Thursday, June 27, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - The @vertisement

Replying to @lionelgematria69131 and @elonmusk

Hey Lionel, I don’t understand this gematria thing but it sure is interesting!

And in the meantime Lionel has daily posts which @ in Elon with his magical connections to being the coolest thing ever.  In fact, instead of typing in @elonmusk it is easier to just reply to one of Lionel’s abundant messages to Elon and it automatically does it like an email Reply All.

It doesn’t have to be Elon, of course.  You can substitute any person that qualifies as an influencer, even of a lower status level and popularity.  But going for the big guns is the most popular.  It can be Rogan or Trump or Tucker or Alex Jones or Taylor Swift or Beyoncé or anyone else of celebrity status with a Twixter account, even if the account isn’t officially operated by the celeb.  It’s no coincidence that the Hoaxer accounts are heavy on the right wing conspiracy side @s.  Because the followers are a mailing list.  When you do the reply and turn it in to a reply all this way it’s like sending out a mass email.

For the seasoned grifter there’s no intent at all to turn Elon into a diehard gematria fan here.  His wealth is involved in much bigger things that he has to worry about, like complaining about the SEC or avoiding lawsuits for Cybertruck crashes.  It’s unlikely that Elon will ever see the gematria message, some administrative help going through the voluminous @s he gets daily.

It’s more aimed at Lionel’s mailing list.  Lionel may exclusively devote his time to the world of forcing the numbers of gematria to the intended as a narrative, or he may be all over the crank magnetism landscape.  He may actual put real faith in the gematria or may be fully aware of its uses for disinformation.  Regardless, by the same math that works for the advanced fee mass email scam there will be a certain set of followers who have these desired qualities.

1).  A false assumption that any time Elon is mentioned = wealth beyond the wildest bounds of imagination.

2). A significant cognitive bias issue.

The process doesn’t work the same on YouTube.  That requires actively (maybe supplemented by bot activity) getting a comment attached to a single video.  In the realm of Twitter though, just through in your @ and the curious and gullible will follow up and come to you.

Whoever @s Lionel in this fashion has his own hustle going on, maybe cryptocurrency or sovereign citizen stuff.  The financial hook that the mere mention of Elon Musk = wealth attracts.  It’s a way to say, “Your synchronicity with cheddar cheese or puppies is all well and good.  Now that I have your attention look through my timeline and see about how much money you can make or whatever other magic I can do that has left your gematria unfulfilled.”

Today’s search for someone that @elonmusked produced a “Lionel” who has a meme for medbeds.  You too can shave 30 years off your age.  That’s a big ticket scam for thousands of dollars in one pop.  Lionel has that three card monte game on his corner of the street and someone is trying to steal some of his share of the sweet, sweet grifting pie.

Not all crank magnetism is generated solely by the algorithms.  Sometimes a human uses a little psychology to obtain this accidental celebrity endorsement.  Add the celebrity @ + conspiracy hoax to your list of red flags.

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