Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Psychological Projection Of The Month Award - January 2018

A new year and new awards!

If you noticed I didn't give any critic awards out in the last two months of 2017. There's a reason for this. Censorship. My source material is being suppressed.

Literally. It's been admitted and also circumstantial evidence points towards deletion of comments. The video makers can delete unwanted comments. The more rational and damaging presentations a
disappear. I need to research more, but I find some videos that the comments section says there are far more comments than actual show up including showing all the replies to comments.

So we have to settle for some PP.
Tinfoil Hat Tuesday. Don't know if this is always going to be on Wednesday and called Tuesday for the alliteration. Don't know if this is the only Tuesday that the tinfoil hat will be worn.

What you don't know from this one video is that Hubbard has taken to wearing what looks like a wool winter cap for every single video, for days - weeks before this. I would never, ever, ever, ever suggest that this was because he shaved his head and ready to let the world know. Because that would be starting an unfounded rumor. Since he NEVER does that I should follow that example. At least I would never, ever, ever suggest it was for the full Neo-Nazi skinhead effect. I'd probably do something more sinister like suggest it was for some Asian religious ritual to appease the girlfriend we never see on film. And all these unfounded rumors would make me look bad. Even though I foul spend about half an hour to prove them with gematria.

Regardless, hat worn. Joke made. Rave reviews from the loyal minions. And it should be, because it was funny. A classic example of reverse psychology. Obviously if I take the effort to act out the stereotype I'm not actually the stereotype. He's also filmed a couple of videos in his car recently. Getting out of Mom's basement! Good idea! And the one made while folding laundry was classic. (If only he would put the same effort into folding up shop and stop blogging and making videos). Those out of the basement videos aren't quite the same, but I really wanted to make the folding joke.

Now I've done the same tactic myself, using other people as the example without their knowledge or permission. My legal staff (the dog and a phone book with every infomercial lawyer phone number with repeating digits like 1-222-222-2222) are still waiting for Jenna and the entire population to tell me to knock it off. Wollongongians have it a bit easier. At least I haven't suggested they are the Antichrist. Yet.

In a formal debate pointing out your opponent has character flaws is a no no. Let me check. Ok. Dog says this isn't a formal debate. Now if you're trying to deflect criticism by embracing the stereotype to suggest the opposite....seems like you might be saying, "You're crazy for thinking I'm crazy". Also a no no.

So let's just let the world at large judge the content of this video and others based on the actual content regardless of the hat.

I must point out the unfortunate circumstances of Tin for this. It's abbreviation on the periodic table is Sn. SN=33 in simple. That would suggest that it would be easier to have the evil empire find you instead of blocking mind controlling rays.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Gematria Forum

It was a nice idea but,
The Gematria Forum is calling it quits. This is absolutely no surprise at all and was even worth a mention here months ago. I have no idea what they were thinking other than severely overestimating the market for the content.

As it was on my regular checklist I stopped by once in a bit to check on what was going on, which was never anything exciting. The attached gadget shows how many people are viewing the site in total and of those how many are members and how many are guests. It was common to see tiny numbers such as three viewers, not one of which was a member.

Original content was almost nonexistent. All links to the regular's blogs and YouTube channels. All information easily accessible by the more conventional means of loading in the blog or YouTube channel directly.

I think I get the point, a handy hub to direct newcomers to see what other content is missing. To wake up more sheeple they can tell their asleep friends - here's a spot for you to start. Maybe you'll like Zenith of The Alpha's style more than Rita's. Poke around here first. Still, after finding the compilation they can save their favorite links and bypass the forum after the first few visits.

A missed opportunity. Something that could have made everyone happy. All truther videos locked to private and moved to the forum. Work out a system to have interested parties get the proper password or whatever it takes to unlock the video to watch. Say whatever you want in the comments and never have a persecution complex about falsely perceived Google censorship again.

The goodbye message can't help but show that persecution proclamation which is getting really old. The forum did not fail because it simply didn't have any meaningful content. It failed because "they're out to get us". Now it's being moved to Gematria News which will have the same problem even if they're out to get you instead of being more boring than watching dust bunny races under your bed. You just warned the evil empire of your intention. On the internet. Which they are monitoring since they're out to get you. And this makes sense, how?

Maybe a better try would be to mimic a premium cable tv channel idea. Have the regular video makers and bloggers produce a fractional amount of content only available on the forum. Not necessarily paid for content, but only found at the forum. At least then you'd get a better idea of how many people are really interested instead of avoiding the site because they are allergic to dust bunnies, can find it elsewhere, or the realm big one - don't visit because in reality the truther movement is losing traction since the world is on to the old tricks and doesn't give a damn about watching. Unless they're tricked by clickbait style titles.

Here's some new forum name suggestions:
The Sandlewood Candle Scented Basement
Nothing To See Here. Move Along.
The Duo Digit Dictionary
Why Bother They're Just Going To Suppress Our View Counts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Average Distance To The Sun, Another Gematria Fail

The history beginning this is part of my interest in the topic if gematria. I was presented with a theory I knew possibly couldn't be right. And they included science. I quickly learned that just like is typical of pseudoscience actual science is missing. Throw some words around like "geometry" and "phyllotaxis" and it sounds super cool like you must know what you're talking about, when really the opposite holds true. If there's a Murphy's Law for science misuse it applies to gematria. It's wrong.

One of my first discoveries was the overuse of 93 meaning Sun. Not because it has gematria of 93, but because of the high school science book quote of the Sun being 93 million miles away. That's fine for high school (or home schooling if that's your thing) but when you start throwing around Pi, GPS coordinates and other science concepts that require more precision it starts to look insipid.

Shortly after my first aphelion post last year the narratives started having the wording "average distance to the Sun is 93 million miles". Also, more emphasis on SATURN=93 which has some astrological death angle (I think). Whatever the reason for the switch, I'm still not convinced that Sun = 93 even if we talk about averages.
First, a post where the Sun is 93 million miles away.
With lots of science narrative and gematria of the word SCIENCE.
Now here's a chart of actual Sun distances for this year.
If you look for more digits to represent the distance to the Sun, instead of 93 million it's usually the distance of one Astronomical Unit (AU on the chart) which is 92,955,807 miles. This varies by a completely insignificant amount on a yearly basis. So, 2018 or similar charts for other years are all representative.

Now this "average" distance is the average of the two extremes. In 2018 the closest and farthest distances between the Sun are 91,401,983 miles and 94,507,803 miles. Add those together, divide by two that's your one AU.

A reasonable person can assume that the average is weighted. If you dieted before your annual physical so the doctor doesn't bust on you for being a fatty and you weigh 180 pounds, you immediately chow down and blimp up to 210, then drop back down to 180 for the next physical you might have spent 10 months at 210. You're cheating yourself and your doctor by claiming you averaged weighing 195, much less faking it that the doctor wouldn't know that you weighed anything but the same amount as the year before. So, how many days a year is the Sun 93 million miles away?

A reasonable person (i.e., not a numerologist) would also assume that with anything close to normal rounding would include 92,500,000 miles through 93,500,000 miles. If you go to the chart you can calculate the AU coefficient x the standard AU and see on a day to day basis what the distance is from the Earth to the Sun. Any coefficient less than .995096 is less than 92,500,000 miles. Any more than 1.005854 is greater than 93,500,000 miles.

Since it's an elliptical orbit there are two times per year the distance is between the range of 92,500,000-93,500,000 miles. March 17th-April 24th and Sept. 15th-Oct. 23rd. That's 77 days of the year. 77/365=21%. The Sun is only 93 about a fifth of a year.

I'm not suggesting that the nearly infinitely powered elites should have changed our language to clarify how astronomical unit, aphelion and perihelion came into our language. It's a lot simpler than that. How about that since Sun means 93 because of this and not gematria is just plain stupid.

Now is a good time to defend it. Just say that Google, Wikipedia and everyone with real science knowledge is wrong. They're out to get you by changing the numbers from what was a reasonable approximation in high school to the real numbers to make you look bad. After what they did to the Pentagon I'm sure that argument will get a lot of traction.

Monday, January 29, 2018

One More Week Of Super Bowl 52 Sacrifices

Here's another rundown aimed at the newer crowd. A pretty typical example of the Fee To Find Misinformation blog. It doesn't have all the little tricks in it, it can't because there's so many different ways in dealing with numbers you don't like. In theory I could do this every day, but that would get old really quick. I prefer spending my time busting on poor geometry, Wollongong and making acronyms. Activities approved by the WAGES, the Wollongong Acronym Generation Education Society.

A couple nice things about the source material are first, it's got some completely predictable characteristics. For years there has been a huge amount of output dedicated to sports. And you can bet that any time any of the major U.S. sports is nearing a championship date that every single detail that can be remotely associated with that event can and will be official declared a tribute or sacrifice to the sports championship. This is how Purple dinosaurs and Teletubbies get into the ball game. I don't want to complain too much, but yes I do. I don't want to play the "let's take this to its logical conclusion game" too much. But doesn't every single team have a uniform that has a color on it? Is global warming a tribute to Philadelphia because of GREENhouse gases? Anyway, purple was a different set of posts about Minnesota.

I've got nothing in particular against football other than the cover up of CTE and turning players into vegetables, demeaning women by scantily clad cheerleaders (which I always cover my dog's eyes from viewing), overpaid whiny crybaby prima donnas and why my team can't draft a decent offensive lineman. But these numbers can be found everywhere. But if you want to stick to sports why don't we hear about the Wollongong rugby league? Why can't I search through the Internet and find out what's going on with Robert Taylor's darts career from a gematria standpoint? He made a bitch load of money and sure seems likely that some two digit numbers popped up there somewhere.

But there you have it. American sports. Kiss off rest of the world. We love Barney and Tinky Winky because they are helping make America grape again.

It's also cool that we get a preview of the magic numbers in the post title. Easy to search for a number you are looking for. If I have particular interest in 59, I can tell right off the bat, or opening coin toss, that I'm wasting my time or in for a real treat. But really, six two digit numbers and a 131 is the best you've got? No 2042018 for the date of the Super Bowl? These nearly infinitely powered hurricane makers don't take their jobs too seriously sometimes.

Since this is sports we have a clue that this may bypass a freemasonry reference. Our two digits could be converted into some kind of New World Order phrase like ILLUMINATI. But sports breaks up the tedium and we get to talk about team names.

Philadelphia oriented story. And here's date numerology of PHILADELPHIA matching on the day the story was reported, not the Jan. 20th date he actually died. Yeah. Right. What if a rival news source printed an article the day before or any time between the 20th and infinity? How about because this particular article worked out to date numerology of 57.

Which isn't really 57. We've got a 57 year old dying presumably as a sacrifice or tribute to a 57 year drought for Philly Football. So obviously we have to change it to FIFTY-SEVEN=131. That's how that oddball three digit rebel got in the mix. Because 57 isn't 57 or 131 because 131 is prime so it's really 32. Actually, changing a number twice doesn't happen too much. Probably because it's as stupid as it sounds.

And now we're back to the date of death instead of just the report date. Don't ask questions, those are the same kind of questions that got Bob the Hitman demoted. The contract must read something like, "Kill Walter somewhere around the 20th, then tie up the loose ends by suppressing the media story for about a week. But by no means actually kill him on the 26th! You got that Bob!"
To round out the story we've got the name numerology for this particular individual, broken down individually to just first and last name as well as both. This happens regularly. So presumably everyone named Walter has the same fate in store. MURDER and DEATH also match WALTER. I think we see why Bob got so disillusioned. If it's not that he has a friend named Walter he's at least severely overworked. Lots of Walters to knock off. And there's that sweet NWO contract with WALTER Reed Hospital to fill.

Also notice that 29 for PROPHECY in there. One thing Hubbard has learned is to be careful about making actual predictions. A loyal follower queried him last week about the book he's written. (The one that's bern delayed for a year with the glowing testimonials written back in July.). And he's "giving himself until Feb. 5th" to turn it over to the publisher for final production. The day after the Super Bowl. Yes, I'm insinuating that I think this is to wait to be sure that he correctly predicted the outcome and it's in the book. Pointing back to this post as evidence, while nowhere does it actually say, "This is clearly indicating that on these numbers alone that it is obvious that Philadelphia will win the Super Bowl". It's so benignly worded that this could be evidence that Philadelphia was simply the loser in the big game. And will have more sour grapes and will make the fans wine for another year while they get fat on cheese steaks watching TV turning themselves into telly tubbies. Because purple was invented for Minnesota to host the Super Bowl for just this one time in history.

And of course nowhere, in a post that has two different prime numbers, does it even mention that 113=DISHONEST, BULLSHIT, etc...or that the 30th prime is 113 and TRUTH =30. Cause, that would kinda make him look like his arguments don't have any merit, ya know.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Google And Wikipedia Caught Giving Information (You Bastards)

The Flight 77 stories is one of those little coincidence that can't be a coincidence chestnuts (not chess nuts, like me) that has been thrown around by the conspiracy crowd for as long as it took someone to recognize that the number 7 is the same as the number 7. Durp even figured that one out.

Like the Lincoln/Ford assassination story, once you get beyond the VP names and Lincoln car/Ford theater and the cool looking "hits" the story breaks down. Why make so many remarkable coincidences and not finish the job? I'll try to find a link to the number rebuttal. This still applies, though:
Some of the links also mention the key details I emphasize here, even though they talk about the faulty science. As said, the emphasis on the cool and ignoring all the other stuff. Also the burden of proof.

That silly little word "proof" is something missing from many.... Screw it. All gematria narratives.   It's not the job of the rational word to prove that Wikipedia intentionally changed the height of the Pentagon to embarrass you. The way it works is:
A donkey is a beast of burden
Donkeys are called jackasses.
If you're going to be a jackass about stuff the burden of proof is on you.
The triangle being the mark of the BEAST, like beast of burden. (See how easy that was?)

If you apply Occam's Razor you can take a guess that somebody found that a reputable source discovered that the height of the Pentagon was misreported, made a change on the best known website for collecting information and that was the end of the story. If there is a serious issue with the updated information then it's somebody else's turn to refute it.

I went above and beyond the call of duty and I checked the evil editor's reference. It's the Pentagon. I couldn't find a date that their website was last updated. It's a fair guess that it was not just updated to fuck up the numerology just after a single crank video was put up. If there's any cause and effect relationship involved it's more likely that somebody got sick of the bullshit numerology story and was suspicious about that detail. Maybe they took a tour of the Pentagon recently, that's what that site is for - Pentagon tours. I don't care. I can live with 77 feet or 71 feet. The burden of proof isn't mine and shouldn't be anyone's except those that it doesn't fit into their altered version of reality.

What should happen for those is
1). Find a source for 77 feet.
2). Edit the page on Wikipedia.
3). Have the page peer reviewed (which means millions of people, it's Wikipedia).
4). Then if 77 really the right number it's up to the Pentagon to decide if their records are wrong and what they want to do about it.

When you apply Madman's Razor you get something like, "The government (It's the Pentagon!) conspiracy is so deep that they changed the height listing just to make me look bad."

Other notes:

Google- Search engines find stuff on the Internet. Probably updated off Wikipedia and related searches.
Exactly 777 seconds? Really? EXACTLY? You shaved off 3.5" the first go round. Do you really care if it was 777.0001 seconds?
Oh, another cipher has a value of 71! Why am I not surprised? If it wasn't another cipher a 71 foul have been found by prime numbers, dropping digits or something. What's the big deal?
The Pentagon does not have 7 sides.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Satanic Triangle

First, like the astronomy bit son proof that I'm just not totally making this up:

With a modest amount of new traffic here (as shown by country names in the blog stats) I thought it would be nice to put up something that wasn't obviously facetious - an example of how since the system is so open ended that you can make it be pretty much anything you want.

As a counter example, the Super Bowl. For weeks to months we're supposed to believe that every death or significant news story must be about the Super Bowl. Someone dies at 52 years old. Super Bowl 52 - sacrifice! Somebody dies at an age of matching numerology to the annoying catch phrases, DEATH, KILL, KILLING, RITUAL, SACRIFICE, SATAN, etc...- sacrifice for the Super Bowl, because it couldn't possibly be anything else! Everything about a playoff team - the city names, team names, Tom Brady's birthday - Super Bowl!

Some of this lines up nicely. If an ex-Philadelphia Eagle actually cooperates and dies during Super Bowl furor so much the better. (Even though you would assume that the actual sacrifice would be more chronologically connected than weeks ahead of time). Date numerologies that shouldn't really count, but do, lead to some lovely two or three digit numbers easily matched to something else.

Once you get to the point of suggesting that Barney the Dinosaur and Tinky Winky the Purple Teletubbie must mean Minnesota because even though the Vikes are eliminated Minnesota hosts the big game this year you're starting to push it and opening yourself up to suggesting that really bizarre made up stuff is just as likely (which it is). But other than being obviously tongue in cheek it doesn't convince a casual observer as something that sounds a bit more scholarly.

So instead of the Girl Scouts killing Peter Falk to increase cookie sales, I turn to a subject I've invested some time on. The Mark of the Beast and the end of the world. You can review the past severs weeks and find bits and pieces. Some day I'll flesh out the full story, but here's another teaser.

To finish the background the word on the street is that the Mark of the Beast must mean circle. When I hear comments like that I say, "pretty unlikely based on gematria alone". So I latched on to the triangle as something that is obviously a markedly (of the beast) different shape than a circle.

Now, operating the same way they do, I wait until news stories pop up, type in some words and reverse engineer the desired result back to the fictional unfounded as far as evidence goes source.

The Doomsday clock has been in the news. Yeah, Trump is not helping with the North Korean situation, but global warming is doing a pretty darn good job of messing the planet up.


Even if you don't follow the link you can see it's an Iluminati symbol. It may be a triangle within a circle, but its name is The Satanic Triangle, not the Satanic Circle That Happens To Have a Big Ass Triangle Within.

This story is also not without its gematria problems, things that always exist with every narrative. For starters the wording is missing CLOCK with DOOMSDAY and the word THE has to precede SATANIC TRIANGLE to make the numerology match. Neither of these is a big stretch like SATANIC CIRCLE WITH A BIG ASS TRIANGLE INSIDE would be. You can betcha that THEY play around with alternate phrasing the same way. (E.g. Scottish Rite Freemasonry vs. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry). The fact that they total the same in the English elision is a happy bonus. No need to cross match over multiple systems.

As I often restate here, the goal is not for me to convert the crop of users that exist now. They have no intention of giving up despite any real evidence that contradicts their little dream worlds. The goal is to provide a first time viewer a reference point on how it doesn't work the way they claim. Doomsday- End of Days, Revelation in the Bible, Mark of the Beast, Illuminati symbol with "Satan" in the name. Documented reference for the symbol. Compared to turning a big number into a prime number and talking about the cosmic significance of Teletubbies it sounds quite plausible. It's a great starting point to begin with and then start playing around with the gematria values of Doomsday Clock, triangle, One Hundred Eighty Degrees, Hypotenuse, Number of the Beast and whatever else comes to mind to reinforce the suggestion that there's just as good a reason for triangles.

Friday, January 26, 2018

A Fibonacci Cipher?

Doesn't seem likely, at least not as a straight up one letter to one number relationship

Our good friend Glass Wizzard asked the Gematrinator if he ever considered an elision based on Fibonacci numbers in a comment on his Cory Booker video about a week ago.

On the Pro side for having a numbering system based on Fibonacci's sequence we have

1) You can always ignore any numbers you don't like. So the few short words and/or words heavily loaded in the early part of the sequence have some values to play with. Then it can sit idly in fallow for a growing season waiting until it gets replanted with a cash crop like FADE or GAG.
2) It was brought to the Gematrinator's attention. If there's someone that's going to make a new cipher, he's the go to guy. That is, if there's someone who recognizes how useless the elision would be for something like GLASS WIZZARD he'd be the one to suggest that the evil empire did not think Z would have meant 121,393. But who knows what? He's also mentioned Star Numbers are being worked up. The numbering pattern is similar where by the time you're getting to Z by itself is 3,901. So it becomes an issue of how far you want to stretch credibility.
3) Dan might see the webpage I linked and feel that RKnott = Are Not and FIBTABLE is appropriate for a description of the way it will be used.

Reasons not to:
1) There's enough problems with the existing elisions.
2) It's linguistic racism to tell the upper end of the alphabet to fuck off.
3) The Gematrinator hasn't responded.
4) In practical use a nice averaged size word is almost always going to be turned back into a smaller number in some way.
5) Gematria is stupid.

But let's go back to point 4 in the not to list and our field of dream numbers. If you want to plant a cash crop of CAB, so you can have a cash CAB which was a fun show that was essentially Jeopardy! Lite, you would have CAB = 1+1+2=4. Might as well let the field stay in fallow. No point in bothering with a 4 that is pretty much useless. If you want to grow a food crop for a cash COW, there's that damned W. COW= 2+610+28657=29,269. I doubt there's any serious matches without suggesting you cast out an extra 2 and 9 and making it 269 or similar chicanery. Even the letter O by itself is bound to be instantly changed to 61.

Just like the other expansion elisions we don't need there's no logical reason to think that the evil empire would start hiding their secret mockery by changing word to number, then immediately change it into another number.

I can put this on my list of homework projects. Turn a Fibonacci based elision into a 113 I like. I probably will.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Articles of Confabulation - The Organizational Meeting Minutes

This is the first part* in a series about research uncovering some important ancient documents.

Lucy Furcertain, our resident research expert (who has 666 gematria in Satanic and looks really good in a halter top**) took advantage of a disillusioned flunky, easily bribed with a couple bars of chocolate and some dinosaur DNA, uncovered the thought to be mythical Articles of Confabulation. The bible, so to speak, of how a truth seeker is supposed to operate. The code of rules for those that have no real rules. Rules are meant to be broken, they say. And boy, these rules are about as broken as you can get - in the sense of needing to be fixed.

The minutes of the organizational meeting to discuss organizing a meeting to form a committee on organizational meeting guidelines*** provide some insight on how the dysfunctional rules were set in motion. So before we actually get into the Articles themselves, here's what happened:

Meeting was called to disorder.
It was motioned to recognize that Bob brought donuts and should be reimbursed. Motion seconded by Bob. Not the same Bob, but the mirror image of Bob (name tag of boB). All were in favor and motion passed. It was further moved that said reimbursement should be zero since donuts look like a zero. Seconded by boB. All except Bob consented. Motion passed.
Discussion on THE
Problems were identified with the word, "The", having gematria of 33 in simple and 113 in Jewish. 33 making it a bad guys word and 113 meaning dishonest. Motion made, seconded and passed to retain the word The for the Articles as a working title until sorted out. Motion made, seconded and passed to ban Selma who had actually done the research on this. Motion made, seconded and passed to include specific rules on not doing research within the Articles. Motion made seconded and passed to make the Knights Who Say,"Ni" scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail required viewing regarding the consequences of gematria on the whole language, including really common and innocuous words that are necessary.
Discussion on ARTICLES
It was discussed that ARTICLE could mean:
1) A separate clause in a document
2) One of a group of things.
3) A piece of writing such as magazine article
4) A grammar term for words like, THE.
Motion made, second and voted down to make gematria differentiate words with multiple meanings. Motion made, seconded and passed to never, ever discuss anything about THE again as it's really become a pain in the ass. Motion made to use ORACLES. Not seconded after Delphia pointed out that nobody could predict anything with gematria. ORACLES shelved. Motion made to use AURICLES because it reminded Cal of ARTICLES. Motion seconded and voted down. Motion made, seconded and passed to include being completely heartless a specific requirement within the articles.

Motion made, seconded and passed to retain CONFABULATION which can be unconscious filling in the gaps but has negative overtones of fabrication. Motion made, seconded and passed to specifically include usage of fancy words out of context within the articles.

Motion made, seconded and passed to use The Articles of Confabulation as the title while informally accepting, Da Stuff About Dem Things.

Discussion on election of officers
Tabled until membership increases. Motions made, seconded and passed to list requirements for officers as:
President - Sociopathic compulsive liar
Vice President - Anyone that can cut and paste text into a computer application.
Treasurer - Shady accountant good at hiding misappropriated funds
Secretary - Someone good at picking out snacks for future meetings.

Discussion on Conspiracy Theorist
Motion made, seconded and passed to use Conspiracy Using Numerology Theorist instead of the bland Conspiracy Theorist. Motion made, seconded and passed to ban the use of acronyms.

*Translate - I'm going to milk this for as long as I can.
** My blog. If I want to make an unfunny sexist remark, I will live the consequences. She's obviously fictitious, so get over it.
***Probably some Presbyterians involved, here.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Another Expert's Opinion On Pi

My predictions were wrong. The tsunami warning was taken down in short order and if somebody noticed it was National Pie Day, I missed the comments. From last week, I do have this Pi video:
The link is presented as a "you don't have to take my word for it" proof of existence. It is not an endorsement of recommended viewing. Just like emails with content that is labeled Not Safe for Work, this is NSFS. Not Safe For Science.

I didn't make it three minutes before giving up. Because, I'm the kind of person that leads him to make such a video, disable the comments and thumbs up or down and say some of the schtuff he does in the first couple minutes.

I found this linked to a gematria video, but other than that it is not gematria. It does provide a bit of insight on lack of critical thinking. I can save you the pain of watching it and recap the content from the first part.

1). Pi is the square root of 800/81.
2). I'm really smart and think for myself.
3). I know lots of people with disagree. You're all wrong.
4). Geometry is related to geometry.

Here's a rundown on the math. 800/81 is a "pretty" number ==>9.8765432. The square root is approximately equal to Pi. Because that's the way math works. There is a geometric relationship between circles and squares.

So our systems analyst friend has latched on to something that we've known about for ages. And when those that try to explain that it's still just an approximation (he calls them 'cluckers') he dismisses them for being closed minded. Even after acknowledging the exact reason in his video - the infinity part of Pi.

The math rebuttal he doesn't want the clucktards to tell him is easily refuted. Like the square root of 809/82 is also 3.14. It just doesn't have a pretty result like 9.8765432. And if you don't use whole numbers the choices to get a better approximation are infinite.

This applies a lot in the gematria world. I have an unpopular opinion. I'm a self proclaimed expert with no real scientific or rational reason to back it up. I want the sheep to wake up and know why they're wrong. I psychologically project that you're too stupid to understand this. Then let's put the cherry on top and disable the ability for people to even 👇 the video.

Oh, this is just Pi, so what's the big deal? The mindset that it's OK to make up ludicrous shit to support your agenda. You still don't see gematria done on puppy dogs being rescued from the abusive owners, which since everything has tiny numbers could easily be done. It's a long stretch, but fomenting the attitude of "It's ok to make anything I want be Pi" leads indirectly to "it's ok that I call a months old infant Holmes killed in

Aurora a bad crisis actor". I don't want to draw the lamprey line in the fresh water lake filtration system. Best to start erring on the side of no dead babies being victim shamed."

Let me emphasize that. Before getting quote mined, I'm not saying Holmes killed because of that mind set. I'm talking about the "everything is a hoax" attitude and victim shaming, there.

Our Pi friend can believe that if he wants to. Just keep it in the sandalwood candle scented basement or live with the mockery.

Edit - video is open for commentary. So far nobody has bothered complaining.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Couple of Predictions

While the number manufacturing conglomerate is still sleepy-byes.

7.9 earthquake. Tsunami warnings. Let me guess - HARVEY =79 in simple. Can they resist waiting until there is actual flooding? I think not. The real prediction is if there is tsunami generated flooding this will definitely be mentioned.

Now I cringed when I found this out.

It's National Pie Day today.

No It Isn't

Comment on disabling comments:

I still have homework to do. I've finally nailed down links, but still can't attach images. I may have to upgrade to a new phone or break down and buy a PC to attach photos.

So, that's not ideal. You still have to click on the header to see the detail that I can't show from my screen grab.

"All I'm doing is sharing very basic math."

No you aren't.

Just like the rest of the lot of you, you're putting up impossible to be proven information based on the results of simple math under a clickbait title.

Basic math, yeah, I'll give you A=1,B=2.... or whatever the letter values are. Total those up. Pretty basic. Where you go after that is hardly simple math. Some of the other math isn't a stretch. XXX is prime number XX. XXX is number. It has a well accepted position on the ordinal list of prime numbers. It's still a number and numbers mean math. Not really. If I have a set of encyclopedias and I want the 'C' volume, I could count out to the third volume, starting at A on the left. 1-2-3. Or I could simply do what normal people do and look for the C on the cover. Much handier especially if my precocious niece was over using the books as building blocks and they didn't get put away in the normal order. In the same way, if I want to see '4' in math it doesn't make sense to think that I have to look for '7' because that's the fourth prime number.

Really laughable is the number shaving things. 133->331->133331->1331. Oh yeah, that makes all kinds of sense. Basic math tells me that I can do that. And on top of getting rid of an inconvenient 3 the first math base result is expanded, then contracted. It's certainly not a basic process and all the math I learned never taught me to expand and contract - without any guidelines on when you're supposed to do it.

The idiot trolls responded emotionally and the comments got disabled. Not everyone knows the actual time line like me. After the comments were disabled there was a period of time where Likes and Dislikes were still active. Those have now been disabled. If people are to watch and judge for themselves it's their right to dislike a video. Just because this video wasn't so popular, the votes of the community are shut down? Last I saw it was about 50%-50% after a time period where there was about 20 more dislikes than likes. Wouldn't it have been easier to use your basic math to just prove that likes outnumbered dislikes 10,000 to 1?

Likes 110. Dislikes 122. Expand likes to 110000. Drop a 2, Dislikes =12. Problem solved! My over sensitive ego has been massaged.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Some Recent News Stories

Clearly this boat was lost after using numerologist provided GPS coordinates.
Really. I tried to warn everyone about the shady nature of Wollongong positioning. Now I have this guilt trip. Because people are more likely to do something when you tell them not to do it we have this. Last warning. It's the Wollongong equivalent of the Bermuda TRIANGLE. The DEVIL'S TRIANGLE. The true Mark of The Beast. Stay away unless you think numerology is bollocks. In any event, my conscience is clear.

Graham's Number too big? What's the go to numerical reduction making a bigger number smaller? Prime numbers. Now what do you do when the prime number is too big?
Which is fuck knows where on the prime number list. I dare you. No, I double dare you, no....I dare you to this prime number +1 to reduce that down into a believable narrative.

Celebrity deaths - well, a couple of videos are already out about Fredo Santana. When I last checked the Gematrinator disabled the comments on his. Which when I checked before disabling had no threats or suggestions of suicide. Here's some others not deemed worthy of reporting on. Let's leave it at A MERSENNES # = 113.

John Coleman
Weather Channel. They're always HAARPing about weather warfare. I might seem harsh suggesting that this was missed, this is really current news. But I'm sure if he is mentioned it will be wrong. John Coleman -->J. Coleman. Jenna Coleman. She is the antichrist, after all. Probably something going on with that missing boat story.

Peter Wyngarde
Dudes - this isn't just about my personal synchronicity. This guy was a #2 on The Prisoner. An island of secret agents where everyone is just known by a number. And conspiracies. You should be all over that series like slime on a lamprey.

This guy:
Can't be a coincidence that my post about personal interpretation had me turning everything into ice cream flavors, and this guys name is reminiscent of Haagen Dazs. But what does it mean?

Or if you do believe in coincidences, shit happens.
There is a 13 year old here. Isn't that supposed to be unlucky?

Here's what goes on when baseball season is over.
Keeping in practice when not busy improving the invisibility cloaking device and depositing fly balls. Wait a second...Australian swimmers? Were they maybe swimming because their boat got lost? Freaky.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Take Your Prime Numbers And

Here's what happens when you get greedy and try and force numbers in too many different ways that any rational person would dismiss as ludicrous.

Sometime I'll have to reword this so I can use this as a featured post. This is a big one. This is one of those that pretty clearly demonstrates that gematria simply does not work in the way that it is presented.

Again, I turn to my old friend 113. Several more stories with the asinine insistence that our language is coded that this must mean dishonest.

Another particularly annoying thing is changing a number into another number. Hubbard and the Gematrinator use them all the time. The two biggest names in the business. Then the loyal minions chime in along with them in the commentary. "The evil empire didn't code the meaning in the number from the cipher!" they chirp. "It's really that this number is really a smaller number because it's this # on the list of primes".

So now I get to bust on them forever with something so straightforward that to deny it shows how close minded they are about the system being more flawed than a Trump presidency.

And it could have been avoided by not insisting on changing a number you don't like into another number.

One elision, nope. Not good enough. Let's throw a reduction in there. More matches. (Duh). I'm always allowed to ignore mismatches. Maybe nobody will notice. Hey, let's throw in the reverse alphabetical order. That sounds reasonable. I can always ignore the mismatches. Maybe nobody will notice. Hey, 41 is the 13th prime number. I could really use a 13 here. But just from the words I don't get a 13. Here's a 41. Maybe nobody will notice.

And all the mirror images, dropping digits, everything else to change a number you don't like into another number.

Here's a post bragging about the list of 113's meaning dishonest and using prime numbers:

Now, what's the one word a truth seeker should really know all about? What's the one word that every detail should be researched and talked about in some forum somewhere? What's the one word they claim to be the reason for all the videos and blog posts?


And TRUTH = 30 in Reverse Reduced. 113 is the 30th prime number.


Pretty unlikely. I sat on this for awhile hoping to see someone tie in 30 direct to dishonest. It doesn't matter, so I'm not waiting any more. Too much time and energy has been invested in reverse reduction and prime numbers that it's impossible to go back and edit them all.

Where I go from here with this information depends on my Urk level. I put this on the colleen video yesterday. That could be good enough to keep me happy for awhile. It all depends on how annoying it gets if someone wants to keep harping about this 113 storyline. The only thing that's bullshit about 113 is that the number 113 meaning bullshit is itself bullshit.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dan's Still Breeding

Congrats Dan:
Now what have you given us to work with?

Don't worry, I checked the grammar. This one's pretty safe. Just one apostrophe error and one verb confusion. Which reminds me. (Still not trying to make friends, here. Not above a petty joke.) Why is Dan like a boot camp soldier on bivouac for the first time? Neither knows what tense (tents) to use.

The first thing I find a little bit disturbing is that he sees fit to mention that the magically synchronous Family Guy episode was not on a special hospital channel about childbirth. I certainly hope not. That would be quite a plaque for the lobby. List all the credentials of the hospital and staff including in bold letters, probably comic sans serif, "We are trained to deal with important medical issues by analyzing animated comedy shows!" This would be the same hospital that during recovery shows patients the scene from Alien where it bursts out of John Hurt's chest.

Dan, no. Your friend's NAME is not almost the same as your son's name. The gematria is almost the same. Since I've spread read through the post I know why you phrased it that way.

Your friend KNOWS you're not crazy??? You told him about gematria and he knows, apparently without any professional training, that you are sane. If he was a certified expert on mental health you probably would have mentioned that.

I have a good idea what you're projecting. But what Cody knows is that you keep talking about the trivial coincidences in your life that you insist on analyzing with gematria instead of just moving on. I would love to post "Here's what full blown paranoid schizophrenic Dan said today!" but in good conscience I can't. But I just said this yesterday. You don't have to be mentally ill to have flawed logic. I'm pretty sure based on the things you say that I have a better grip on logical thinking than you or Cody. Mental health- don't take my word, don't take Cody's word or his girlfriend's word. See a professional or just keep mucking about. But hey, you brought up the crazy word, not me.

Now here's a two for one special on pattern recognition. Neither of them is that hard, and we don't need to have them pointed out to us. Why yes, I actually did notice that JAMES and JAMES are the same. That might just be me, I'll have to think about if I know anyone else with that name. Zamien is Damien with a Z instead of a D. I got my test back and I scored right on this one, too. That's the first thing that comes to mind. Looks like they're are no other common boy names that end with -amien other than Omen child. I did have to cross of my first answer I wrote down. I thought it might be a trick question and ZAMIEN B. being an anagram for AMBIEN Z. might be about your often claimed need to put the computer down and get some sleep. But, they say go with your first instinct.

But the real kicker is:

We let his name come naturally and not with gematria.

Really bad choice of wording. What's the opposite of natural? Unnatural. You correctly identified that naming him with gematria is not natural.

And what does naming someone by gematria even mean? I doubt the option to name him 166 was seriously on the table. With 6,423,109,577 different elisions available how can you possibly alter his destiny against what the evil hurricane manufacturing freemasons have planned? Bypass the synchronicity of just checking the numbers that fall into place goes contrary to half your posts in the last several months. Or it would just be cr....extremely flawed logic.

This has been addressed in a Nancy Drool story. If it was as simple as changing your name to avoid bad/synchronize good consequences people would be changing their names all the time. That's not going to happen because the truly clueless sheep, the ones constantly giving meaning to small numbers just use deflexiom to insist that if their name matches DUMBASS that it doesn't apply to them. The only winners in a gematria name change alternate universe are Alexa Davalos and the clerks selling name change forms. I'd rather they get paid to take down the signs at railroad tracks that say, "DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS" since if you are so stupid you need that sign you don't belong in the gene pool.

Friday, January 19, 2018

In Gematria You Can Drop Zeroes...Er...Any Number

Here's how:
Isn't that cool? Not just the methodology, but no more worries about edited out corrections after review of my posts.

I duplicated this the old fashioned way via pen and paper. Then found out that I didn't have any pen erasers. I tried to use a marker to erase the pen because MARKER and ERASER both equal 66 in simple and 96 in reverse. That just made things worse. Then I tried a penny. PEN sounds like PENNY, and you can use a penny to scratch off a lottery ticket. Figured that's the angle Dan would take. That didn't work.

Now this is starting to be more trouble than it's worth. I check and PEN=35 in simple. Well there's your problem. It passes through Israel. It being meridians because we know they are so important. Wait a second. I'm not a racist! That doesn't apply to me. So off to the other side of the globe. (Or flat edged organic quantum projection bullshit if that's what you choose to believe). There's...a lot of water. Greenlanland, Antarctica and a leeeetle teeny piece of Brazil. Screw Brazil, they're nuts. Wait. Now I'm reminded, you don't actually have to a mental problem to have flawed logic. So what's good, just, righteous and true about everything in the world?


At about 34.5 degrees south latitude. And a million years from now (excluding catastrophic shifting for extraordinary events) when we're all dead from global warming because generations of idiots wasted their time on gematria instead of spending energy on solving real problems, gematria won't exist anymore. I don't need gematria or pen/pencil and paper. My readers can understand this rather insulting example by visualization. (But that was fun, wasn't it!)

Brilliant. Absolutely fucking brilliant. If you have two identical symbols of any kind, and you superimpose one on top of the other, one of them disappears. Oooohhhhh. It's MAGIC! It's a MAGIC ERASER!!
Soon we'll have an entire line of gematria cleaning products. GLass Wizard, Magic Eraser. I can hardly wait for what's next.

For those of you so insulted by gematria that you refuse to look at the first link here's the way it works.

133+331 does not equal 464. (That's kinda Rita 511's shtick). It's 133331 parsing them together. Then you drop the two threes you don't like, and you're left with 1331.

Doesn't matter what the starting and ending numbers are, as long as you have consecutive digits in the middle you can drop whatever you want 377773 is 3773. Extrapolating the illogic I suppose that 25+52=2552=252 (or even 22?). Etc....

Because nothing says consistency like claiming that you only drop zeroes and now have introduced a method that lets you drop any number you want.

Personally, I prefer the Extra Capsa method of Brother Berg where you don't condescend to explain it, you just do it.

And as for "the only other number that equals 1331":

should be good enough for a start thanks to the Satanic elision, without playing around with "SCORES", "AND", Roman numerals, etc....

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Is Gematria A Cult?

Bye, see you tomorrow.

Ok, I had planned a whole post on this and scrapped the idea. Too much conjecture and going through a checklist probably only would lead to "not a cult, but has characteristics of a cult.

Someone used the cult word yesterday. Over time little bits and pieces have nudged to the service, but overall it is like a cult wannabe. Aspirations to be a cult, but they can't even get that right.

About the control over daily life part - they haven't gone that far. And being internet based instead of sandalwood candle fumed darkened basement based, I don't see how they would achieve that.

"Dammit, Tom. You WILL do three hours of gematria every morning before you go to work, or we're going to chop off your wife's pinky!"

Ultimately it fails the cult test because of the conflict of leadership vs. how to attract new members. Each person that discovers the fake synchronicity of personal events or the unavoidable matches in sports (SPORTS=37 Rev. Reduced. I remember a football game where it was 3rd and 7. It's rigged!!!!!) becomes their own mini leader. After seeing that first 3rd and 7 they start to investigate things that interest them. After more fake synchronicity hits...time to look into this more. And eventually confirmation bias cheating steps in, maybe not realizing they do it.

In forensic accounting you might come across "lapping". I caught someone at work doing this. Steal money. Fudge the books. Steal money to fix the accounts you stole money from. Fudge those records. Steal - Fudge - Steal - Fudge - Steal - steal...some fudge...sorry. Got distracted.

The guy stole all the way enough to buy a pack of cigarettes the first time. Test the waters, you know. See if you get away with it. Eventually it can balloon into a Ponzi scheme cover up. In gematria: Damn, that didn't work! But it was about my crocheting hobby! What if I check if it's about my Aunt Bea who got me into crocheting. And there it is! Then you continue to start fudging more and more looking for numbers you expect for all the wrong reasons. Now you're using dropping zeroes, prime numbers, how many seconds are left on the game clock instead of just the original source material.

There's no real leadership to step in and say, "Nope, sorry. Your Aunt Bea doesn't count. She's in the slammer for stealing fudge. You missed that this is really about my mom losing her virginity during the solar eclipse. Your gematria is just wrong."

The more active video producers and bloggers might want to be a cult leader, but there's no rules. The system is so open ended you can find matches between ANYTHING. The attraction is finding matches anyone with a tiny bit of training can find results that are bias confirmed. Telling them they're wrong is only going to alienate them.

That's how the cult accusation came to be yesterday, at least indirectly. Another anti-Christian video censored. Someone bragging how they were responsible. They might note even do gematria, but they were offended by the topic. The EXISTENCE of the video implies "Christian based gematria is stupid." Just so everyone gets a taste there's another video from yesterday that implies atheists are stupid.

Now here's some curiosities. I've never heard about what Rita 511 thinks about the "All Christians are retarded" theme. She just keeps plugging away at her bible gematria studies. Important enough to have links on the FTFT blog and Gematria forum. Is her gematria wrong because she doesn't seem to care about sports, killing politicians or beating up sportswriters? I'm sure she could find supporting numbers that show that indeed all Christians are not retards. And somebody manufactured a solar eclipse 112/211 Hubbard didn't like. "Don't make this work look stupid", was the response. Wait a second. Doesn't Derek think that ultimately everything is about solar eclipses? Everyone uses his calculator. Surely he's a leader, not only not wrong but absent from chiming in on the conversation.

He was also conspicuously absent from the Hubbard, "Oh I was just joking about the running for President" failed Go Fund Me campaign. The campaign, whether a political statement or not, is a pretty clear sign that Hubbard thinks he's the leader. Tack on, "I'm the only person that matters in the truth community" style commentary and he has got that leader thing squarely on his resume. And not even a lousy minimum $5 contribution from the probable #2 man?

There's too much infighting to draw any battle lines on who's the boss. It doesn't matter who is, they're all wrong. This cult accuser is just another in a growing line of open critics. At this point it's too late for a stronger, more charismatic(less abrasive) leader to step in and start chopping off the pinkies of loyal minions to may down the law.

Edit: Forget to mention the lack of critical thinking. A comment was made that the censored video was because you can't mention "microwave" and "Christian" together in the title. Oh yeah. Sure. That makes all kinds of sense.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Why Bring Up Astronomy

Just to give everyone, pro or con, fair warning, here's what I've been up to.
That's a list of named stars. It's hardly close to a complete list of all stars. But there's already plenty of information to work with and I have the big gun coming up after this.

Other than being somewhat mentally unstable (hopefully in the quirky, eccentric manner) and willing to invest time into the subject, I have a larger than normal capacity to identify that after a claim has been made to ask, "Ok, what's wrong with that"? Some things are better than others. I doubt anyone doing gematria ever thought about continental drift. The circle being the Mark of the Beast is a work in progress for me. I'm still building up my evidence that it is actually the triangle. Which works because it's so ridiculously easy to play with the numbers and turn them into anything you want. I could have made it into a Wollongong reference, but figured triangles would be much nicer for an upcoming post.

Why on earth would I whine about astronomy outside the monthly awards yesterday?

How about because we were bringing up Saturn being a sun and the universe is a big whomping place. Our Sun is a sun. There are lots of other suns. Lots and lots and lots. The universe isn't big enough to hold Graham's number of things, but there's still lots of things. Oodles of lots of things like suns.

Do you realize how easy it is to find a 93 reference amidst that oodles of information? Do they realize that I get Urked about this 93 meaning Sun thing *not* based on WORD=NUMBER gematria is overused? Or realize that it doesn't matter what they think as much as what an unbiased reviewer of the information gets from the data? Especially when science is brought up? (Have I mentioned I'm a scientist lately?)

The first step is to reduce the information from Whomping oodles to what scientists call a Standard Practical Oodle, or Standard Poodle. That link is named stars. They've already had words attached to them. The evil media has made sure to get them listed off a Wikipedia reference.

Obviously Sirius has some significance, being the Dog Star amidst that standard poodle. DOG STAR=39, the mirror of 93. I like that in the Vmag column there are several candidates of 39's =93's. We all know you're allowed to truncate and round at will in gematria. I was hoping UNURGUNITE=93 because it sounds cool. Either some super heroes weakness or a kick ass dishwasher soap. But, no. Sometime I can go through the list looking for anything that suggests that 93 doesn't mean our Sun, but another star. There's got to be something better than this dumbass lack of elliptical orbit crap for our Sun.

That can wait. I spread have a decent alternative. A star cluster, M93. Look at that, a 93 right off the bat. The M is for Messier. So we get

MESSIER CLUSTER 93 = 93 (Reverse Reduced). No prime numbers. No made up phrases.
"One should keep in mind almost all Messier clusters are members in our own Milky Way Galaxy.". No messier(!) alteration of the gematria by lopping off a zero or mirror images.

Because gematria sucks bigger than a black Labrador hole, these things will always crop up when your database gets so big. The Earth not big enough, ok let's bring in the universe! What could possibly go wrong!

113 - busted. 98 as important to this NFL season - busted. 666 - busted. Pi - busted. Circles - busted. (TWO RIGHT TRIANGLES and MARK OF THE BEAST=234 in reverse. 360 degrees in two right triangles, same as a circle. More on the way!)

The pattern should be obvious. Don't make a commitment to a number meaning something. Because gematria doesn't work.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

You Made Me Look Something Up

And that's a big difference in the way I operate vs. gematria confirmation bias.

The suggestion was made that Saturn is actually a burned up brown dwarf star and the original sun in our solar system.

My first reaction was to think this is pretty unlikely. But I'm no astrophysicist, so if this is going to be factual error of the month territory I'm going to have to look it up. And surprisingly there's a bit more to the story than I thought. I can understand based on science how this could be considered.

My skepticism was based on knowing the overused numerology of Saturn=93 which means Sun for the wrong reasons and Saturn is the timekeeper and blah, blah, blah.

Keeping the science to a minimum, it's possible that a Saturn sized planet could be from a burned out star. Based on masses, sizes and theoretical ages and stuff way over my head. We could get answers if we could research what was going on in the core of Saturn and Jupiter, but we can't. The same way we don't know if Venus is a constant temperature of 462 degrees everywhere at all times.

Dude. You realize your evidence for Saturn being a dwarf star is a variation of, "Because I told you so"?

I like this answer. Based in mass and corresponding gravity and stuff, Earth wouldn't exist as we know it. You wouldn't be typing that because you wouldn't exist. The physics shows this COULD happen, but not in our solar system.

Hubbard showed good form and replied he'd heard that, but wasn't sure if it was true. Good job.

Now, since (from a post just yesterday) the Sun is 93 million miles away. Why isn't the Earth 93 million miles away from SATURN=93? Because it's too convenient to suggest that cosmic forces we can't control means that 93 has significance at one point and not at another point, by the person with no actual evidence on why 93 has any significance to freemason tomfoolery.
And how did this 108 suddenly pop in from science? It almost looks like you're suggesting that 108 is 54x2. I don't think so. But...Oracle comes into the narrative out of the blue. But we started off with. Oh, the God's Son for "Sun" is another cute touch which goes really well with claiming you don't make up phrases.

A basketball game?? WTF? Millions of miles of distance was created to rig one basketball game? Or this game was soooooo important? It's not even a playoff game. None of the players died or some ultra bizarre event happened. It was just a game and one team happened to score a total number of points that occurs pretty frequently in the NBA?

This is the reason I only do one of these a month. Instead of picking an equally ludicrous suggestion that somewhere through the third quarter blah, blah, blah means something every tiny little bit of physics and 108 suddenly becomes important.

If people believe this it's easy to see how a comparatively simple hurricane is reasonable sounding. The alternative of not being alive from the additional gravitational pull of another star is looking oh so attractive.

Well. At least I learned something today.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Gematria Glossary Of Misused Terms

Some are just wrong. Some are used in the wrong way, to the point of being purposefully misleading. It's time to start collecting these all in one spot.

1). Prediction. That's PRE-diction. It means forecast, not postcast, aftercast, or even Waituntilthegameisalmostoverandtheresultisvirtuallyknowncast. Which happens a lot. Mentioning, "I like Minnesota's 98 tie in, but look at those 57's for Philadelphia" does not entitle you to claim that both or either was a prediction. If these were predictions all you would have to do is say, "Here's all 32 teams, one will win the Super Bowl. Predicted it!" Same goes for all ritual sacrifices, "Some big name star will die in December". Oh, a whole month for someone to make it to a headline. Here's an actual prediction: I predict Hubbard will find yet another excuse to delay the release of his book until at least March 2018. Specific, identifiable. No excuses afterwards. I'm right or I'm wrong, and I'm going on record NOW.

2). Ordinal - We're better at this now. At least it's commonly just called "Reverse" instead of "Reverse Ordinal".
Know whatcha mean, but ordinal is a position in a series. Reverse of what order? If I reverse an order of letters that begins with q it still is based on an order, just not what you're used to.

3). Evidence - I have evidence the brown spots in my back yard are caused by my neighbor's non existent dog. Because I said so. Get a grip. You have absolutely zero evidence that anything meaningful is produced through gematria.

4). Research - Remember, there's more than one definition. Actual research done is, "Hmmm. Should I bang the text of the singer's death from yesterday or the latest Simpson episode into my calculator? Let me see if someone else did those already.". When you're implying that you found a dusty book in the library, not to put text into the calculator, but actual scientific research uncovering how Francis Bacon made the ciphers that bear his name.

5). Slander - Maybe this is just Hubbard. Slander and libel are not synonymous. They're close and lots of people get them wrong. No excuse.

6). Decode - Yeah right. If my friend writes me a message in special code that reads, "*%4#1 \? <]12^9@ 7;*-"  and the translation is "Gascan jodhpur twinkle" I should know what that means. If I have to decrypt that I haven't decoded the message.

7). Coincidence - coincide - occurring at the same time. Stop claiming there are no coincidences at all. If you have the TV on and you are reading this, those two coincide. What you mean is that "thus and such is a spectacular event and was caused by thus and such event with temporal proximity", followed up by insinuation that some mythical organization is responsible.

8). Shill - This is used like it's an outside party, paid to infiltrate and antagonize. It's not. It's somebody in on a scam to fake making it look legit. Like the three card monte stooge that wins to make it look legit to attract the innocent marks. A true shill would be your friend, and you probably not be calling him a shill. Stick with disinformation agent.

To be added to as time goes on....

Sunday, January 14, 2018

A Funny Commemt

If you have a photographic memory, why do you only remember that you've seen Kid Rock "like" 30 times??

The Glass Wizard

Just what we need. Another new gematria blog. Indirectly my mention of Sir Sic does have a purpose. If you're going to spout off about gematria, be prepared for the accompanying ridicule. Here's what we have to work with.
One of his first posts.

I like to complain about wasting our time and having them just say, "I'm using gematria as my excuse to talk about nonsense no normal people believe. 58 Freemason. Hoax. Bye". Here we have an unfortunate choice of screen name which saves me the time of coming up with something juvenile. Not, Glass Wiztard. My homework has already been done for me. Since the avatar is a fantasy type wizard, I assume you intend to have us think of this:

A wizard made of glass. However, some company has beaten you to the name and we have:
Which to me looks like a toilet brush.

Now that might just be me. But this is a gematria blog. So if Dan finds out it could be toilet town for you. It could be worse and remind him of texting shorthand "GL" prefixed to Ass Wizard". So, GL with that.

Now I'm obligated to remind you that the evil empire is out to get you. You picked a blog, a public forum, to share your information. It wasn't that hard to find. You should be scared of the manufactured hurricane stuff. More so than ridicule by me. If you got together with some friends in a dark basement, maybe lit a couple of sandalwood candles for atmosphere and masking the scent of the bullshit, this would have made things more difficult. I don't want to remind you, but the legal paperwork I signed as a paid disinformation agent requires me to.

Now, the blog post.

My aren't we off to a lovely start. A picture of Ivanka. Now that you mention it the first thing I notice about the picture is how she is NOT pointing at the flag. Your visual acuity is totally fucked. Maybe a glasses wizard can help fix that. She might be laughing. Funny thing about still photos is that unlike videos it's a single point in time. She's certainly smiling. Without audio it's hard to tell. I think she's smiling at the private joke about how she knows that clueless people with bad depth perception are bound to project more into things than are really there. Just like the numerology.

88022. Five digits. Well that's got to go. No self respecting gematria proponent works with five digits. I've been at this long enough to see where this is headed. 88 is a common number. And this is a Trump and 88 always means Trump. 0 is certainly a numerus non grata. Oh, 22, I don't know. Let's see if there's something new.

88 isn't really a good number to use here. It's usually reserved for the Donald. And TRUMP =88. IVANKA or IVANKA TRUMP does not. There are lots of people with the unfortunate surname of Trump. But you all do it, so go with it. There's no rulebook, but you knew that before you started giving meaning to small numbers and blogged about it. I'm sure the homeless crack whore with the last name of Trump has no significance to the evil empire. They planned that name for just her. No...just her and Donald. And Trump, Jr. And well, whoever else is in the unwritten rulebook.

88 is also one of those no-no numbers. I'll keep this SIMPLE since if it gets too COMPLEX it might boggle your perceptions more than they are. SIMPLE=88, COMPLEX=88. Now anytime the media mentions Ivanka is simple in any way, we really don't know as the coding team got drunk that day. Or sniffed too much sandalwood fumes. JEWISH=88, I'll get back to.

22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. A special number. That you get out of IVANKA from a 26 letter gematria elision. Ouch. I would have gone with 22 is a special number at a Trump casino since the house wins when a blackjack player busts at 22.

Book of Revelation? Where did that come from? That's like a Dan narrative thought train. Houston, space, Astrodome, Rockets, JESUITS! Shouldn't there be a 666 in here somewhere?

Judaism and Zionist are both 77. Oh, and here's Israel=44. And Zionism.

I'm going to skip the rest of the gematria. It's old news that's floating around the other blogs and video commentary

 I think I see where this is headed. You don't like THEM, do you? Yeah, Ivanka converted and is Jewish. Yeah, you admitted that you forced GREAT AGAIN=44. Fill in the blank Zionist __________. I doubt that it was lamprey. Now take the Wollongong test. Wollongong _________. This has been used effectively as a measure of if you're just angry at the world or just some specific group of people. If you can't get along with a Wollongongian, you're the problem. It's a starting point. If you answered, "Australia" that's pretty good. If you answered, "What the fuck is Wollongong?", that's normal. Unenlightened, but normal. If you answered with any kind of a noun representing a person you might be a little bit racist.

That's both ends of the spectrum. Wollongong Butthead/Wollongong Beauty Queen. It's probably not a good idea to start labeling broad groups of people that you know nothing about. I'm firmly on team Mary Ann in the debate over Ginger vs. Mary Ann. So although I might think about the lovely ladies of Wollongong I don't instantly think they are all beauty queens. You can argue all day about who is physically more attractive, but in the end the Mary Anners always have the fallback position of that she seems to be a much nicer person. The wholesome Jenna Coleman type. And Ginger is, well, kind of a bitch.

Now look at the word "seems" in that last paragraph. You might not have used the really bad words, but you probably don't think to do Gematria this way unless you're racist. An excuse to say whatever you want under the false pretense of "the numbers told me so." Make America Israel? Really? What is that suposed to mean? It SEEMS like you're projecting. Israel=Bad. You don't have to build your current system, others provided the evidence of, <Word>=<Number> because I told you so! Which is absolutely no evidence at all. It SEEMS like you aren't just pointing out that Ivanka is now Jewish but that this is suddenly some kind of a problem. You can save us the time of gematria and just blog, "I hate Jews because I hate Jews".

Or, if you really aren't racist, put something in the narrative to try and justify why Zionist is all so frigging important to this mystery. Lots of things equal 77 or 44. It doesn't matter as much what you think, as much as how it looks. Which may be sad, but that's life.

It seems that you've started off following in the footsteps of the Free To Find Misinformation crowd. Where Hubbard stated at times he's not anti-Semitic and long ago dropped all pretense and just drops "kike faggots" in like those two words always belong together. (Attu the Wonder Turtle forbid we ever get "kike faggot bad crisis actors").

If the blog is just for your cronies who are so CLOSED-minded they refuse to accept gematria doesn't work when simple concepts like. OPEN and CLOSED both = 58, that's fine. But better left to a sandalwood scented basement instead of "out there" on the Web. Like Sir Sic, I am anti-stupid, which has no racial boundaries and lots of other people are, too. Don't hate me for being a white Caucasian male in suburban America when there are so many real reasons to hate me.

And I'll leave off reminding you that you dedicated an entire post to your thoughts on Trump and 9/11 being fake. Without a stitch of numerology. Knock it off. If there was any fakery, gematria has nothing to do with it. This is another indicator that you intend to use it as a crutch to be a whiny little bitch.

GL. And join the battle cry, Get Along With Wollongong!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Recommended Media

We'll take a break from true gematria discussion today. I've been busy editing and after researching trigonometry stuff want a break. You can take this as insight on my own personal database without sharing my full life story. My blog. My entertainment. Screw it.

I've bounced into some interesting videos, movies, TV and books. Here's some of them.

Sunny Peaches77 (real name Tiffany Jacot) is rather....odd? I'm not sure what the right word is. A long time ago she did a gematria video, which by the standards demonstrated by everyone else doing gematria is at the bottom of the barrel. Some of her key points was explaining how she was Sunny Peaches 77, because she's a "7". Tiffany has 7 letters. Peaches has 7 letters. Which she instantly misspells on a hand written card as PEACHS with only six letters. And ignores Sunny and Jacot only having six letters. She left us with a cliffhanger as if more gematria was on the way. A threat like the sequel to Buckaroo Banzai was mercifully not followed up on.

She produced a strange assortment of videos. Mostly flat earth stuff. One video about AIDS caught the attention of Sir Sic, the Social Inequity Crusader. I found this because she tweeted a message to Sir Sic and appeared to have a good natured self deprecating response. As she had officially retired from YouTube in November I had to check it out.

It was hilarious. Sunny's original video was given the MST3K treatment as Sir Sic points out every logical flaw in her original material. I've checked other S.S. videos and that's his schtick and he does it well. If you like people busting on other's stupidity, it's a good time. However, his language makes mine look like a nun in comparison.

Star Talk
Where science and pop culture collide. I'm a huge Neil Degrasse Tyson fan. Some of his guests are especially interesting. I found out that Katy Perry is actually pretty smart. The Alan Alda show had some nice insights. My favorite from the latest season is the Kevin Smith comic book episode. It would be really funny if Sir Sic and Neil teamed up on Sunny Peaches gematria. At least for me.

Boy was I faked out. Scanning through the guide on screen I thought this sounded like a potentially entertaining horror movie. It was horror, but not in a monster movie sense. More like the horror of corporate greed and fraud. SeaWorld did everything in their power to shoot themselves in the foot and now has suffered massive Blacklash over this which is well documented in this documentary and books.

I find it amusing that has me pegged as an animal rights activist. Add killer whales to the list of pit bulls and not eating beef (a global warming reason for me) and I see why. It's more about the lying than animal rights. Don't make up "facts" about killer whales, breed specific dog nonsense or climate change. You should be able to figure out why I care about gematria whether money is involved or not. Anyway this is my favorite documentary. And you can also understand how my second favorite, Inside Job, fits in here. I love a good documentary.

Amy Stewart
Amy has two cool books that I own, Wicked Plants and Wicked Bugs. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular inhabitant of this not flat Earth experiencing life threatening climate change issues. Some are a given - tobacco, cocaine, black widow spiders. There's also lesser known specimens. I know more about khat than will ever be useful. Did you know that the Brazilian Walking Spider actually gets pissed off and attacks if you swat at it? Instead of running away like you'd expect? It doesn't help that it's venomous. These are very light reading and you can finish a chapter or two in a short time. Perfect for waiting for Debbie to finish her make up or Phil to load in a driving app pretending he knows how to get to the movie theater already. Or sitting on the can, which also has the advantage of being a weapon should you encounter a poisonous spider.

Meet The Feebles/Dead Alive
Did you know Bob Clark of Porky's fame used to make horror movies before he decided it was more fun to make money? Did you know Peter Jackson did some movies before hobbits and that he is totally deranged?

Meet the Feebles answers the question, "What would life be like for Muppets if they had real life movie star problems off set?" Drug addiction, sex addiction and STDs, violent behavior, etc.... There's absolutely no chance this movie is making it to cable without so much editing that only a fraction of the content remains. This is certainly not to everyone's taste, but to my sense of humor has an appeal.

Dead Alive (aka Brain Dead) is a bit more mainstream and has better production values. Some of you out there have maybe seen this. This movie answers the question, "What would it be like if the The Three Stooges and Clive Barker got together to make a movie?" If you make it to the end without being offended you are treated to the most creative use of landscaping equipment during the zombie apocalypse in movie history. My favorite movie. Most people I introduce to this film rightfully cannot believe that multiple academy awards were won by the same filmmaker.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Oh, Tell Me You Didn't Just Say THAT!

There's been a Twitter exchange between the Gematrinator and someone known as space_station. This is mathematically related. And I'll break it down starting with the version you don't really need to know math for. Then there will be an upgrade. Then, a final version you can ignore.

The history of this is the insistence that the circle is The Mark of The Beast. Keep that in mind. Circle. Pi. 666 the number of the beast. Space Station, a Mir (groan?) follower of the masterful Gematrinator's work noticed that sin(666)= 1/2 the Golden Ratio. So, Derek brushed up on his trig, as he says and explains how sines, cosines and the number 36 are important to the golden ratio and this 1/2 value.

The short answer:
Oh, you really didn't want to say that, did you? Are you daring me to notice? Ok, I'll bite. You don't need to understand the math. Words are part of the gematria system. TRIG. TRIGONOMETRY. What do you think the tri- prefix means? TRIANGLE. Trigonometry is the study of the relationships of sides and angles in TRIANGLES. Not circles. Ooops.

A longer, more mathy answer
As I've said before busting on this insistence of 360 degrees meaning circles, a four sided shape also has 360 degrees. If you split a square in half along the diagonal, you get two right triangles. A right triangle has 180 degrees total. In trig, you are studying the 180 degrees of a triangle. 90 degrees is sucked up by the right angle, symbolically noted as a half square symbol in a drawing. The other angles are complementary angles (not complimentary like the ciphers in Hubbard's unedited book chapter list). They must total 90 degrees between them. 90+90=180. The sine and cosine functions relate to themselves and each other based on the angles other than the 90 degree angle, like here:

The final, more mathier answer.
You should check the Gematrinator tweet for the details of 36, 54, 180 numbers. The numbers including the Golden Ratio tie in aren't wrong. But it sounds like a half assed answer stumbled into by entering values into a calculator with trig functions (or like when I was in trig class, a table of values at the back of a book).

I'm still not going to go full bore math here. You can do it on your own or be bored and ignore as you choose. 36 and 54 are the complementary angles of a right triangle. They are in a ratio of a nice even 2:3. See the three? Like, 1+2=3? Everything is actually more accurately described as relating to the number 180, as everything in triangles is. Play around with sine and cosine values and the values are repetitive in blocks of 180 degrees. Note that even sin(666) in the original question/narrative is a negative number.

 The golden ratio relates to a square with a rectangle attached like here:

Don't worry about anything except noticing that the square root of 5 is divided by two. A square is two triangles. Halving a square into a triangle essentially makes the math a division by another half. That's why the math works out. The only pair of complementary angles totaling 90 degrees that fulfills the golden ratio and golden rectangle requirements is 36/54.

Beyond this we're starting to get into math beyond trigonometry. But notice the distinct omissions. Nowhere do you need Pi or circles to explain this. It's all triangles. And just yesterday I saw a comment where the Gematrinator defended a video by saying he's one of the smartest people you'll meet. Kinda think a really smart person would know that trig relates to triangles. At least a really smart person studying "sacred geometry" dealing with words, which have etymological roots in other words.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Graham's Number, A Gematria Research Project

It's really big. Really, really big.

Now what does this mean to us?

One thing, it's me playing around with my formatting to put links in the middle of a blog post.

Next, proof that I'm not making this up. And also a warning that another boring math post is coming shortly.

So you don't have to read the entire article, but are welcome to if you want, here's some things to recognize about the nature of the number.

It's so big, if you were to write it out longhand, with each digit being the size of an atom, there's not enough matter in the universe to write it on. And we know it ends in a 7. We actually know a lot of the rightmost digits {500ish} and I suppose some people might be trying to figure out the gap between the right end and the starting point.

I'm still trying to get a handle on why Pi is such a big deal that somehow everything has to be forced into a Pi reference, no matter how stupid it sounds and how inaccurate it is regarding the nature of Pi.

A good portion of my readers know instantly when I mention Pi it has an infinite number of non repeating decimal places. One bizarre justification of the use of Pi is:

Where now there's some significance attached to just the first 144 decimal places. The rest of infinity is insulted.

In an infinite number of decimal places you can get an infinite number of subtotals. So, now the question is why is the starting and ending point supposed to be the first 144 decimal places? Logic will say that the first has got to be there. So now, why end at the 144th?

How about because that just happened to work for the narrative? There are lots of irrational numbers. Probably something like an....infinite number of them.  The square root of any number other than a perfect square has non repeating decimal places. Congratulations. You just changed 144 into Pi. And with an infinite supply of digits and infinite number of ways to justify a starting and ending point, you've proven my point that absolutely every single number can be changed into Pi in a gematria narrative.

Some just look superficially cooler than others. Maybe more accurately less stupid than cooler to people that really understand math beyond what they learned growing up, and forgot because you don't need Pi to figure out if the Wendy's cashier short changed you. You don't even need an infinite number of digits. We know about really big numbers like Graham's number. There's a lot of digits to play with there. Good luck figuring out the leftmost end.

It looks like Pi has gained this honored status because the first superficial gematria matches look "cool". That is, if you count changing a number immediately into another number as gematria. And the original definition of Pi relates to circles. You can't swing a dead lamprey on this planet without hitting a circle, somehow. Even Wollongong has circles in it's name....or does it? It depends on the font. And Pi also relates to ellipses, or ovals. Curved lines without being in circles. Hell, there's even a famous movie about the search for hidden Pi applications not about circles, Raiders of the Lost Arc.

Now get this. Dan was on the Gematrinator's live stream broadcast. Two big names in the gematria community. You can't swing a dead lamprey in a Dan narrative without hitting on a comment like, "That reminds me of <insert personal interpretation here>". Like the freemasons are constantly monitoring his every move. Derek is big on solar eclipses. Searching for the meaning about the death of his relative. Since Dan's always using personal events to look for gematria clues. And I have personally been placed on this planet to torture him as a paid disnformation agent (MUAHAHAHAHA!) I suggest that they do a sequel. Ellipse and eclipse are one letter different. "Ellipse" should remind Dan of "Eclipse". AND C AND L HAVE THE SAME REDUCTION VALUE!!! They should team up and figure out if Pi really doesn't mean CIRCLE.

And I'm in a generous mood. A good starting point to get over the mind numbing awesomeness of infinity is the nourishment during the research. Graham Cracker Pie Crust.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Amplification Elisions

An intentional oxymoron. An expanded abridgment.

A bit of an upgrade for me. My shitty, obsolete browser doesn't let me use the formatting toolbar including copying and pasting links. I finally found a work around. It's still not perfect, I can't type below the link, but it's at the bottom. I'll work on getting things in order later.

Astralogic spent a lot of time on 9/11 gematria and posted his thesis on the letsrollforum website. They didn't really appreciate the effort, and you get a sense that it was, "thanks, but this is too weird." Notice right off the bat that "119 = 911 in gematria". Don't ask me why, it just is. 0's are dropped, giving an example of 101 being converted into 11.

Since there's no official guidelines I'm trying to piece this together myself. There's a large body of evidence that suggests that in practice, a three digit number doesn't have to, but can have the 0 dropped. A two digit number rarely has the zero dropped. Four digit or more numbers, probably allowed to drop as many zeroes as show up as long as the result is at least two digits.

The mathematical elisions are already a form of an amplification. The Primes valuations are based on the list of prime numbers, A is now 2, B=3, C=5,....Franc Baconis is a form of expansion. Sumerian is an obvious expansion, Simple x 6. Reference my post 558 is gematria's favorite two digit number. It's really just 93 in disguise.

Putting aside the creation of new elisions like a mad scientist stuck in his lab with the Tesla coil discharging and Theremin playing that generates more values you can always ignore...why on Earth would it make sense to suggest an amplification elision of values 10-90 or 10-800?

Because that's what the Gematrinator has on the home page of his website now. Still guessing here. Most logical would be that for the 10-90 amplification it's the reduced systems x10, so A=10, B=20...I=90, J=10, K=20.... I'm not sure what to make of 10-800.  So, back to 10-90. If it's not reduced x 10 it's going to look really awkward. A=10, B=17, C=22, D=24 or whatever. Hard to pretend that the elites hid this until you just now discovered it. Looks like your stuck with steady gradations.

So now you have a word like CAB = 60 instead of 6. But I thought you were supposed to drop zeroes? Not just in the middle - partial game scores in Jeopardy! of 3,200 definitely not Canadian dollars and $4,400 are '32' and '44' respectively. What are you going to do with a total that always ends with a 0? They'll never be prime. Don't tell me your going to amplify and play with VALIUM=390 instead of the already available VALIUM=39. It looks like your. ADDING a zero.

Because nothing says scary coding by super powerful elites like contradicting something that was supposed to have been part of the code already cracked before the contradiction.

If the intent was to spoon-feed amplifications by multiplication other than the Sumerian in place, this was the one NOT to have been included, much less the first suggested. 2,3,4,5,7,8 and 9 all would have been disguised better like 558 is really just 93.
