Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Mathematical Hypocrisy

As a prelude think about these two election related events.  People with an agenda, including internet grifters seeking targets to bilk allow themselves to engage in hypocritical actions that have legal consequences if the legal system grows a pair of balls and does something about it.

1). At the heart of Donnie’s 34 felony convictions is the valuation of his properties.  For monetary purposes it’s advantageous for them to be super highly valued for loans, acquiring them at significantly lower interest rates.  At the same time, it’s hypocritically better to have them be worthless for federal income tax purposes.  And he got caught interchanging high and low values more often than Zach waffles between saying he never said he could predict sports games and claiming he’s the best predictor ever.

2). RFK Jr.’s brain works.  It’s to his advantage to be unhealthy and unable to be productive to avoid high divorce settlement payouts.  Declaration of a brain parasite seems a little extreme, but whatever.  Now, running for President with a talking point of the health, age and fitness for office being prominent.  “I got better.”

As these are related to money they have a mathematical basis.  Most people understand that $100 is more money than $1.  The ones who don’t are gematria decoders.  Things get a little crazier with gematria fake math when it gets above basic math.  And the Gematrinator, apparently unhappy I gave attention to Terryology decided to bring back the old Pi bullshit from years ago.  So, I’ll bite.  It’s in this blog post from yesterday:

(Note to self —> archive that)

In one section we get a discussion of Pi and 22 divided by 7, which does acknowledge that it’s a convenient approximation instead of the actual value of Pi.

This is one of those older stories that makes slightly more sense than your average gematria fudging to force the narrative.  So it gets repeated often.  It’s a good one to amaze the newbies.  Somewhere out there right now is maybe some poor soul looking up math phrases like Euler’s Number and trying to duplicate the magic of this trick, not realizing the magician’s repertoire doesn’t include any more illusions of this caliber.  He’s not working on any new material because 99.99% of the tricks don’t work.

Then, he proceeds with ruining the trick via mathematical hypocrisy:


Sure.  Why not.  The circle is mathematically perfect.  I’m partial to a good rhombus myself, but circles are exquisite.  And they absolutely don’t be circles without Pi being Pi instead of 22/7.

And this hypocrisy is also old news.  Hypocrisy like this is one of the main red flags identifying the source as possibly disinformation instead of more innocent misinformation.  It’s convenient to muddy actual math when convenient for your story.  And like the previous post here he’s not helping his audience achieve any enlightenment.  Like Donnie, RFK and Joe Rogan he relishes the gullibility of those he’s insulting the intelligence of.  Just get an ad free membership for the experience without the misleading ads attached to the site.

This equation holds true:

Hypocrisy + Fundraiser = Grift

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