Monday, June 10, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Continuing Education Training

If you’ve been lucky enough to keep a job for more than a couple of months you may have encountered being required to take a course or go to a seminar.  They try to make them as fun as possible.  The gold standard is that lunch needs to be included as part of the price.  Although they tend to be boring as the main function is to suck money as opposed to actually educating.

Another way to search for red flags in the online grifter community is to look at changes.  Maybe your go to methods of searching out fresh targets aren’t working anymore.  It could be because the bigger influencers at the top of the food chain have been giving ongoing educational assistance.  And by the nature of the pyramid scheme it’s got the same “educational value” as the boring seminar - instruct and demand your sheep to do something just because you said so.

These instructions are very culty and a source of cognitive dissonance.  Part of the attraction is you are a member of an exclusive and enlightened team.  You know the buzzwords the outsiders don’t.  And you’ve used your limited pattern recognition skills to at least get the basics down on the right lingo to use in your echo chamber.  And being told not to use that lingo when talking to outsiders?  What’s up with that?

A great example is the Qanon, “There is no Qanon” phase.  All of a sudden once Qanon was mentioned Qanons started parroting, “There’s Q.  There are Anons.  There is no Qanon.”  Ummm…yes.  Yes there is.  And now there’s a subtle change in the gematria activity on Twitter.

The cult lingo is DECODE.  That’s the catch phrase that makes the newcomer feel smarter than they really are.  A puzzle has been presented, a message was encoded and you need to decode it.  Now a few uses of CODE instead of DECODE are being thrown in.

Decode, like other gematria lingo, has been overused.  To the point where lots of normies can search for decode, do a quick check for context and verify an entire social media account is unserious nonsense.  This change in lingo also coincides with reduced use of the actual word, GEMATRIA.

At least grammatically coding is more accurate to describe what’s done instead of decoding.  A speech was given.  A string of words spoken were converted to numbers and cross matched with a list of cult lingo and proclaimed to be meaningful while a gazillion non cult words could apply as well.  You’ve muddied the waters and encoded, not decoded it.  Good job.  You get a cookie.

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