “If you’re lemonade is so f*ijg grest, why aren’t you the king of lemonade taking in billions of dollars from your lemonade empire?”  How about because our unoriginal copycat saw what has been posted by an uncaring social media business and realized that right or wrong about the outcome it would be worth a try to make some easy money by starting a Patreon and make the usual false claims about a magical money making idea.

A true barometer of the talent of a new gematria sports decoder is the quality of the inevitable excuses when challenged on the problems with the system.  And Ace is off to a less than stellar start with the lack of originality.  Copying the previous excuses has been done before.  That’s part of the lemonade stand package.  “The games are double coded.”  “They changed the script to make me (and only me) look bad.”  Although I’m willing to give a quarter of a point for calling it a fade, I haven’t seen it called that before.  And he’s been challenged on posting his wins on Twixter.  After the fact. “Oh, the picks are on my Patreon hours before the games.”  The Patreon that has a free tier with no picks, then price points of $20ish, $30ish and $100ish a month before you find out how all the games are literally double coded and he’s wrong 50% of the time.   Big yawn.  The quality of your excuses suck.  Put a little sugar in that lemonade if you want more customers.  You know, some grifters actually make regular YouTube videos and have mastered the added sugar?  At least they’re TRYING.  Of course, that would require exposing your face to the public unless you want the overhead cost of deep faking your videos.  Good luck getting a real job after your side hustle exposes you for your shitty lemonade.

Oh, name calling.  NPC is the newest synonym for sheep.  Nice.  That’s a sure fire way to get repeat business as opposed to, say, actually making quality lemonade.

The actual product is what Barnum said.  You know the way you suck on a lemon slice and it makes your mouth pucker up?  There’s a sucker born every minute.  The product you’re getting is at best training other people to make more lemonade stands.  The product is based off the ingredient of, My god people are fucking stupid.

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