Friday, June 28, 2024

The Gematria of the Debate

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What a difference four to eight years can make.  Sure there’s some tiny little burblings about some of the oddball stuff.  But Twixter is relatively speaking a deserted wasteland in regards to fake gematria evidence.  Using our favorite trick of searching for <keyword> + GEMATRIA for “gematria debate” there’s just one thing worth talking about.  And it doesn’t revolve around the actual debate.

It’s not a topic that is going to get widespread attention and needs to be constantly debunked and prebunked.  And we do love it when Hoaxer grifting shoots itself in the foot by posting something that directly shows how useless their content is for real life practical value.

Real presidential debates are relatively meaningless in regards to policies and other stuff of importance.  Going back to Kennedy and Nixon it’s been more about who puts on the best show instead of the content.  For instance if either candidate actually used gematria in the debate that would instantly show their mental unfitness for office.  Despite all their bluster about how great it is those that use it for grift want the gravy train to keep rolling along and don’t want their guy to be properly viewed as a complete dumbass.  Actual gematria debates are more like this:

That’s about sports decoding and that exemplifies the best Gematria can do.  You call me retarded.  I have to call you a poopyhead in return.  Don’t make me break out the calculator and prove it!  Although we will give him a half a point for trying.  The previous retort was dung beetle which is rather ordinary and expected.  Calling somebody dumber than a blueberry muffin, now that’s quality creativity in action.  If a bully asked for my lunch money and hurled a blueberry epithet at me I’d give it, run home and get every penny I had and give that, then beat myself up.

Because that’s the way gematria debates end up.  It’s fun for the master of tactics designed to win arguments instead of being right.  But on a bigger stage beyond the view of the diehard believers that don’t care about lies and hypocrisy it just makes you look bad.  And our Antichrist identifier had in one quick post made the entire gematria community look bad.  It’s meant to take a stab at two people and gives us yet another fine example of what happens with dipshitmatic immunity . The dipshit original poster of a comment is immune to the negative gematria that results from the opposite consequences of the intent.  Psychologically making them immune to all the inevitable negative gematria that can be pointed out about their own name and life.

He’s not wrong.  The phrases are equivalent in the same cipher.  And this is exactly the problem with the debating point.  By a happy or unhappy coincidence depending on your viewpoint, TRUMP and BIDEN both equal 29 in reverse reduction.  It doesn’t matter what the prelude is before insertion of the name.  It doesn’t matter if the content is for or against the chosen name.  A simple substitution and the cool guy becomes the villain or the douchebag becomes the hero.  Just be ready for the lame “discernment” defense when you point this out and you’re out of the woods to debunking your first political gematria post.  You may want it too be more involved and intellectual, but remember what was said about calling these people Hoaxers instead of conspiracy theorists.  Sometimes simpler is better than a lot of flash and deep thought.

There’s lots of names and words out there that have matching gematria in a single cipher.  Lots of chances for one guy to be turned from GOAT to sacrificial goat.  If your preteen wants to gamble on sports with gematria this is a pretty easy starting point on the road to not getting into the rabbit hole too far.  Let’s summarize it here:

Qanon is pro Trump and Anti Biden

Qanon uses gematria as proof of Trump being good

Qanon makes “real political pundits” look bad by using baseless  conspiracy gematria evidence.

Trump and Biden have matching gematria in the same cipher.

Logically there’s no evidence that the gematria distinguishes one from the other.

Therefore, logically gematria is fake evidence and useless.

Just be sure to dumb it down or smarten it up as needed to tailor it to your kid.  They’ll be much safer and happier on social media talking about puppies, rainbows, butterflies and blueberry muffins.

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