Saturday, June 15, 2024

Know Your Grifter Cult Leader Tactics - Breadcrumbing

There’s a multitude of settings for breadcrumbing to appear.  Dating - throw in an occasional bit of positive reinforcement while in reality just stringing them along as a back up plan.  Employment - instead of saying thanks for your resume but you don’t fit telling them that they still have a chance at that high paying position.  Family - sudden reconnection just because they want help moving and then intend to disappear from socializing with the family immediately afterward.  Those all represent intentional breadcrumbing with being deliberately manipulative.  And it can be unintentional, perhaps the toxic narcissist doesn’t realize they do it.

In the internet grifter world it’s been my experience that throwing someone an occasional bone is predominantly the head honcho courting some overzealous newcomer to take over some of the workload.  Zach has been particularly good at finding a steady supply of someone who he’ll talk up as being a great member of the gematria community.  These mid level people in the pyramid scheme may or may not be aware of the purely financial motivations and their purpose is to work as free advertisement for the main story (the conspiracy of choice) and to take on some of the workload.  Making several videos a day does take some time and effort.  It helps if there’s a supply of loyal followers to do some of the dirty work.

And what is that dirty work and how do you tell who is a breadcrumbee?  The dirty work is things like giving admin wrenches on YouTube channels to moderate the pesky and persistent trolls.  Somebody needs to occasionally be convinced to attack competing grifters.  And if you’ve been following here for awhile, there is something that I’ve coined that directly represents the breadcrumbs.  Somebody other than the leader also needs to give positive reinforcement to all the new level accounts and deal out the number one gematria breadcrumb. The Attaboy!TM. The comments about what a great decode it was.

In turn, it’s the cult leader’s job to routinely spread breadcrumbs to the loyal mid level followers.  Maintain their interest.  Kiss butt when they have that moment of clarity and post publicly about their doubts.  It’s hard to keep someone interested in long term flip a coin sports outcomes without a regular booster shot of reminding them how they are, frankly, a useful idiot.  Of course it’s not worded that way.  It’s a glowing attaboy about how they are super important, but like someone like a Joe Rogan secretly is laughing at how gullible his audience is they simply do not care for the erstwhile loyal lieutenant.  Leaving the ex loyal follower confused and psychologically damaged if they never researched why their beloved cult leader started ignoring them or even attacking them.

It used to be easier to find who Zach was breadcrumbing.  Every once in awhile he’d put a post on Twixter about a new gematria fan doing a great job.  That doesn’t happen so much anymore.  There are both brutally direct and subtle ways to counter the Attaboy! before things get too far, leaving behind only the most diehard conspiracists with more severe mental issues or themselves being scammers.  Neither of these are worthwhile breadcrumb material.  They either, in Zach’s words, “Make the work look bad.”  Or they are competition that needs to be stomped out.

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