Friday, June 21, 2024

A Tale of Four Lists

It’s been a reasonably busy year for celebrity deaths.  I realize that the internet compilations of celebrity deaths have a standard of qualifications as a celebrity.  But even if I limit it to what I personally consider to be a big celebrity it’s pretty busy.  And it’s my blog, so I get to decide on how much typing I need to do:

Here’s the list of deaths of celebrities in 2024 that were credibly predicted well in advance using gematria:


And here’s a list of gematria ritual sacrifices posted in blogs and videos that I’ve personally seen:

Donald Sutherland, Willie Mays, Jerry West, Richard Lewis, Dabney Coleman, OJ Simpson, Toby Keith, Morgan Spurlock, David Soul

And a list of who else that would have been a ritual sacrifice except they weren’t deemed important enough by the outrage porn content creators:

Every other celebrity that died, except the next list

Should have been a sacrifice, but I missed it;

Roger Corman

Corman single-handedly made the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game two degrees.  If you’re looking for bullshit connections he ties into everyone else in Hollywood easily.

They used to try every once in awhile.  If you’re betting out the outcome of sports games with gematria decodes you’re trying to predict.  And when you’ve been psychologically conditioned to be morbidly fascinated with celebrities being declared to be ritual sacrifices you start to fantasize about predicting the day they’ll die.  Except that conditioning also makes you wait until dear leader puts out the official video declaring that it was indeed a sacrifice.

There’s some etiquette involved here.  It’s bad manners to put out the decode you know is coming when a top tier celebrity croaks.  But if you really need that Attaboy!TM you are absolutely hot stuff if you’re first to point out in the comments section on YouTube:  Donald Sutherland just died!

Keep your eyes out for those.  These are cult members deeply invested in a need for approval.  You can tell a hard core cult member by who wildly inappropriate the comment is.  That’s not the insensitive and brutish lack of decency (which it is, since the Jesuits have not actually offed any of these people), it’s how the video it’s posted on is bound to be a completely disconnected topic. Last night’s soccer game had blah, blah, blah…Jesus second coming blah blah blah…DONALD SUTHERLAND WAS SACRIFICED!!!!!!!!!

Pardon me if I shortchanged the number of exclamation marks to convey the glee over death.  As I’ve recently reported even though it’s repetition of old news, sports decoding by itself gets boring.  A little dwelling in human misery breaks up the tedium of deep down subconsciously having a pretty good idea of what is about to be said about yesterday’s baseball and soccer games.

It is somewhat odd to throw in a little death predicting amidst a binary outcome event like sports.  It’s far too dangerous to make it obvious that you’re trying to predict an exact date on something.  The odds are much longer, hence the first list.  What is appropriate is to call every death a sacrifice post mortem, through in a few tiny numbers, wait for the Attaboy! searchers, cross index them with Patreon support and other signals they are stuck longer term and see if they can be courted (or badgered) into moving up the food chain.  The poor grifter does not have enough time to do it all alone.  You can change your first to be a morbid ghoul into a career of being a clueless coattail rider with just a little more effort.

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