Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Gematria/Freemason Paradox

Before I start rambling we start with one of the main points and a bit of documentation.

Although Freemasons, Illuminati, and the NWO were supplanted by hatred the convenient arbitrary scapegoating of the Jesuits, there was the magic of the 2017 World Series.  Based on the anti Freemason design of the content in general it was a Freemason era sporting event.  (The Jesuit era starting in 2020).  That series ended up being the Dodgers vs. Astros.  Wildfires are a constant feature of life in California now, in some part exacerbated by lack of funding from internet grifting helping elect leaders with no interest in combatting climate change.  And that was the year that Hurricane Harvey.


And not just Harvey, but an extremely active hurricane season.

Normally the Free to Find Truth blog was sparsely populated outside the NFL season, a pattern that holds up today.  But this was a golden opportunity.  It was Water vs. Fire.  The two ancient enemies.  And instead of just murdering people with Fire and Water, the evil empire needed to make sporting event rituals to mock us.  Literally, back then also, sports riddles to mock us.  As if orchestrating the energy weapons timing wasn’t enough of a hassle, let’s take time to make sure there’s a pitcher named Harvey to be on the Astros roster.  

It was classic outrage porn taking advantage of the dimwitted.  And even back then there were the pesky trolls on the blog and video comments causing trouble.  Like this guy:

I always feel nostalgic about that time, it was when being a gematria critic was way more fun.  That part about the 7 channels deleted?  Yeah, that actually happened.  It’s hard to tell if all of them were actually YouTube paying attention to its stated community standards and how much was self deleted because hiding contradictions and lies was necessary.  If you want to be a gematria sports decode grifter now you have to put up with figuring out what to do about old content.

None of the people (other than Hubbard)  involved in the 2017 commentary is still around to share what it was like.  And the fun for critics was the commentary was absolutely batshit crazy, a never ending word salad of FEMA death camps, fires started by DEW.  HAARP generated hurricanes, ritual sacrifice celebrity deaths, tangents about astronomy and spirituality.

And the natural byproduct of that - the inevitable incompatibility of the messages.  And the sad state for the lonely grifter at the top.  What exactly do you do when dealing out Attaboys!TM while trying to maintain control of the narrative?  The trolls need to be minimized.  And sometimes even a George Santos style  gematria newbie is more trouble than they’re worth.

And now I remind you where we are today.  The Fee To Find Misinformation blog lies unused, but is still available.  The Patreon tiers make it blatantly obvious that a lot of the alleged good quality content requires a larger monthly subscription fee.  And now would be a good time to pause and review how this all ties together.

The Twixter post was made 6/24/2024.  So although the Jesuits are still the top of the list, anti Freemasonry content is still important enough.  There are too many anniversaries and convenient words to create tiny little numbers off of related to Freemasons.  A secretive society, the former poster boy for shadowy evil empires manipulating sporting events to ridicule the lonely cognitively biased gematria master wannabe.  An organization that requires payments to join the club.  And now the leader of the movement to expose the secret society has turned it into a shadowy mystery organization that requires dues to join the exclusive club.

WOW.  That is one bold ass slap in the face to recruiting new “truth seekers”.  Don’t you think if exposing evil was that important it would be free?

The Patreon lockdown is damage control.  Newcomers are meant to focus on the current sporting event and not delve into past content.  Attaboys! can be limited to courting the unlucky few that show the most damaged critical thinking.  A wide open blog is not the way to go when everyone’s comment no matter how dumb it might be requires praise from dear leader.  Wide open video comments are not the way to go.  To receive Attaboys! requires outstupiding others.  Something so outrageous other than picking the winner of a two team game.  And people would get out of control and post a truly community standards violation post every once in awhile.  But on Patreon, the trolls need to pay to see it.  And a lot of the troll activity is competing grifters just trying to slide newbies to their Patreon with the exact same format.

A more open and honest Patreon introduction would read something like this:

Hi, I’m Nigel Pointfinger, and I’m exposing the evils of shadowy, money grubbing secret societies through my shadowy, money grubbing secret society.  Join me for $100 a month and I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear!

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