Saturday, June 8, 2024

Meme Of the Month - Hypocrisy


That’s how sad the state of affairs is.  People think it’s fun, meaningful and perfectly normal to blow Hillary’s email problems up into the most significant criminal event in the history of the world.  Then since the actual evidence lead to the correct answer - yeah, she screwed up but it wasn’t that big a deal, they still couldn’t move on.  Grifters capitalizing on their marks misogyny for literally every year since 2016.  Then when the actual evidence shows their champion is finally getting his comeuppance they refuse to accept that the joke really didn’t age well.

And now I’m sure there’s plenty of dubious left wing mouthpieces out there frothing at the mouth and chomping on the bit to point out the massive hypocrisy behind this meme.  “It’s the end of the world unless you donate money to me NOW!!”  When if people understood critical thinking a little more, they’d recognize where the hypocrisy fits in and not have to donate to anyone.  There’s no incentive to play fair and be an upstanding squeaky clean legislator.  People have closed minds during actual hypocrisy and short memories after actual hypocrisy.

The wheel of grift keeps turning.  Four years ago the material of fake evidence grift like gematria was heavily skewed towards pro conservative talking points.  Now, the novelty has worn off and the fake news is more balanced with at least some turning to “both sidsing” in case their favorite source of chaos is lost.  Life would have been much simpler over the last eight years if the hypocritical behavior that existed for decades would have been recognized right away instead of letting it slide.

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