Friday, June 14, 2024

Know Your Gematria Grifter Tactics - Lack of Transparency

It started with wondering who this guy was addressing in his post:
And then we moved to icemanXO and found this:

A 12-11 record.  Right around 50%.  What a surprise.  Hardly solving rigged sports with gematria like in the bio.  The key to a really good sports gematria grift is to do the opposite of being transparent, but I guess lying isn’t for everyone.  As time goes by it’s extremely likely the record will never be anything but around 50%, because in their own lingo literally every game is double coded.  If it wasn’t doubled coded, there would be no need to decode.  A fictitious evil empire rigging sports would never be transparent and let you know who they’ve rigged the result in favor of.  And more so, for the real point, although a ton of money is gambled on sports betting the payout by the evil empire is roughly 50% regardless of who wins.  The real money for an evil empire is something like rigging an election and staying on top so you don’t have to keep working on the rigging part.

And that’s why gematria, even a seemingly disconnected activity like sports is conspiracy theory light.  A muffled landing site at a weakened entry point where people start learning the lingo of the conspiracy theory, a false promise of wealth beyond the dreams of avarice, and the fake success rates of the megaphones at the higher levels.  They aren’t any better at decoding the double coding, they’re just better at the lack of transparency.  The goal is to be opaque for as long as possible, until it’s too late for anything to be done about it.  Sitting on the beach with Hans Gruber earning 20%.

Not being transparent works.  Based on the principals of the loudest and most obnoxious voices getting attention for being loud because hero worship of grifting is rampant combined with the tactics of making people feel smarter than they really are is a deadly combination.  Now is a good time to bring up Clarence Thomas and Alito and the ethics questions in the news these days.  If people paid attention to transparency and lack thereof maybe Trump doesn’t get elected in 2016 since lack of fidelity is important to enough moderate voters.  Then we don’t have to worry about the Supreme Court being packed with ultra conservative voices doing questionable things like overturning Roe v. Wade.  Then we wouldn’t have to worry about bribes and cover ups that seem to have happened at a major democratic institution - behaving decidedly not democratically.  It’s supposed to be good judgement for the good of the people.  Not a roadblock for the other football team or advertisement for a payout from your football team.

Use of gematria and conspiracy theories are talking points for those with no regard for transparency.  It’s on purpose, at the higher levels they know damn well their arguments and actual evidence are worthless.  It’s background noise with no intellectual value behind it.  It’s children sitting at the adult table screaming for attention when a couple of well meaning adults are trying to have an adult conversation on important shit.  Things like saving for the kids college fund after a parent gets laid off while the kid wants ice cream now because Alex Jones said he should.

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