Sunday, June 23, 2024

Zero Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

A perfectly good message ruined by two words and having GEMATRIA in the account name.  The way it works in the real world is something like this -

Both the doctor and the potential patient should not want either to waste time.  If you stay up until 2am every night drinking and watching sports decoding gematria videos every day maybe you should getting some more sleep and take a break from the YouTube stuff for awhile.  Feeling a little down?  Maybe you’re still unhappy about Fluffy the beloved goldfish passing away and a change of scenery like seeing a movie with a friend would be nice.  Fluffy would have loved to have known you moved on.

Taking a nap if you’re tired or watching a movie to get over grieving is solid and harmless advice that could actually work on the actual root of the problem.  What we have here is a conflation problem.  The point of these types of spiritual mumbo jumbo posts is to arbitrarily scapegoat science by association.  Doctors = expensive and bad.  Energy Vampires = really bad.  And when you get cancer it’s those damn energy vampires and the treatment recommendations get bizarre.  Magic healing crystals, homeopathic remedies, drinking pee, and yes I’ve even seen it claimed that listening to the right music can cure cancer.

Ordinarily these dark energy/low vibration messages are harmless enough.  But the wolves are always watching the video comments for who’s in the those comments looking for a prayer chain so they can offer a bogus solution.  Then that person needing actual help who doesn’t want to see a doctor has to pick which bogus remedy sounds best.

If there is an energy vampire I would think they would WANT you to take a nap so they can feast on a fresh and rested victim again.  A low energy food source sounds like low energy diet food.  Yuck.  Human energy steak vs. human energy celery.

The actual solution?  If your friends are recommending anything involving not satirical about energy vampires you need new friends.  Real friends who might help you figure out that you’re simply tired and need a nap or can help you with actual research and finding it’s time to go see a real doctor.

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