Sunday, September 30, 2018

Free Daily Dose Of Gematria Crazy

Interesting that the Patreon account for Hubbard is now at almost $3,000 a month.  We were told that all that was needed was $2,000 a month to pay the bills and buy a few trinkets for the fiancé.  Because now there’s at least one fairly recent video questioning why the over 20,000 subscribers that haven’t ponied up the $$ aren’t on board to help him spread the troof.

To be fair, the video this funding request was attached to was geared towards additional funding to go to the Capitol with a bullhorn instead of just funding the lifestyle overhead.  However, it hasn’t been that long ago that the lifestyle funding request was made and it’s shortsighted not to have thought about that.  We can also assume that either the trip to Israel will be self paid or he’s not considered that yet.  Oh well.  Maybe that will come to mind and the Patreon goal will get cranked up to a more reasonable neeeed amount of....who knows what.  I wish I could get $36k a year for making up numbers.

The bullhorn at the Capitol video didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.  Lots of often repeated 47’s like GOVERNMENT and AUTHORITY.  And the requests to donate pop up pretty regularly.  I’m not really sure anybody needs to subscribe.  Within a span of a few days (unless your memory is bad) you’ll see the same things over and over.   For free on YouTube.  As in over 200 videos worth for free between the news and sports channels in the last two weeks.  I’m happy to let other people pay for it, watch everything I’ve already heard for free.

Here’s a quick recap:

Every number is usually bad except when there are the rare cases when the same number is good.
Authority is bad.  Government, police, cranky librarians, etc....
YouTube has censored me except these 100’s of videos they let slip by because the evil empire is selectively incompetent.
Send money.

That about does it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Phoniest Gematria Cipher Yet

Kinda hate to use the brutally obvious pun, but this is the most fake elision ever made.  Yes, made.  Contrived by the users of bogus gematria and not some selectively incompetent secret organization.  But I am getting ahead of myself.

So let’s go over what’s wrong with this bullet point by bullet point.

1). We were told that no more elisions would be added to the calculator.  And nothing says fulfilled promises like a hollow promise made by a gematrimook.  So, a different system that obviously has no historical precedent is now officially slapped onto the screen for the weak minded to find a different value to conveniently ignore as they see fit.  You can certainly forget the ludicrous idea of the Organic Matrix thinking that it was going to pull the puppet strings and mask coincidences hiding the secret in the keypad not invented until the 20th century.  Or, maybe not.  Go ahead and believe it if you want as the rational world laughs at you for it.  Sorry Victorian era truth seeker.  You’re gonna have to wait until the phone is invented to be amazed at how that CAT=14 means something.  The thought of the Freemasons sitting around and pondering when to unleash the invention of the phone is slightly less laughable.  Do we give Alexander Graham Bell a CAT or not?  Decisions, decisions, decisions.

2). You know, the numbers didn’t always have letters behind them?  Like, honestly, the phone just had numbers for a long time.  Oh, I guess that’s really a subsection of #1 above.  But noteworthy because I wanted to make 3). a separate point.  So I wanted a segue.

3). Did you know that for a long time there were no q’s or z’s on the phone?  Look it up.  I lived it, but since most gematrimooks are too young to remember they probably didn’t think about it.  Supposedly the origin may be “We have 8 numbers with three letters a piece so people could do mnemonic tricks to help them remember their phone number.”  So, 3x8 is 24.  Two letters had to get the axe.  Q looked like 0 and Z like 2, so they were the choice.  Or it was a semi-random choice.  So now.  Did the Freemasons do “wrong” gematria until the change to include all 26 letters??  Nothing says astute researchers like inability to cite a reference regarding an issue like this before just throwing it out there for public pinheaded consumption.

4). Oh, another subsection elevated to a bullet point?  Yeah, what the hell.  It breaks it up from being one long rambling paragraph.  8 digits used.  Because there’s no 1 in keypad gematria.  Oh yeah, that makes all kinds of fucking sense.  Because you need 1’s to make 11, the almighty master builder number.  So the Freemasons also decided, “Oh, fuck the master builder number.  Even though we’ve turned AA into 1,1=11 before let’s just scrap that for keypad gematria.”  Of course, this is consistent with gematria in practice.  Like, you don’t reduce eleven ever. Not ever.  Not ever, ever.  Unless you do.  So that’s okay.  Just don’t do it too much.  Unless you want to do it a lot.  Because that’s okay.

5). Well, I suppose with zero not having any letters this might help balance the dropping zeroes thing.  Because you always drop zeroes in gematria.  Except when you don’t.  Reference point 4). about 11.

6). Couldn’t you have saved everybody the time and thrown in Reverse Keypad  gematria NOW?  You just know someone is going to use it sooner or later.  Or at least ask the question about which digits get four letters if you were to reverse it and make Z=2, etc....  There are only 5,717,904,285,433 different elisions now.  What’s one more?

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Denim’s Upgrades & Downgrades

When we last visited Denim was going three for three on picking heavy favorites for his actual bets.  Now there’s been a change in the game plan.

If you were to go back to the post about his latest three team parlay it now shows a remark about not wanting his readers to rag on him for only picking favorites.  Curiously altered retroactively after my pointing out that he’s been only picking favorites.  I think.

And let’s be fair.  The burden of proof should be on me to prove that this is the case.  I do not have an infinite supply of time to invest in this and cannot possibly archive every post and screenshot every detail.  But, I feel no guilt at all about suggesting that my memory of this is that the remark did not previously exist.  And if you are the type of person that thinks his content has value towards your gambling outcomes you should be paying attention.  Remember, I have busted him in the past for deleting his NCAA bracket that was shattered early on, so there were s a previous track record of suspicious alterations.

Now.  An upgrade.  A ticket picking a favorite.  Finally.  However, his confidence was not high enough to parlay it with two other teams.  And we still don’t know the size of the bet.

Upgrade/Downgrade depending on your perspective:
The left side is how a post looks that has comments, the right side shows no comments.  Which doesn’t mean that nobody has commented, it means that they have been disabled.  As these were taken seconds apart it shows that there’s not some sort of global disabling of the comments across the entire blog.

Of the values I add to this is foremost superior observational skills and critical thinking ability and this jumped out to me.  And if you’re embroiled in the world of sports gematria for gambling purposes you need to understand that this could not simply be an innocent omission.  Some effort is required to purposefully disable comments on a post.

And nothing says faith in your system like not letting your loyal followers chime in on the multitude of tiny numbers they found and how Pi and solar eclipses fit into the picture.

Now, there are some downgrades in the quality of the material I’m reporting.  I’m not sure if this is because I haven’t sifted through all the material and I’m just reporting now or if this is new.  But in any event, there’s some significant PhraseShopping here.  Like in the image I’m showing “deGrom and Sabathia”=101.  Oh yeah, sure.  The Freemasons were sitting around plotting global domination and decided to plop in a reference to two pitchers from two different teams because their work on weather warfare for the year ended after the worst of Florence passed over.  In the unlikely event a news story was presented that showed these names mentioned together including the word “and” instead of “&” then the burden of proof is on Denim to show it.  And I doubt it can be produced which is why it’s missing.

The Atlanta Brave, not pluralized.  Yeah, sure.  Sounds completely reasonable.  Sandy Hook shooting was faked so they can take away our guns so the NWO can spend time hiding their secrets by altering the team name just for one game.  Nothing says scary like hoarding s’s for the coming apocalypse.

Sox is usually spelled Socks.  But when you’re talking baseball it’s never, ever spelled Socks except by people that don’t know baseball.  Nothing says selective incompetence like orchestrating the height of the Pentagon to match stuff for 9/11 and then choking when it comes time to getting the name of some of the best known franchises in baseball wrong.

Just because the actual PayPal link hasn’t appeared yet doesn’t mean that the time investment going into Denim’s blog isn’t leading up to it.  Critical thinking, people.  If you spend some time trying to create the number 101 for other teams in the various methods used you can at this point produce every single team having a 101 reference.  And going back to the picking the favorite for a change.  Still reported after the fact in a manner that suggests it was predicted ahead of time.  Just to brag about mad skillz or another purpose?  Like the real estate investment infomercial scams, why not just use your mad skillz to do it instead of just bragging about it.

And then take your critical thinking a step further.  This PhraseShopping looking for whatever odd wording works out to support your claim in hindsight happens in - Every.  Single.  Sports blog or website.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

No DI for

The video relates to some unsavory comment searched for multiple times on the website, and represents a classic example of the principle of Dipshitmatic Immunity.  The problem the actual believers in gematria have is the inability to properly translate the information provided in the video.

The translation performed probably goes something like this:

I see the number and I see that there obviously a bunch of shills trying to make Hubbard look bad.  The duality of numbers is of no concern to me because Zach is the great teacher and understands this stuff.

The actual translation should be more like:

Wait a second.  Once we try to talk about the entire language being encoded, shouldn’t there be some meaning to this?  The gematria tells me so.  Am I not really believing the message because of the source of the message instead of the actual message?

I had my fun and have gotten to the point where given a target number to reach in short order I can provide an alternate meaning to arrive at the same number, including numbers larger than what are normally used.  The database on Gematrix is essentially a collection of phrases, some short or even a single word, some longer and comical in their awkwardness.  Once you get the list of matches you have to apply some other criteria besides the numerology to get the meaning.  So the easiest cop out is to trust the source and confirmation bias instead of just admitting that small numbers are pretty much meaningless.

There’s a lot of bluster about exposing patterns of small numbers being used.  But really, how can you be sure that 113 means “DISHONEST” instead of Truth.

Instead of putting out content that needs to be translated it would save everyone a lot of time by just saying, “Believe my message because it’s me.”without resorting to the numbers.  Otherwise you get a video like this that presents a lot of ad hominem arguments about fat slobs and Gematrix bad vs. me good.  Which like Jake Lebowski goes a long way towards debunking the system while the information is presented in a manner of proof that it works.  Highlighting the site that is a collection of matches for numbers isn’t going to help the intelligent uninitiated user when confronted with single word antonyms for the first time.  It’s easy to dismiss “Cam Newton throws fifteen passes because his ducks are so sick”=XXXX as meaningless.  But what are you going to do when you get down to the brass tacks and try to convince someone about CHRIST=77 and ANTICHRIST=77?  Make a new cipher like the Telephone keypad one just introduced?  Make another number that can be chosen to use or ignore.

A benefit of dipshitmatic immunity is to keep intelligent critics at bay.  There’s no point in arguing with someone who already has their mind made up because of the source of the information instead of a rational conclusion drawn based on the actual information.  As I often say, I have the luxury of being right, so I present the real story here for those that might get curious about what this gematria business is all about when they accidentally get clickbait tricked into watching the video.  And should they also see an attack video like this one they don’t have to put any effort in to dismissing it for the waste of time it is.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Or Maybe... could just disable the notifications if it bothers you that much.

I get that there’s a difference between warnings for life threatening stuff like flash floods and false flags.  But it’s not rocket science to go to Settings and disable just the Amber Alerts.

Denim Blue Genies

With this being the third winning ticket post we have to ask if there’s a reason beyond just bragging about the actual winning ticket.  Unlike the first two this blog post by Denim Davis does suggest significant monetary rewards for the effort of picking heavy favorites to win.  -290 payoff odds suck ass.

I mean really, the format is identical for all three parlays.  Lots of people picking three team parlays play it safe based on the odds, not some magical system that doesn’t have any evidence of actually giving an edge.  Same as before the photo is cropped off that would verify exactly how much you wagered on being so sure that this was going to be the winning combo.  Same as before the bragging shows up after the fact instead of the more honest approach which would be:

I just put down 5 large on tomorrow’s games based on 59, 203 and 17.  Here’s all my matches on why I think this is so.  Here’s a picture of my ticket for tomorrow’s games.  See my $5,000 bet?!  I’ll be back tomorrow to share how they didn’t flip the script on me because they don’t know about the blog I’m advertising here on the Internet and then I owe myself a nice vacation in Wollongong.

And in the absence of that can’t you at least pick one fucking underdog??

Methinks there is a higher purpose to the effort expended.  Someone else that has discovered that the magic genie in the bottle is not the magic system for personal use, but the magic genies that are believing the paltry display of any genuine evidence supporting the claims.  Which has several problems.

A day later, and now you can only muster three comments?  Two of those from Jedd, your most loyal subject.  And all three don’t really go a long way towards predicting more baseball scores.  ESPN list of likely matchups?  You’re supposed to use the magic genie gematria to predict, not what the evil media says.  If the idea is to spend some effort to establish yourself as a bullshit expert there’s not much of a fan base to work with if the intent is to pay to play for your “services”.

Might as well just work with what you’ve got like here: before the lamp oil well runs completely dry.  Go right for the PayPal while there’s still a few believers and the baseball  playoffs start.  Before the genies get really sad and in a blue mood about your abilities.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Brain In The Jar

I’m willing to meet partway in the middle of the road.  Not smack dab all the way exact 50%-50%, but maybe I’m right somewhere approaching 99.9999999999999%.  And more since I tire of typing endless 9’s easily.

If you want to fudge the laws of statistics and remark about the amazing coincidences in your life then ignore the law of large numbers.  I’ve been over how the two or three digit numbers will certainly repeat themselves.  Expose yourself to thousands a day and it is impossible not to find a match.  The brute force approach - compare a multitude of numbers.  As opposed to the “I have a number in mind, I’m going to do whatever it takes to force it as long as I can reasonably expect to get away with the manipulation without being called out for it being total BS” method.

But at a lot of times, many of which don’t even have a tiny bit of gematria associated to them, something odd will happen that seems remarkable.  Something outside the numbers.  Not trivial like, you see a pet food commercial as your giving your dog dinner.  Something like Dan finding a mysterious “Molly” koozie on the floor of his car after just having done a post about Molly.  A little closer to home with Molly not being that popular a name.  Far more relatable than being surprised that while thinking of football and then watching Family Guy, being surprised that the character’s name is Cleveland Brown.  Because you watch Family Guy all the time (lots of Dan videos on FG) and that joke name was completely intentional and it’s a recurring character.

I would be willing to admit that there is some bit of an Organic Matrix at work.  And although the Matrix movies are a fresh look and the first is so well done that it is cool, it is not an entirely new concept.  The brain in the jar theory suggests that real life doesn’t exist as we know it and we’re the subject of mad scientist experiments.  A disembodied brain with electrodes stuck on it getting stimulation to test our reactions to different stimuli.  Let’s give Dan a koozie, see what he thinks.

I think it’s odd that I got interested in this.  What are the odds that I became interested in cancer(leukemia), Jeopardy(because I’m smart) and fraud (mostly Scientology, with a con artist named Hubbard no less!) and reacted the way I did to the first Cindy Stowell video.  Surely we are all brains in jars.  They are being stimulated with tiny numbers most of the time which amuses the scientists on how much attention is paid to it.  After a period of mild stimulation they turn the juice up and unleash something a bit more exciting.  Here’s a dream.  Surely you don’t force a dream about someone you haven’t thought of in ages and then see them for the first time in years that day.  I in turn am being stimulated to consistently getting prodded by overreactions to other brain stimuli and wonder why my brain is a warehouse for useless trivia like Jeopardy!, movies and everything else.  There must be a higher purpose than simply having these characteristics.

Or maybe.  Maybe since people have varying degrees of long term memory and mine is better there are more coincidences for me.  My long term memory tells me I have talked about this before.  Eventually, if you aren’t just consciously looking at the data right in front of you, Gematria calculator vs. news story, and as each day goes by the number of memories build up.  Everyone old enough at 9/11/2001 remembers what they were doing.  Most people remember their own birthday.  Many people remember what they had for lunch the last few days.  Some people can name every movie they saw in the theater last month.  Few can name all  their classmates from their senior year without help.  And I doubt anyone knows exactly what time was on their alarm clock on the morning of 9/11/2001 UNLESS it was a significant part of their story.  It’s a scale of recency and importance.  I have what others would consider to be an odd coincidence on a daily basis and as a matter of self preservation of sanity I choose to ignore it.  Not knowing all the detail can be a blessing.

So for the sake of putting this up again for newer readers the brain in the jar is a different angle.  Based on your long term memory, how much emphasis to recency you weight it and how meaningful the information is you still have the law of large numbers.  What exactly defines the time frame?  Seconds, a day, a week, a month?  Is it really important like the worst terrorist event ever or a piece of trash lying on the car floor?  The lamprey argument holds true.

Next post will be about August 11, 2019.  So now I offer a big picture example.  I have specific thoughts about the Serena Williams incident.  And they are personal and the topic is debatable.  I’m willing to listen to rational debate and being told my opinion is wrong.  Sexism and racism is an issue.  I think my opinion puts me in the minority, because of experiences dating back to the 1980’s.  I sure don’t remember a lot of the details about John McEnroe’s antics which are part of the debate.  Because over the years that wasn’t important and I didn’t focus on it.  If I was a big tennis fan, with my brain I’m sure I would.  Now, switch it back and look for two digit numbers comparing McEnroe vs. Williams.  Oh yeah.  A mass history over decades is going to find lots of parallels between tiny numbers.  Extend the thinking to every single topic that is used by gematrimooks.  The numbers are always there.  And get ready for August 11th, 2019 talked about here next time.

Monday, September 10, 2018

How To Make Money Betting The Spread In Football With Gematria

Football season has kicked off and we’ve got all the important information flowing in!  Completely as expected.

Sorry for repeating myself, but as usual my prediction is right.  The basic format is still holding true with dozens/hundreds of comments pouring in.  Everything is the same old story.  Conflicting information is posted preceding the game.  Bits and pieces are correct as far as getting the winner.  Bits and pieces are wrong.

So again, I say,

1). If you are right, declare victory and gloat.
2a). If you are wrong, find the supporting evidence and whine about how they flipped the script to make you look bad.
2b). Ignore that they didn’t flip the script for the people that pick the winner.
3). And for the sake of the Organic Matrix and it’s wondrous avatar, Attu the Turtle don’t actually bet any money on the point spread.  Licensed gambling knows what they are doing and they’ve made a gazillion $$ off people that think they have some sort of system that works.  And if you think that a system like gematria where you’re either right or wrong with full justification AFTER the box score is finalized works, you’re an idiot and you deserve to lose your money.  I can produce two and three digit numbers for every game after it’s over.  I can justify being wrong with the “Golden Hammer” of mockery through flipping the script after the game is over.

But wait.  Didn’t you say you were going to tell me how to make money??

Oh yeah.  That’s not so easy.  But with a time investment you can do it.  It’s the time investment that separates the frauds from the clueless.

So I was walking my dog with some friends on Tuesday, and I was regaled with a story of a relative who was a professional gambler and almost always came back a winner from his casino trips.  The story was ruined by bringing blackjack into the mix which is akin to betting the spread on sports.  The House has a clearly defined matuematical edge over the long haul.  If you did nothing but gamble games like that you will inevitably lose as your time spent approaches infinity.  But, he did mention poker.  And his words ring true.  You aren’t just playing The House, you have various degrees of poker skill sitting at the table.

The House makes there money with a percent off every pot.  They don’t give a damn if one player is better and/or luckier at any time.  The real key is that you need a lot of sheep.  Clueless?  Actually.  No.  You need people that have some level of skill that vastly overestimate the skill that they have.  That way they keep coming back for more.

Gematria is perfectly designed for overestimation of skill.  Spend some time on your own and share your own personal magic numbers nobody else noticed.  Get a slap on the ass and a high five from the gang.  And the blogs don’t require actually paying money, at least not directly paying to read something like FTFM.

The gambling outlets don’t give a fuck where you got the info you’re using, just your presence is needed and the big bucks come rolling in.  Gematria doesn’t care if you actually believe that the Freemason, solar eclipses and celebrity deaths are part of the plan.  Just your presence is needed.  Whether for some weird sort of reverse trolling attention gathering or actually trying to make a buck of your services, you have to give them something.

So, gather together a group of sheep.  Not the totally clueless who find it too weird that the Freemasons are flipping the script on each football game.  But a group of weak minded who don’t realize that deep down the information provided to them is useless.  Then through shameless self promotion and badgering finally start suggesting you need to be paid for it.  Open up a fundraiser.  Ask for donations.  Sell t-shirts.  It’s all a matter of time investment and how many people are sold on the idea that the Sandy Hook shooting has some bearing on football.  Make your money by watching the sheep betting the spread.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

How To Predict A Ritual Sacrifice With The Office Birthday Party

Here’s the follow up video to the prediction that George Bush Senior would die on September 4th.

Now that I’m phasing out actively blogging and searching through any where near as many comments as I used to I didn’t see as much as I would have months ago.  There might have been someone actually acknowledge what I’m about to say.  What we have here is a classic example of a prediction that isn’t a prediction.

Here’s the way it went down:
1). George predicted to die exactly on the 4th.
2). It didn’t happen.
3). He was in the news, though.  So that’s close enough.  You see, September 3rd, not the 4th is an important date.  So instead of orchestrating the death on the day that would make more sense they read the box score the day after and found out Bob the Hitman struck out and settled for the evil media reporting on something that had a near 0% chance of not happening.

If you’ve ever worked in an office setting with a fair number of people you can’t get away from the inevitable office birthday party celebration.  These don’t happen for each person every single year.  That gets to be a bit too much.  Pizza and cake once a week isn’t good for you and turkey wraps, salad and bottled water doesn’t really seem that festive.  So when somebody hits a birthday anniversary that ends with a zero the party train is boarded to make up for lost time.

You get the streamers, a singing telegram from somebody dressed as the Grim Reaper for the big 5-0 gig.  Lots of cards and a couple presents depending on if the person is well liked.  Congratulations!  You made it through another decade!  There’s also some significance to anniversaries that end in a 5, but usually only a 25th because that serves double duty for the 50th and there’s not that much fuss with a 5 compared to a 0.

So, George had his ➡️30th⬅️ Thousand Points of Light speech on the 3rd.  The media doesn’t predict what’s going to happen and waits to see the box score.  Did Ricky Gervais make some off color jokes roasting George?  Did any of the Trump family crash the event?  Did Barbara rise from the grave and give a pre- George death eulogy?  Whether consciously picked or a happy accident the fall back position of “being in the news” was bound to happen.  It’s unlikely that George will make it another five or ten years and still be lucid enough for a celebration of some kind.

The cover up for predictive failure is complete by reusing “the day that leaves 119 days left in the year.”  The actual death was not Sept 4th.  And not 9/11 (I’m sure we’ll hear about George in the news then.  Especially gloating about being right all along should he actually die on the 11th)* which would have arguably made more sense than the 3rd.

The reason I bring up box scores is to highlight to the sports predictors that read.  This same failure isn’t going to help you with gambling.  If you put $100 on the Nationals to win and they don’t, the bookie is not going to say, “Oh, if they win sometime in the next month I’ll give you your payoff.”

Nobody ever predicts anything with gematria.  It’s all based on other criteria that happens to align with the numbers that can be produced for any event.  Here it’s like the celebrity death list game where George is just old instead of the Patriots being the preseason favorite to win the Super Bowl.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

August 11, 2019 Disaster Prediction

We should have a lot of fun with this and for almost a whole year.  I can’t wait to see how this unfolds.

A recap of bits and pieces gleaned from blog posts, videos and comments:

This is a major prediction, not just a single Monday Night Football Game mockery type of nonsense. A video has Hubbard wording that it’s not like a fire in the sky/full blown apocalpyse deal, but really, really important.  More important than a solar eclipse, unless that gets shoehorned into the picture, too.  First speculation is that it shouldn’t be a terrorist event since those are false flag hoaxes.  A celebrity death certainly won’t fit, that’s far more trivial.  And don’t even think about sports, excepting that the event will follow the rules of sports predictions, namely no details until after the event occurs.

And this time the message is going to be carried in person by a plane trip to the Middle East to wake up the sheeple there.

If I had to guess I’d say that given almost a year that should some fairly large armed conflict break out that this would fill nicely.  I’m not up on current politics and tension between countries and that stuff depresses me so I’m not researching it.  But what we know from actual predictions is that:

1). They’re almost  always spectacularly wrong.
2). Substitutes will be either fitted in after the fact, or
3). Being wrong will be ignored.

Now the actual date of the 8/11/2019 isn’t that important.  Because just like in sports since they’re too close to the truth the evil empire will move the date.  So if Israel launches middles at Pakistan tomorrow, that’s even close enough to count if nothing better comes along up to and including 8/11/2019.  Or....even weeks to months after.  Who knows?  Just for starters November 8th is 11/8 and is virtually identical to 8/11 with gematria.  And April 28th is the 118th day of the year.  That counts.  And date spans count end date or not.  So the calendar starts to get filled up with a lot of dates other than 8/11 quickly.  And by the time you really start stretching things with prime numbers and spelling out numbers as words eventually you will get every single date covered.

So the best substitute for something major will be fitted into the best available date after the fact, in case something major doesn’t really happen exactly on 8/11/2019.  But to what end would you go out on such a limb to claim something big on a specific date, knowing full well that you are probably going to have to settle for something much smaller?

Time is money.  At least the potential to make money if you invest your time wisely.  The Patreon account has had a big uptick in subscribers.  And per video commentary where it’s at now is what’s needed to just pay the bills and exist.  So, to spread awareness, that’s going to require even more money.

So don’t be surprised when we see lots of requests for money for a vague claim that amounts to something important will happen sometime.  And furthermore, don’t be surprised if the trip that is funded by this never actually happens because it’s far too dangerous to expose yourself as such to the evil empire.  Because they don’t even know about the FTFM blog, the videos, the crowdfunding, the Patreon account, or anything about his existence since it’s been oh so secret all these years.  No sense it bringing it to attention.

So break out your checkbooks, loyal minions.  You deserve to lose your money at this point.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Answering Hate Mail

Oh, not mine and not all hate mail, but that’s the way it works.  You need to draw in the unsuspecting viewer with a catchy clickbaity title.  Here’s a selection of three comments that all elicited an entire response video.  Let’s fix up the answers given to more align with reality.

(Sorry about the size of print.  Doug H wants to know if gematria is Satanic and wants more detail.  The sheep needs a lesson.)

Corrected response:

Doug, I really can’t give you more detail at this time.  I have to make stuff up as I go along because my kettle logic allows me to contradict myself at any given time.  So, if you can’t be more detailed in your question I can’t be more detailed in my response.  But thanks for asking, because the true sheep, the crowd of loyal minions that follow my “work” really eat up this stuff where I mock people that unwisely chose to ask me a question.  You see, my work is in the format of reverse trolling where I invite comments like yours to use as further fodder for my sheep so I can sell more books and merchandise, Patreon subs and attention.  So again, thanks for playing.

(Josh Summers name has 43 numerology and he wants to know if that’s bad.)

Corrected response:

Josh, well yes and no.  Like in the video I made just for you I explain that all numbers have duality.  Because I can create any number I want and I get to pick and choose what is evil and what is good I can make it mean whatever you want.  Like 113 being DISHONEST or “Truth” depending on my purpose.  I suppose it all comes down to how much you pay me.  You seem like a nice guy, so I’ll give you a pretty middle of the road, short video response here.  But if you want 43 to mean something really good then throw major $$ my way and it will be the best number ever for you.  A modest donation will get you dipshitmatic immunity where if a number ever sounds bad and matches the hundreds  of different numbers I can generate from your name my sheep will leave you alone and probably give any vacuous comment you make a 👍 and maybe even a reply like, “Cool that your name equals 43, SUPER COOL=43 in full reduction and PhraseShopping is allowed by all us cool dudes!”

(To paraphrase Marilyn, she thinks gematria as used in the recent George W. Bush video is bullshit.)

Corrected response:

Whoa!  Back off, not cool!  You don’t know what you’re talking about!  Although I’m really into this reverse trolling invitation thingie, I had to delete your comment because it’s getting dangerously close to me putting more effort in than I want to expend.  You see, you’re asking the wrong person since of course I’m going to avoid all the things that are wrong (there are a lot) with my system.  I’m too busy trying to get $$ from my loyal minions and it’s getting hard to keep up the facade.  Your comment is only going to lead to more comments that I’ll have to respond to or delete.  Don’t make me do numerology on your name.  Dipshitmatic immunity is out of the question for you.  But thanks for the opportunity to put up material that my sheep love to see and mock you about.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Super Magic Gematria

I think I’ll go down the middle of the road for this journey.  Part of me wants to be extremely insulting as one of the ultimate “Well, duh!” moments we’ll ever encounter.  Part of me wants to be extremely nice.  Indeed, a very small part.  The part that hopes that one day this person will truly wake up and stop asking other people to wake up.

So, the nice part first, as nice as I can be.  Let’s apply what we know about the Dunning Kruger Effect here.  No, I haven’t grown some kind of new conscience that feels guilty about mocking gematria mooks and cropped the screen shot I took to document this lest it disappear.  I’m not protecting a guilty conscience of my own or trying to hide the identity of this “genius”.  It’s mostly to make it more difficult for “them” to find so I have a better chance of getting more golden nuggets to work with, as this commenter displays the epitome of just not getting it.

Now since most of the videos start off the same way, I’ll engage in the same practice.  “If you’re new to my channel....”. Yes, in gematria letter=number.  So if you add M+I+A+M+I you get the same thing as adding up M+I+A+M+I.  So it should be no big surprise that when you add MIAMI to DOLPHINS that you’ll get the same value as MIAMI DOLPHINS. And yet here it’s super crazy weird that this holds true, because nothing says magic gematria like performing the most basic of gematria functions of adding values for letters together.

Even as recent as a couple of months ago I would have rechecked several times to see if somebody else pointed out how brutally obvious this is.  But now after my experiences I’ll just assume that it’s operating under the low operating standard of, “You agree with me today?  Cool!” and that nobody will bother.  Somewhere some kind of quality control standards should apply instead of allowing an essentially meaningless comment to be gracing the pages of an allegedly intellectual pursuit.  You haven’t provided more meaningful comment than the idiots that post “First!” on a YouTube video.

Remember what Dunning-Kruger tells us.  Just because it’s obvious to people who are smart enough to instantly recognize the flaw doesn’t mean that everyone else does.  It’s easy to see that if MIAMI+DOLPHINS=MIAMI DOLPHINS seems in some way magical that it’s easy to get lost when the waters are muddied up with talk of eclipses, prime numbers, synchronicity and so on.  The blame is not to be placed on the person who posts the obvious basics, but on those that muddy the waters.  They give every indication that they know that substituting M.D. instead of MIAMI DOLPHINS or talking about mirror images or master numbers,  yields new values to play with and instead of being called out for breaking a rule it’s ammunition to have them be viewed as some sort of  deity for this awesome skill.  A skill that can be easily learned once you get beyond that it’s really about starting with the number your confirmation bias wants and working backwards to get the result.

So, in order to keep a bit of mystery alive since adding words together has now been spotted as magical, it’s high time we get what happens so often here.  Creating some new unheard of rule without any historical precedent.  A whole new set of elisions that adds an additional value based on the number of words.  That way MIAMI+DOLPHINS will no longer have the same value as MIAMI DOLPHINS.  That will teach those pesky Freemasons a lesson that they can’t hide their sports mockery from us.