Thursday, June 6, 2024

Know Your Gematria Grifter Tactics - Recruitment Material


Our favorite Twixter reporter of what is special about the date has included this gem.  It’s also Applesauce Cake Day, so let’s not lose sight of how significant that is.

These reports are daily, like clockwork you can count on it.  And whenever I’ve checked they do appear to actually be a real thing and not some randomly created thing.  I’m not sure how one would twist Applesauce Cake Day into a commentary on Jesuits rigging sports or similar propaganda.  But I do know you could if you wanted.

Don’t lose sight of how even this, as seemingly innocent as it appears, is subtle misinformation.  These daily reports include the #Gematria every time.  And there’s one mini decode to get your pump primed.  And somehow the need to put the cipher that was used to generate that mini decode.

If it was just meant to be supportive of the gematria decoding community there would be no need to format it this way.  They know the basics.  They know that when you don’t get the result you want immediately you start playing around with things like date spans and prime numbers to force a match.

It’s a recruitment tactic.  It’s designed for that first timer who innocently looked up Applesauce Cake day for their grade school book report.  Or somebody that is looking for info on pests.  Or whatever day it is.  Just to get out that #Gematria thrown in there like that link in the email you shouldn’t click.  As of this morning other than what special day it is the # shows some sports betting and spiritual something evil is out to get you stuff.  And some shady looking people’s accounts with gematria in their name and/or profile.

That’s pretty normal for Twixter.  It’s what it was designed for, having something relevant appear on to a convenient bookmark so it trends.  And Twixter is also great at misinformation because the innocent and the meaningful get dumped into the same bin.  It would be great if they labeled it #ScammerGematria or #ReligiousOnlyGematria, but that’s not going to happen.

The images are part of the bait set around the rabbit hole.  It’s much more attractive in a meme quality way to put some pictures of pests along with yammering about pests and gematria.  And either on purpose or inadvertently the subjective instead of objective nature of gematria is proudly displayed.  Not all things considered to be pests are insects.  A picture of a mouse or a slug could easily have been added.  Most people, even elementary school children, are programmed to think that ladybugs are cute and beneficial instead of a pest.  While some people think that anything with six or eight legs is completely icky and they consider all arthropods a pest.  The butterflies are also pissed off at being lumped into the same group.  It’s like the post is straight out of a book titled “Elementary School Introduction On How To Be Racist.”  Or “Gematria - Conspiracy Theory Lite.”

And there’s always the <sarcasm font> wonderful </sarcasm font> way they use multiple hashtags in posts.  Within the last 24 hours someone has used #gematria and #vaccine together to put up anti vaccine content.

There’s no value to this as educational material, you don’t need a fake gematria decode to be cognitively biased or proudly display your biases.  Lots of people don’t get along with other people and proudly display their contempt for humanity without gematria.  And that explains why some long time Zach cronies are putting out daily sports decodes without even using the word gematria.  (Zach still does use #gematria).

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