Sunday, June 30, 2024

Mailing List Scams


For your friends and family that aren’t so good with red flags of scams here’s another chess related thing making the rounds.

I’ve extensively covered my personal thoughts on how internet chess is ripe for an explosion in scam activity, and I’m feeling somewhat vindicated to have the signs of it appearing.  And disgusted simultaneously at the waste of resources for those that fall for these.  So we’ll call it a draw.

Anything popular, like conspiracy hoaxes being way more popular than they should be, plus the internet means inevitably the scammers will try something.  I’ve shown the two cards I got in the mail along with the top picture being from a week old Reddit discussion.  The Reddit group has some posters giving more credit than it deserves.

It’s 100% total scam.  I don’t even have a membership.  I did but it expired half a year ago.  The phone number for verification isn’t even the same.  And “do this in the next five days!!!”  Nah, pushy door to door salesmen are a huge turn off for me.  The only time I answer the door is to let them see my big ass dog.

I’m on a mailing list, plain and simple as that.  The mailing list doesn’t know my membership expired.  If the USCF was actively involved they’d know that.  There’s no excuse for the other party, this Publishing Concepts group, to need more than one phone number.  There is no excuse for necessity to do it within five days.  Sometimes the mail takes longer than that.  The proper request for meeting a deadline is, “If you are interested please respond by July 31, 2024.”  Not some vague five days bullshit.

And I actually got an email from these nuts, too.  You guessed it.  More than five days before the cards arrived about a week apart from each other.

Even the most innocent seeming subscription to a free website opens the door for mailing list activity.  It’s not as simple anymore as ignoring the attached advertisements for the invariably scammy products.

This is not a new idea at all, this share your memories book.  Old variations include things like mailing lists of everyone that just passed the bar exam.  Then you get an email asking if you’d like to be listed in the Who’s Who of Lawyers for your area.  School alumni listings are another one.  Support your school and show off your coolness!

Recently there was a Quora question an answer in my digest.  How do I tell if someone on the internet is scamming me?  The answer - They asked your for money.  And that’s all you really need to know.  Not all of them go to the extent of printing out and mailing cards, but phishing has a lot of variations on the core platform of getting people to share info best left private.  On the plus side if you really want to get involved with these things, sometimes there is actually a physical product delivered.  It’s just unlikely it’s worth anywhere near the $500 price they’re asking.  Yes, some people have gotten curious and called and found out that’s the price of sharing your memories.  Personally, I think the memories are already preprinted fake stories to save time on editing and production.

There’s also the plus side of not having $500.  Full blown  identity theft requires a life worth stealing.  You’re on the road to not having a life worth stealing.  Getting yourself on a gematria generated mailing list is screaming out for trouble to find you.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Punchline


The first pic is from a gematria loving Twixter account.  The second pic is an old joke from Steven Wright.  What do they have in common?

Misdirection.  That’s always a classic for a well written joke.  Not that these succeed with every member of the audience as humor can be highly subjective.

The idea of misdirection in humor is to link together two widely different thoughts that become clear when the punchline is delivered.  If you’re clever enough you can see the punchline coming.  But you’ve got to be quick, no chance to ask who is sitting next to you or Googling it before the comedian delivers the punchline.

Starting with the pyramids joke.  Pyramids is a purposeful choice despite other options being available.  You could do the joke with the Colossi of Memnon and the basic structure is the same.  But how many in the audience have actually heard of it?  They might not even know it’s Egyptian much less a popular tourist attractions in Egypt.  Pyramids is common, and instantly evokes images of old giant structures in a sandy desert area.  Now that you’ve misdirected the audience into thinking old time, you hit them with the thoroughly modern name of Eddie, trusting the audience to immediately figure out that there’s no actual chance that it would be the correct name.

Robots = computers with legs.  Operating by some sort of software that blandly runs with just 0’s and 1’s in a specific order.  The image of a loveless automaton evoked, then turned upside down with the response that the seemingly incoherent 0’s and 1’s are in fact a lovely poem.

If you have to explain the joke you’ve failed.  If there’s not an immediate reaction, the majority of the audience didn’t get it, you’ve lost them and the joke bombed.  Gematria operates in a world of bad misdirection humor.  The punchline isn’t supposed to be funny, but it is supposed to reach a conclusion that the audience understands.  And the tactics of making people feel smarter than they really are take hold.

A top priority is to explain the joke in advance often if not every single time.  Yeah, we’ve heard this a billion times before - A=1, B=2, C=3….  Get on with it already.  Sports is rigged.  Ok, we know that too.  Get on with it.  The misdirection has failed as you’re being force fed the background over and over.  Then you finally get to the meat.  The tie in to the inevitable two or three digit match to the bad news of the day.  Then the joke works, at least for a short time.  But it’s really the same joke over and over without a clever hook that will be remembered long term.  It’s like a word for word joke retelling but substituting “Tiger” for “Lion”.  Or Colossi of Memnon for Pyramids.

And then the material strays from the path of an effective misdirection joke.  When the comedian Gallagher performs you have a good idea he’s going to take a sledgehammer to a watermelon.  But he’s also going to smash some other stuff along the way.  Steven Wright always delivered his material in a flat monotone.  You know the jokes will all be done that way, you just don’t know what jokes are coming.  They’ve practiced their gimmick and honed it into a deadly comedic weapon.  The gematria newbie gets a sense they can become a master when they have zero chance of finding a new gimmick.  But they have been given tools to write their own jokes that only they think are funny.

At this point there are three main courses.  Give up entirely.  Continue to settle for the Attaboy!TM from the leader. Or create your own world where being satisfied with laughing at your own jokes is good enough for attention.  Since their comedian of choice started off by messages of nonexistent evil empires and bigotry, take a guess what the jokes they make to amuse themselves are going to be like.  It’s a consistent pattern to stop using the preliminary explanation, put less and less gematria into it and then just talk about the biased views you really want to get off your chest.  And again, you really don’t need to pay a monthly fee to complain about shit.  If you’re continuing to throw in gematria with your complaints it’s just going to be free advertisement for the better comedian.  The one more practiced at their gimmick, and in gematria narratives the gimmick is misdirection at a level that attempts to force others to believe in your bad jokes when they fall flat over and over again.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Gematria of the Debate

🦗 🦗 🦗 

What a difference four to eight years can make.  Sure there’s some tiny little burblings about some of the oddball stuff.  But Twixter is relatively speaking a deserted wasteland in regards to fake gematria evidence.  Using our favorite trick of searching for <keyword> + GEMATRIA for “gematria debate” there’s just one thing worth talking about.  And it doesn’t revolve around the actual debate.

It’s not a topic that is going to get widespread attention and needs to be constantly debunked and prebunked.  And we do love it when Hoaxer grifting shoots itself in the foot by posting something that directly shows how useless their content is for real life practical value.

Real presidential debates are relatively meaningless in regards to policies and other stuff of importance.  Going back to Kennedy and Nixon it’s been more about who puts on the best show instead of the content.  For instance if either candidate actually used gematria in the debate that would instantly show their mental unfitness for office.  Despite all their bluster about how great it is those that use it for grift want the gravy train to keep rolling along and don’t want their guy to be properly viewed as a complete dumbass.  Actual gematria debates are more like this:

That’s about sports decoding and that exemplifies the best Gematria can do.  You call me retarded.  I have to call you a poopyhead in return.  Don’t make me break out the calculator and prove it!  Although we will give him a half a point for trying.  The previous retort was dung beetle which is rather ordinary and expected.  Calling somebody dumber than a blueberry muffin, now that’s quality creativity in action.  If a bully asked for my lunch money and hurled a blueberry epithet at me I’d give it, run home and get every penny I had and give that, then beat myself up.

Because that’s the way gematria debates end up.  It’s fun for the master of tactics designed to win arguments instead of being right.  But on a bigger stage beyond the view of the diehard believers that don’t care about lies and hypocrisy it just makes you look bad.  And our Antichrist identifier had in one quick post made the entire gematria community look bad.  It’s meant to take a stab at two people and gives us yet another fine example of what happens with dipshitmatic immunity . The dipshit original poster of a comment is immune to the negative gematria that results from the opposite consequences of the intent.  Psychologically making them immune to all the inevitable negative gematria that can be pointed out about their own name and life.

He’s not wrong.  The phrases are equivalent in the same cipher.  And this is exactly the problem with the debating point.  By a happy or unhappy coincidence depending on your viewpoint, TRUMP and BIDEN both equal 29 in reverse reduction.  It doesn’t matter what the prelude is before insertion of the name.  It doesn’t matter if the content is for or against the chosen name.  A simple substitution and the cool guy becomes the villain or the douchebag becomes the hero.  Just be ready for the lame “discernment” defense when you point this out and you’re out of the woods to debunking your first political gematria post.  You may want it too be more involved and intellectual, but remember what was said about calling these people Hoaxers instead of conspiracy theorists.  Sometimes simpler is better than a lot of flash and deep thought.

There’s lots of names and words out there that have matching gematria in a single cipher.  Lots of chances for one guy to be turned from GOAT to sacrificial goat.  If your preteen wants to gamble on sports with gematria this is a pretty easy starting point on the road to not getting into the rabbit hole too far.  Let’s summarize it here:

Qanon is pro Trump and Anti Biden

Qanon uses gematria as proof of Trump being good

Qanon makes “real political pundits” look bad by using baseless  conspiracy gematria evidence.

Trump and Biden have matching gematria in the same cipher.

Logically there’s no evidence that the gematria distinguishes one from the other.

Therefore, logically gematria is fake evidence and useless.

Just be sure to dumb it down or smarten it up as needed to tailor it to your kid.  They’ll be much safer and happier on social media talking about puppies, rainbows, butterflies and blueberry muffins.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - The @vertisement

Replying to @lionelgematria69131 and @elonmusk

Hey Lionel, I don’t understand this gematria thing but it sure is interesting!

And in the meantime Lionel has daily posts which @ in Elon with his magical connections to being the coolest thing ever.  In fact, instead of typing in @elonmusk it is easier to just reply to one of Lionel’s abundant messages to Elon and it automatically does it like an email Reply All.

It doesn’t have to be Elon, of course.  You can substitute any person that qualifies as an influencer, even of a lower status level and popularity.  But going for the big guns is the most popular.  It can be Rogan or Trump or Tucker or Alex Jones or Taylor Swift or Beyoncé or anyone else of celebrity status with a Twixter account, even if the account isn’t officially operated by the celeb.  It’s no coincidence that the Hoaxer accounts are heavy on the right wing conspiracy side @s.  Because the followers are a mailing list.  When you do the reply and turn it in to a reply all this way it’s like sending out a mass email.

For the seasoned grifter there’s no intent at all to turn Elon into a diehard gematria fan here.  His wealth is involved in much bigger things that he has to worry about, like complaining about the SEC or avoiding lawsuits for Cybertruck crashes.  It’s unlikely that Elon will ever see the gematria message, some administrative help going through the voluminous @s he gets daily.

It’s more aimed at Lionel’s mailing list.  Lionel may exclusively devote his time to the world of forcing the numbers of gematria to the intended as a narrative, or he may be all over the crank magnetism landscape.  He may actual put real faith in the gematria or may be fully aware of its uses for disinformation.  Regardless, by the same math that works for the advanced fee mass email scam there will be a certain set of followers who have these desired qualities.

1).  A false assumption that any time Elon is mentioned = wealth beyond the wildest bounds of imagination.

2). A significant cognitive bias issue.

The process doesn’t work the same on YouTube.  That requires actively (maybe supplemented by bot activity) getting a comment attached to a single video.  In the realm of Twitter though, just through in your @ and the curious and gullible will follow up and come to you.

Whoever @s Lionel in this fashion has his own hustle going on, maybe cryptocurrency or sovereign citizen stuff.  The financial hook that the mere mention of Elon Musk = wealth attracts.  It’s a way to say, “Your synchronicity with cheddar cheese or puppies is all well and good.  Now that I have your attention look through my timeline and see about how much money you can make or whatever other magic I can do that has left your gematria unfulfilled.”

Today’s search for someone that @elonmusked produced a “Lionel” who has a meme for medbeds.  You too can shave 30 years off your age.  That’s a big ticket scam for thousands of dollars in one pop.  Lionel has that three card monte game on his corner of the street and someone is trying to steal some of his share of the sweet, sweet grifting pie.

Not all crank magnetism is generated solely by the algorithms.  Sometimes a human uses a little psychology to obtain this accidental celebrity endorsement.  Add the celebrity @ + conspiracy hoax to your list of red flags.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chronic Hysteresis

Trust me, this is going to end quite differently than it starts.

Hysteresis explains how something’s history affects the current state.  Things are as ordinary as much as things can be in weird science topics when repeatable results can be obtained with something like magnetic fields.  Things get a lot crazier and more subjective when hysteresis is applied to economic models like gas prices and unemployment.  People obviously don’t understand that solutions to high gas prices are not immediate.  The global commodities market on oil and gas “do their own thing” based on a sort of democracy.  One country’s problems outside the global state and the history that got them in that position is not going to see an immediate change.  You’re lucky if it’s measured in weeks instead of months.  Lots of time to politically blame “the other side”.

The Chronic Hysteresis of the title is a Doctor Who gimmick in the episode, Meglos. And this is where we transition towards the main focus.  This is from the 18th season and nearing the end of Tom Baker’s run as one of the if not the best Dr. Who actors.  The plot incorporates a series of events that repeat over and over, with enough time for those caught in this chronic hysteresis to comprehend that something is amiss and work on a solution.

At the time new studio execs were making decisions that probably weren’t great.  Hypocritically there was a push for stories that weren’t as silly as some of the more recent serials.  In the meantime the villain of this episode is an alien cactus that combines with an Earth human so the cactus can walk about and interact as something other than an overgrown house plant.  And the signature wardrobe of Baker, the coat, hat and scarf, were altered by inclusion of ❓’s on his shirt.  Which Baker hated, but the execs insisted on that theme carrying through the end of his tenure as the Doctor.

The utter lack of necessity for using the chronic hysteresis is shown in how it’s an old topic.  It’s really just a fancy name for a time loop, a plot point used previously, e.g. how the Doctor tricked the Vardans in the Invasion of Time, getting them to reveal their home planet’s coordinates and time looping it to trap them forever.  I imagine Who nerds might call themselves cooler for using the word hysteresis instead of the phrase time loop.  Little practical value other than sounding sciency and smart.

Ages ago, the gematria crowd dabbled in the use of sciency lingo and topics.  Carbon atoms being evil for having 6 of each of the three subatomic particles.  The endless Pi references extending into Euler’s Number and throwing in references to sines and cosines.  It didn’t stick.  There wasn’t any sort of mass conversion of science literate folks that thought they should suddenly drop their IQ points by 30 points and take up gematria.  The smarter crowd that use gematria are fully invested in the disinformation facet, whether they are a spreader at the top of the food chain or have advanced far enough to be loyal lieutenant material - number lists, date spans, and the other not actually gematria stuff that can make a video more entertaining.  Things beyond xxx=56, JESUITS!!!!!  And now that they have the ? on the shirt it’s time to start that personal video channel as free advertisement for your cult leader.  Crank magnetism will give you all the hot talking points you need.

Recently it’s been mentioned by someone other than me and it’s absolutely true, calling these people conspiracy theorists is way too generous and gives them more credit than they deserve.  They are Hoaxers.  Waiting for the news headlines to say they aren’t true, regardless of overwhelming empirical evidence that they are.  Not just gematria, all the weird conspiracy content.  Flat earth, fake moon landing, anti-vaccination, etc….  It’s all a show to attempt to garner an Attaboy!TM from the general public instead of just the glorious leader.  And that leader is pretty much the one driving the misguided thought that the ? on your shirt makes you edgy, cool and special instead of a well thought out intellectual position.  Acting like a toddler and saying nothing more than, “You’re wrong it’s a hoax” by itself is not a well thought out position.

In many cases it’s not appropriate to call the Hoaxers anything but that.  Chronic, repetitive disinformation from the same source expose them.  Without addressing the baseless claims as being baseless lies can lead to a state of:

Chronic Hoaxsteresis

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Gematria/Freemason Paradox

Before I start rambling we start with one of the main points and a bit of documentation.

Although Freemasons, Illuminati, and the NWO were supplanted by hatred the convenient arbitrary scapegoating of the Jesuits, there was the magic of the 2017 World Series.  Based on the anti Freemason design of the content in general it was a Freemason era sporting event.  (The Jesuit era starting in 2020).  That series ended up being the Dodgers vs. Astros.  Wildfires are a constant feature of life in California now, in some part exacerbated by lack of funding from internet grifting helping elect leaders with no interest in combatting climate change.  And that was the year that Hurricane Harvey.

And not just Harvey, but an extremely active hurricane season.

Normally the Free to Find Truth blog was sparsely populated outside the NFL season, a pattern that holds up today.  But this was a golden opportunity.  It was Water vs. Fire.  The two ancient enemies.  And instead of just murdering people with Fire and Water, the evil empire needed to make sporting event rituals to mock us.  Literally, back then also, sports riddles to mock us.  As if orchestrating the energy weapons timing wasn’t enough of a hassle, let’s take time to make sure there’s a pitcher named Harvey to be on the Astros roster.  

It was classic outrage porn taking advantage of the dimwitted.  And even back then there were the pesky trolls on the blog and video comments causing trouble.  Like this guy:

I always feel nostalgic about that time, it was when being a gematria critic was way more fun.  That part about the 7 channels deleted?  Yeah, that actually happened.  It’s hard to tell if all of them were actually YouTube paying attention to its stated community standards and how much was self deleted because hiding contradictions and lies was necessary.  If you want to be a gematria sports decode grifter now you have to put up with figuring out what to do about old content.

None of the people (other than Hubbard)  involved in the 2017 commentary is still around to share what it was like.  And the fun for critics was the commentary was absolutely batshit crazy, a never ending word salad of FEMA death camps, fires started by DEW.  HAARP generated hurricanes, ritual sacrifice celebrity deaths, tangents about astronomy and spirituality.

And the natural byproduct of that - the inevitable incompatibility of the messages.  And the sad state for the lonely grifter at the top.  What exactly do you do when dealing out Attaboys!TM while trying to maintain control of the narrative?  The trolls need to be minimized.  And sometimes even a George Santos style  gematria newbie is more trouble than they’re worth.

And now I remind you where we are today.  The Fee To Find Misinformation blog lies unused, but is still available.  The Patreon tiers make it blatantly obvious that a lot of the alleged good quality content requires a larger monthly subscription fee.  And now would be a good time to pause and review how this all ties together.

The Twixter post was made 6/24/2024.  So although the Jesuits are still the top of the list, anti Freemasonry content is still important enough.  There are too many anniversaries and convenient words to create tiny little numbers off of related to Freemasons.  A secretive society, the former poster boy for shadowy evil empires manipulating sporting events to ridicule the lonely cognitively biased gematria master wannabe.  An organization that requires payments to join the club.  And now the leader of the movement to expose the secret society has turned it into a shadowy mystery organization that requires dues to join the exclusive club.

WOW.  That is one bold ass slap in the face to recruiting new “truth seekers”.  Don’t you think if exposing evil was that important it would be free?

The Patreon lockdown is damage control.  Newcomers are meant to focus on the current sporting event and not delve into past content.  Attaboys! can be limited to courting the unlucky few that show the most damaged critical thinking.  A wide open blog is not the way to go when everyone’s comment no matter how dumb it might be requires praise from dear leader.  Wide open video comments are not the way to go.  To receive Attaboys! requires outstupiding others.  Something so outrageous other than picking the winner of a two team game.  And people would get out of control and post a truly community standards violation post every once in awhile.  But on Patreon, the trolls need to pay to see it.  And a lot of the troll activity is competing grifters just trying to slide newbies to their Patreon with the exact same format.

A more open and honest Patreon introduction would read something like this:

Hi, I’m Nigel Pointfinger, and I’m exposing the evils of shadowy, money grubbing secret societies through my shadowy, money grubbing secret society.  Join me for $100 a month and I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear!

Monday, June 24, 2024

“Decades In Advance”


A semi regular reminder that even sports decoding with gematria is not so innocent.

To save you the research if you don’t want to dig on your own, the original poster is a tiny account.  He’s @‘d Jake and hashtagged in gematria with his comment and we have that lucky shortcut to know he doesn’t believe in real evidence.  Jake Shields is a former MMA fighter with almost 700,000 Twixter followers.  He regularly exercises his free speech with some specific comments about his dislike for the way the U.S. government is handling the ongoing wars.  Jake also believes there’s a worldwide conspiracy to control humanity.

There’s a reason that the claim is made that something was planned “decades in advance.”  A perfectly valid option (not necessarily the best) is to be something like a conspiracy agnostic.  If it doesn’t matter, it’s all planned in advance this super powerful shadowy cabal will make it work anyway.  But because gematria gets thrown into the mix we know that there’s predicting going on.  And it works out so incredibly rarely that for all practical purposes it’s got a zero percent success rate.  But that doesn’t mean that in our current culture of not educating people on the basic critical thinking skills to survive on social media they don’t try to predict.  There is a substantial amount of prediction using gematria going on in Qanon circles now.  There was an absolutely ludicrous amount of prediction going on for the 2016 and 2020 elections with gematria.  So warm up those keyboards and smartphones and get cracking on your prediction, because nobody has been right before and you might just be the chosen one, Neo.

It doesn’t matter who is president from a gematria standpoint.  Based on gematria, every single news story can be tied into a negative or positive political pundit propaganda piece, with or without alliteration.  But let’s focus on the “decades” claim.  And since it’s convenient and still popular use DJT as the example.

The problem with the claim is the approach to the after the fact decode attempt to disguise the post game analysis as a prediction.  45 (POTUS #45) and 88 are popular Trump gematriots.  Additionally, never forget that smear campaigns are more effective so any negative thing about a popular non republican politician is a good target number.  And the wording will be.

“What are the odds?  It can’t be a coincidence.  A perfect script for President #45 because xxx=45.”

There is only one U.S. President #45.  Good.  You’ve singled it out.  But let’s substitute TRUMP=88.

“What are the odds, MEXICANS=88 just like TRUMP=88.  The border crisis is a perfect match for Trump, this was planned decades in advance.”

Which requires that Spain developed into being Spain, the Spanish language becoming the Spanish language, deciding to name the new territory Mexico, and everyone calling the people Mexicans instead of something else like Mexicots.

And it requires the Trump family name to develop into that name.  Just the right amount of planning to have the right ancestors to produce that little baby DJT.  And to have actually named him Donald instead of Ruben for other name decodes that are also perfect.  And for him to not be socialized properly mostly by being born wealthy to create the man today.

And his enemies had to have the exact same lives purposefully orchestrated to be the perfect match for enemy gematria activity.

It took way longer than decades in advance for all this to work.  Now instead of just the impossible math of a large number of conspirators and the impossibility of keeping it quiet while doing evil empire things, the entire world and the entire history of the planet was in on it.

With one exception.  The only person who doesn’t know about the conspiracy is the unlucky person who just found out recently that there’s been everyone else doing a Truman Show on him.  And watch as he proves he didn’t find out he’s the only one not in on the cosmic joke as he does more gematria decoding, claiming he’s enlightened when he’s suffering the massive cognitive dissonance of being the only actual puppet.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Zero Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

A perfectly good message ruined by two words and having GEMATRIA in the account name.  The way it works in the real world is something like this -

Both the doctor and the potential patient should not want either to waste time.  If you stay up until 2am every night drinking and watching sports decoding gematria videos every day maybe you should getting some more sleep and take a break from the YouTube stuff for awhile.  Feeling a little down?  Maybe you’re still unhappy about Fluffy the beloved goldfish passing away and a change of scenery like seeing a movie with a friend would be nice.  Fluffy would have loved to have known you moved on.

Taking a nap if you’re tired or watching a movie to get over grieving is solid and harmless advice that could actually work on the actual root of the problem.  What we have here is a conflation problem.  The point of these types of spiritual mumbo jumbo posts is to arbitrarily scapegoat science by association.  Doctors = expensive and bad.  Energy Vampires = really bad.  And when you get cancer it’s those damn energy vampires and the treatment recommendations get bizarre.  Magic healing crystals, homeopathic remedies, drinking pee, and yes I’ve even seen it claimed that listening to the right music can cure cancer.

Ordinarily these dark energy/low vibration messages are harmless enough.  But the wolves are always watching the video comments for who’s in the those comments looking for a prayer chain so they can offer a bogus solution.  Then that person needing actual help who doesn’t want to see a doctor has to pick which bogus remedy sounds best.

If there is an energy vampire I would think they would WANT you to take a nap so they can feast on a fresh and rested victim again.  A low energy food source sounds like low energy diet food.  Yuck.  Human energy steak vs. human energy celery.

The actual solution?  If your friends are recommending anything involving not satirical about energy vampires you need new friends.  Real friends who might help you figure out that you’re simply tired and need a nap or can help you with actual research and finding it’s time to go see a real doctor.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Cult Speak

 Storied - How Cults Use Language To Control

I can’t say I’ve been paying enough attention to my Storied YouTube channel subscription as I should.  For me it’s always been a fun channel.  Instead of looking for my usual suspects and what, if anything, is at least mildly different and topical in the world of Internet grift it represents “touching a little grass”.  Getting away and listening to a quick video about some old mythical creature and its impact on literature.  (If you think Santa Claus and the commercialization of Christmas is bad, you really don’t want to know the trauma Iceland puts its kids through with their Yule Cat - )

I know dozens of gematria accounts, a mix of those that qualify as true believers and those that are disinformation artists, that would insist this is some amazing synchronicity.  That my fun channel takes a break and makes a video just for me.  Something that ties together my love of a good book or movie and touching grass with hoping to wake people to how scammers use loaded language to entice targets into the fold.  <sarcasm font> Because certainly, I am the most important thing that’s ever happened to this planet.</sarcasm font>.

Kidding aside, what I can count on is that the YouTube algorithm ignored how I’ve been away from the channel for a good bit where I wasn’t getting notified of new material and did recognize that this would be something I’d be particularly interested in.  No fun Christmas cats mauling children for not being productive enough, right for the throat with how cults, MLM scams, and conspiracy grifters go at using words as a weapon.

Years ago I rated gematria cliques as not a cult but with a lot of cult characteristics.  Not so much anymore as the top names use the top cult tactics regularly.  At the top of the list is that instead of an immortal deity, a human who to the rational world is obviously flawed is considered to be divine and unable to ever be mistaken..  And they tell you about it.  Every single day.  Every day there’s a new video.  Every day the new video has to go over the basics instead of relying on everyone being there willingly and knowing what’s going on.  Social media doesn’t mind at all that tricking somebody into watching something that wasn’t really what they thought it would be happens every day.  And the gematria account’s existence owes it to the daily bad news trickery.  The click bait titles combined with the cross pollination of outside non gematria interests spreads misinformation throughout the digital ecosystem.  Most of the pollen misses, but like actual pollen by math and sheer force of numbers some of it takes root.

And then the next step in the pyramid is to personalize some Attaboy!TM content.  Dear leader proclaims you to be worthy.  “Hey everyone, Joe is doing great work in the community.  Subscribe to his channel!”  And fast forward to Joe getting doubts.  Hey, exactly what is up with how every single number is something evil?  What’s up with the contradictions, lies, hypocrisy and attack videos?

You’re not using discernment.  The loaded language to shut down dissenting opinions as you’re getting dangerously close to escaping the trap.

In regards to the Alex Jones bankruptcy I’m on Team Connecticut and having him shut down ASAP.  But if Team Texas gets their way and it’s more money for the plaintiffs I’ll have to live with that.  Although the head of the snake has been addressed the body is still writhing around.  The material to train new cult members and leaders is out there.  It’s being studied by the next Jim Jones wannabe.  And until we fully train Christmas cats to kill cult snakes it’s going to be an ongoing problem.  The food source of misinformation and how to utilize it has been around for a very, very long time.

Friday, June 21, 2024

A Tale of Four Lists

It’s been a reasonably busy year for celebrity deaths.  I realize that the internet compilations of celebrity deaths have a standard of qualifications as a celebrity.  But even if I limit it to what I personally consider to be a big celebrity it’s pretty busy.  And it’s my blog, so I get to decide on how much typing I need to do:

Here’s the list of deaths of celebrities in 2024 that were credibly predicted well in advance using gematria:


And here’s a list of gematria ritual sacrifices posted in blogs and videos that I’ve personally seen:

Donald Sutherland, Willie Mays, Jerry West, Richard Lewis, Dabney Coleman, OJ Simpson, Toby Keith, Morgan Spurlock, David Soul

And a list of who else that would have been a ritual sacrifice except they weren’t deemed important enough by the outrage porn content creators:

Every other celebrity that died, except the next list

Should have been a sacrifice, but I missed it;

Roger Corman

Corman single-handedly made the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game two degrees.  If you’re looking for bullshit connections he ties into everyone else in Hollywood easily.

They used to try every once in awhile.  If you’re betting out the outcome of sports games with gematria decodes you’re trying to predict.  And when you’ve been psychologically conditioned to be morbidly fascinated with celebrities being declared to be ritual sacrifices you start to fantasize about predicting the day they’ll die.  Except that conditioning also makes you wait until dear leader puts out the official video declaring that it was indeed a sacrifice.

There’s some etiquette involved here.  It’s bad manners to put out the decode you know is coming when a top tier celebrity croaks.  But if you really need that Attaboy!TM you are absolutely hot stuff if you’re first to point out in the comments section on YouTube:  Donald Sutherland just died!

Keep your eyes out for those.  These are cult members deeply invested in a need for approval.  You can tell a hard core cult member by who wildly inappropriate the comment is.  That’s not the insensitive and brutish lack of decency (which it is, since the Jesuits have not actually offed any of these people), it’s how the video it’s posted on is bound to be a completely disconnected topic. Last night’s soccer game had blah, blah, blah…Jesus second coming blah blah blah…DONALD SUTHERLAND WAS SACRIFICED!!!!!!!!!

Pardon me if I shortchanged the number of exclamation marks to convey the glee over death.  As I’ve recently reported even though it’s repetition of old news, sports decoding by itself gets boring.  A little dwelling in human misery breaks up the tedium of deep down subconsciously having a pretty good idea of what is about to be said about yesterday’s baseball and soccer games.

It is somewhat odd to throw in a little death predicting amidst a binary outcome event like sports.  It’s far too dangerous to make it obvious that you’re trying to predict an exact date on something.  The odds are much longer, hence the first list.  What is appropriate is to call every death a sacrifice post mortem, through in a few tiny numbers, wait for the Attaboy! searchers, cross index them with Patreon support and other signals they are stuck longer term and see if they can be courted (or badgered) into moving up the food chain.  The poor grifter does not have enough time to do it all alone.  You can change your first to be a morbid ghoul into a career of being a clueless coattail rider with just a little more effort.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Generosity Is Underwhelming


If you’re into that kind of thing the newest SportsGematria video was just uploaded.  One of the things I appreciate about the content is how boring it is.  It’s essentially duplication of the same story over and over again.  Ordinarily this is a bad thing as a person’s individual life is a constant struggle to finance necessities as well as overcoming how mind numbingly boring things can get.  I’ve already seen a zombie movie like this, why watch another one?  I’ve already read the Twixter timeline of someone that declares themselves a knowledgeable political pundit, yet the content remains simply “Fuck Joe Biden” or “Fuck Donald Trump” every single day.  I’ve already heard that the world is supposed to have ended every day for the last several thousand years yet here we are again still struggling with the struggle and bored with the boredom.

Putting aside personal thoughts you can focus on what’s going on with others.  (It’s called empathy, you should try it some time). And one of the core values of Hubbard’s content is approaching every presentation as if the audience is brand new.  Every single sports season other than the NFL is advertising for what’s going to happen with the next NFL season.  Simply, football is way more popular for gambling purposes than the other major sports.

SportsGematria and I share the quality of recognizing that you never know exactly who is going to get involved with gematria sports grifting for the first time.  And as boring as it may be for us we have a mission to keep critical content out there because in the world of cognitive biases recency bias affects what people watch and absorb.  Finding a years old story of Zach lying about picking something wrong does not hold as much weight as finding a video made today about Zach lying about something years ago.

The Zach go to content that is not incredibly repetitive is the angry rant, since that’s what bigots and narcissists excel at.  The SportsGematria content has a collection of hypocrisy that is mind boggling in its scope and hatred.  And at times Zach has to downplay and excuse his way out of that behavior, which always comes out as sounding hollow and insincere for those who know him and his schtick.  But remember, there are newcomers out there with no real clue.  And they are faced with a major shift in Zach’s apparent desperation.  Inflation, upping the cost to find truth and some semblance of fun to combat the boredom of the daily picking both teams before the game or inserting the winning narrative after the game is complete and pretending you picked it all along.  That “fun” is the daily and weekly contests offered if you sign up to the Patreon at $20 a month.

An office football pool where 100% of the entries is awarded is fine.  As soon as you take a fee out to administer the pool that’s not ok.  But you’ll be ignored by the authorities if you keep it small because “everyone else does it”.  And the newcomers need to understand ASAP that they chance of an actual payoff is compounded  by the track record of the not so legal gambling activity.  So far I’ve only seen videos of weekly winner announcements, where the winner isn’t even announced by name but solely by the area code of their registered phone number.  And so far in defiance of human nature there’s been no bragging in YouTube video comments about winning.  Basically, we have no idea exactly how many people have or will be coughing up $20 a month and if there will be an actual payoff to an actual human not named Zachary Hubbard.  Lack of transparency and accountability is the hallmark of big time grifting.  Why should small time grifting be any different if “everybody does it”?

Well, not everybody does it in the same manner.  Some can focus simply on the sports and leave the more questionable content out.  The gematria decoders who brag about finding that connection and announcing their pick the week before the Super Bowl, good for you.  But is it really a good time in your life to start putting some serious coin into:

Death threats, promotion of suicide, racism, homophobia, and arbitrary scapegoats


You don’t need to pay money to enjoy those things if your lack of empathy dictates you do actually enjoy those things.  My next analysis of an old YouTube content creator will delve more into what goes wrong with hanging with Zach long term.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Rise and Fall of Discernment

Any long term gematria abuser who has also dabbled in interrupting adult conversations on Twixter (aka trolling) has a much better chance of encountering what I call dipshitmatic immunity.  That’s where someone points out to them that their own details have gematria that is negative.  It’s completely unavoidable, the numbers that are useful for a gematria narrative are so small that every single number can have a negative connotation if not tue outright opposite meaning of the intended story.

Keep in mind this old and simple explanation I put up on Rationalwiki years ago, all you need is a crude knowledge of basic grammar to debunk gematria.

Tina is evil and Joel is good.
Joel is evil and Tina is good.

It requires a lot of mental gymnastics to genuinely believe that these do not have an opposite meaning.  And they have the exact same letters and therefore regardless of which cipher you’re using it has got to have the exact same gematria.  Your average sports decoder can avoid the cognitive dissonance since they’re looking at clock times, point spreads and the final score.  But in a Qanon setting where they’re decoding phrases in speeches, yeah that gets a little trickier.  The gematria critic, possibly one of the people who had their adult conversation interrupted, may resort to a dipshitmatic immunity retort.  Pointing out the antonym of a key word that has matching gematria.  Or maybe even posting a negative comment about the gematria fan’s account name or other details.

And that’s the rise of the word discernment in a gematria setting.  From a purely grammatical and numerical view the inescapable stripping of their dipshitmatic immunity requires training on some sort of scripted automatic response to justify not having to put mental effort into recognizing that from an evidentiary standpoint they have no valid argument.  And that response is that they are using discernment and/or you are not using discernment.  To which you could post gematria of this in reply:

I use discernment in gematria, you do not.
You use discernment in gematria, I do not.

And we’re back to square one with the exact gematria for two opposites by flipping one simple word.

The rise of the discernment defense is popular enough that the correlation between the words “gematria” and “discernment” has made a search for the phrase “gematria discernment” a thing that produces a significant number of results.  Even to the point of proactively spewing it out in anticipation of the upcoming attack.  But what is alarming is this recent gem:

That could be some kind of weird Freudian slip mentioning disinformation.  But hey, kudos for mentioning exactly what gematria is all about in a social media setting.  Use your discernment to believe your fake evidence means whatever you want because disinformation is so damned important somebody has got to do it.

This is one of the big problems with the modern U.S. conservatives.  There’s no encouragement for an adult conversation related to issues and solutions.  It’s all populist rhetoric where if you aren’t going to the extent of mindlessly insulting progressives you aren’t using discernment.  Go ahead and through some disinformation there on the fire.  They have it coming to them.  It would be refreshing to see a conservative candidate include a policy stance, “Thanks for liking my viewpoints, but knock it off with the gematria crap, OK?”

But I fear it’s too late.  The training that openly admitting disinformation is the goal, the open disregard for rules and laws is so ingrained in our global culture that being deliberately wrong makes it a 50-50 chance you’re considered cool instead of people being mortified at how far we’ve fallen.  Do I really need to start searching for “gematria disinformation” every day to find who is openly talking about how cool they are for it?!?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Beale Ciphers

Long before The DaVinci Code, National Treasure and Indiana Jones had gematria fans realizing picking between binary options made something resembling real decoding wasn’t for them, there were the Beale Ciphers.  For starters, there was no self proclaimed expert on YouTube to walk them through the scavenger hunt.  

Gematria decoding requires a lot of ignoring incorrect results along the way.  You start by not picking anything at the start of the season.  Let’s call it the upcoming NFL season since NOBODY, even the top names pretending they can pick NFL championships are saying anything about it now.  Then you keep the new group of gullible morons focused on chasing riddles, being sure to use the lingo talking about riddles, deciphering, rituals, etc….  Keep them chasing riddle after riddle with no real answer except that it’s ok to be wrong.  The next riddle is outside of gematria.  Who are the preseason favorites.  It doesn’t matter if they end up sucking ass, it’s time to start the Nostradamus vague hints act.  The next riddle is who got off to a fast start.  More Nostradamus posturing and start mentioning those teams more.  The next riddle is who actually made the playoffs.  Now you have to pretend you picked all the playoffs team all along.  In reality, by this step NOBODY has picked the entire slate of playoff teams with gematria.  But it’s still ok to be wrong.  Then there’s the riddle of the Super Bowl.  And by dumb luck somebody will have maybe picked the champ at the start of the season since it’s now relatively speaking a coin flip.

The Beale Cipher scavenger hunt operates the same as the movie plots at the start of the post.  Even though mistakes were made in regards to the version of the Declaration used there was an actual correct answer.  A correct answer that was more than NOT BEING WRONG.  There’s no gimmes, take backs, mulligans or pressing the reset button.  There is a convoluted but definitive correct answer, like the future Super Bowl champ or a treasure of precious metals and jewels.  Of course I’m skeptical that the original Beale treasure actually existed.

There are 18 regular season weeks and 4 playoff weeks in an NFL season, at the $11 tier that’s $242 to find out that your first pick was wrong.  Just picking the Super Bowl winner right was not the discovery of the treasure, the actual proper prediction would have been decoding every single riddle along the way, impossible with the goalposts for success being moved.  The Beale work relies on the treasure being completely fictional for whatever reason the likely hoax was designed.  The gematria football decode relies on the belief that somehow after 22 weeks which absolutely must determine a single winner that you were right all along after a single post game decode, taking what tiny little two digit numbers that mathematically must be present as justification for not being able to decode any of the earlier riddles with 100% accuracy.  

If you’re thinking of joining a sports betting gematria Patreon, especially considering the new price tags, NOW is the appropriate time to badger your self proclaimed cult leader for the NFL championship pick.  And as soon as they say, “It doesn’t work that way” it’s time for the follow up question.  “Exactly how does it work then?”  You’ll be labeled as a hater and a troll, but at least you’ll be a hater and troll on the road to becoming more scam proof and save yourself a couple hundred bucks along the way.

It’s worth mentioning that some research went in to debunking the Beale Ciphers.  I find it highly appropriate that linguistically it’s dubious on wording that didn’t exist at the alleged time it was created.  That’s a very gematria thing to do.  Make stuff up after the fact with letters and numbers.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Uh…Grifting

It wasn’t always this way.  Back when Zach ran his Free to Find Truth (Fee to Find Misinformation) blog the sports content was openly posted in the midst of the Illuminati/NWO/Freemasons are ruining the world content.  Eventually he got trolled enough he abandoned it and started fresh with Gematria Effect News (Gematria Defect Skews) and created his Patreon page.

The Patreon always had a tier set up.  That’s kind of the point of Patreon, getting more money from your followers means offering better swag for the higher paying followers.  The set up of his Patreon has us wondering about some questionable things.

The $1 tier seems to be entirely pointless.  Reading through the post titles it’s sports (locked), sports (locked), sports (locked), etc….  As far as the eye can see, over and over.  Strangely, sports betting grifting requires posting about sports, so you could encourage direct donations to avoid the Patreon fees to administrate the accounting.  There’s no extra perc, no value other than if you really like his actually totally free abrasive and annoying YouTube and other social media content you can throw him $12 per year.  (Less administrative fees.)

The $2 tier is the same as the $1 tier, faster.  Your bank account gets reduced with no value in return at twice the rate as before.  This tier is perfect for Russian election interference to astroturf his numbers and keep him interested in posting disinformation.  The description is EXACTLY the same as the $1 tier, except the part about it being $2 per month.

The $5 tier is the only one that should really exist.  That’s the meat and potatoes of the grift.  Put out free social media content, funnel the user to the Patreon.  Get him to cough up $60 per year for a couple of years.  Maybe even get some bonus time for lazy people not canceling their subscriptions long after they’ve moved on.  And this tier is ruined by the promise of non sports content.  What, you mean you get the non sports content that never appears on the Patreon?  Shocking.  He’s gotten so lazy that not only is non sports content posted on his sports YouTube channel, he’ll post the same video to his sports channel and his news channel.  Just to make sure someone new to the party doesn’t miss.  Your $5 gets you nothing but sports, free from the shaky cover ups for his picks would get him on Facebook or Twitter.  This tier is perfect to phish out the newcomers that get extra attention, personalized Attaboys!TM to draw them further into the my sports picks don’t make me rich my getting donations do rabbit hole.

The $8 tier is completely laughable and really delving openly into the fraud territory.  Not only is it advertised as a kind of 501c charity that likely doesn’t actually do any charitable work (including all the actual charity things like filing for a federal EIN) the Zachary on the Corner YouTube channel hasn’t had a new video in over a year.  $96 a year for no additional content.  And signs listed in the description?  Doesn’t even exist except on Cloudflare giving you an error message.  Which seems like it could possibly mean they’ve flagged it for being questionable.  Hopefully the owners of the sign business at the .com extension haven’t had any problems being associated with this being so close.

$11 tier - finally getting something for the extra money.  That would be “extra” once you get past that apparently the “all future sports content” in the $5 tier doesn’t include NFL livestreams.  Without NFL picks there’s no point.  People are crazy stupid when it comes to NFL gambling.  This tier is perfect for convincing someone to switch over from just $5 per month to over double that, hence the phishing expeditions for the $5 tier newbies.  Because it’s not going to take multiple seasons for them to figure out something is amiss.

$20 tier so he can hire somebody.  That empty promise has been way overused.  This tier is perfect for the wannabe coattailing grifter that wants to strike out on their own and is dumb enough to think they can actually partner with this notorious thrower of bodies under the bus.  At least if he does hire someone they can finally fix the typo with the stray period in the description.

$100 for supporting travel.  As much fun as it is to see him go out of town and get roughly treated by private security or ignored by the police, I’ll pass.  By his own admission the last trips have been less than successful.  These have always been like a networking social event during a work seminar.  The chance to get a temporary association going to look for new blood.  And actually getting to events is a long car ride for someone on the no fly list.  (Not saying that’s Zach, the other people are that type.)  And there’s always the story about the girlfriend not liking it, so your $1200 a year may not bear fruit.  It might get you an upgrade to a new fake Zach girlfriend who does approve.  

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Know Your Social Media & Grifter Symbiosis - Grift Magnetism In Action

Snopes on Twixter - Fake Stimulus Checks

Of course the baseless conspiracy theory grifting community hates Snopes.  Alex Jones and his allies and coattail riders deliberately go out of their way to whine about Snopes, Wikipedia, and similar sites.  Projecting that they are the fake news while it’s really sites with a well deserved reputation for calling out bullshit when bullshit appears.

And bullshit appears in YouTube ads all the time.  And it’s pretty obvious bullshit to a lot of people, the people immune to online scams know the classic red flags, mostly free money for doing nothing or next to nothing = scam.

In my daily travels I look at lots of YouTube accounts including some pretty small ones.  The bigger ones you can count on an ad showing up daily.  The smaller ones are hit or miss, sometimes a video with less than a hundred views will still get an ad attached.  But when the content creator is conspiracist, you might not want to really think of it as an ad, it’s always something weird and of dubious practical value.  I’ve seen the ad Snopes references.  Quite a lot actually.  You’re kidding yourself if you think Google and YouTube has got a team of people that checks out what ads are being offered to vet them for validity.  

I’ve seen more than one version of it, with different actors relaying the story of the forgotten stimulus check.  And right down to the same $8,700 figure.  And for good measure since people don’t pay attention to contradictory information a $6,400 stimulus check was available.  No big deal, you aren’t getting either so it matters naught which you respond to.

The problems these ads have is compounded by their placement within the different YouTube spheres.  You never see them in a video of the top science oriented channels like Mark Rober, Veritasium or Kurzgesagt.  Academically minded people laugh at the notion, allowing their Dunning Kruger Effect to dismiss the idea that it affects their lives because just since you’re smart enough to see through it, it doesn’t mean others are.  The “you’re stupid enough to believe this you deserve to lose your money” attitude.  Which I’m personally still guilty of.  Meanwhile, ads for nonexistent free government money are placed on channels with content from angry doomsday preppers, tarot card readings, reiki practitioners, 2nd amendment auditors and gung ho MAGA supporters.  A mixture of true believers and outright garbage dispensers. And regardless of the content creator’s stance whether they are actually believing their own material the followers are loaded with people nothing well in life.  The kind of person that’s near impossible to convince to settle down and maintain a steady job.  Which isn’t to say there are enough decent quality jobs available, but getting scammed isn’t going to help the finances.

And consider this.  If the government puts out on there official website that it’s fake, do you really think an angry doomsday prepper is actually going to check and BELIEVE them?  The chances are somewhere between zero and zero, and zero doesn’t count.

From my research these types of ads picked up in volume starting a couple of months ago.  Be careful out there.  Today it’s fake stimulus checks, who knows what it will be tomorrow.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Know Your Grifter Cult Leader Tactics - Breadcrumbing

There’s a multitude of settings for breadcrumbing to appear.  Dating - throw in an occasional bit of positive reinforcement while in reality just stringing them along as a back up plan.  Employment - instead of saying thanks for your resume but you don’t fit telling them that they still have a chance at that high paying position.  Family - sudden reconnection just because they want help moving and then intend to disappear from socializing with the family immediately afterward.  Those all represent intentional breadcrumbing with being deliberately manipulative.  And it can be unintentional, perhaps the toxic narcissist doesn’t realize they do it.

In the internet grifter world it’s been my experience that throwing someone an occasional bone is predominantly the head honcho courting some overzealous newcomer to take over some of the workload.  Zach has been particularly good at finding a steady supply of someone who he’ll talk up as being a great member of the gematria community.  These mid level people in the pyramid scheme may or may not be aware of the purely financial motivations and their purpose is to work as free advertisement for the main story (the conspiracy of choice) and to take on some of the workload.  Making several videos a day does take some time and effort.  It helps if there’s a supply of loyal followers to do some of the dirty work.

And what is that dirty work and how do you tell who is a breadcrumbee?  The dirty work is things like giving admin wrenches on YouTube channels to moderate the pesky and persistent trolls.  Somebody needs to occasionally be convinced to attack competing grifters.  And if you’ve been following here for awhile, there is something that I’ve coined that directly represents the breadcrumbs.  Somebody other than the leader also needs to give positive reinforcement to all the new level accounts and deal out the number one gematria breadcrumb. The Attaboy!TM. The comments about what a great decode it was.

In turn, it’s the cult leader’s job to routinely spread breadcrumbs to the loyal mid level followers.  Maintain their interest.  Kiss butt when they have that moment of clarity and post publicly about their doubts.  It’s hard to keep someone interested in long term flip a coin sports outcomes without a regular booster shot of reminding them how they are, frankly, a useful idiot.  Of course it’s not worded that way.  It’s a glowing attaboy about how they are super important, but like someone like a Joe Rogan secretly is laughing at how gullible his audience is they simply do not care for the erstwhile loyal lieutenant.  Leaving the ex loyal follower confused and psychologically damaged if they never researched why their beloved cult leader started ignoring them or even attacking them.

It used to be easier to find who Zach was breadcrumbing.  Every once in awhile he’d put a post on Twixter about a new gematria fan doing a great job.  That doesn’t happen so much anymore.  There are both brutally direct and subtle ways to counter the Attaboy! before things get too far, leaving behind only the most diehard conspiracists with more severe mental issues or themselves being scammers.  Neither of these are worthwhile breadcrumb material.  They either, in Zach’s words, “Make the work look bad.”  Or they are competition that needs to be stomped out.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Know Your Gematria Grifter Tactics - Lack of Transparency

It started with wondering who this guy was addressing in his post:
And then we moved to icemanXO and found this:

A 12-11 record.  Right around 50%.  What a surprise.  Hardly solving rigged sports with gematria like in the bio.  The key to a really good sports gematria grift is to do the opposite of being transparent, but I guess lying isn’t for everyone.  As time goes by it’s extremely likely the record will never be anything but around 50%, because in their own lingo literally every game is double coded.  If it wasn’t doubled coded, there would be no need to decode.  A fictitious evil empire rigging sports would never be transparent and let you know who they’ve rigged the result in favor of.  And more so, for the real point, although a ton of money is gambled on sports betting the payout by the evil empire is roughly 50% regardless of who wins.  The real money for an evil empire is something like rigging an election and staying on top so you don’t have to keep working on the rigging part.

And that’s why gematria, even a seemingly disconnected activity like sports is conspiracy theory light.  A muffled landing site at a weakened entry point where people start learning the lingo of the conspiracy theory, a false promise of wealth beyond the dreams of avarice, and the fake success rates of the megaphones at the higher levels.  They aren’t any better at decoding the double coding, they’re just better at the lack of transparency.  The goal is to be opaque for as long as possible, until it’s too late for anything to be done about it.  Sitting on the beach with Hans Gruber earning 20%.

Not being transparent works.  Based on the principals of the loudest and most obnoxious voices getting attention for being loud because hero worship of grifting is rampant combined with the tactics of making people feel smarter than they really are is a deadly combination.  Now is a good time to bring up Clarence Thomas and Alito and the ethics questions in the news these days.  If people paid attention to transparency and lack thereof maybe Trump doesn’t get elected in 2016 since lack of fidelity is important to enough moderate voters.  Then we don’t have to worry about the Supreme Court being packed with ultra conservative voices doing questionable things like overturning Roe v. Wade.  Then we wouldn’t have to worry about bribes and cover ups that seem to have happened at a major democratic institution - behaving decidedly not democratically.  It’s supposed to be good judgement for the good of the people.  Not a roadblock for the other football team or advertisement for a payout from your football team.

Use of gematria and conspiracy theories are talking points for those with no regard for transparency.  It’s on purpose, at the higher levels they know damn well their arguments and actual evidence are worthless.  It’s background noise with no intellectual value behind it.  It’s children sitting at the adult table screaming for attention when a couple of well meaning adults are trying to have an adult conversation on important shit.  Things like saving for the kids college fund after a parent gets laid off while the kid wants ice cream now because Alex Jones said he should.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Liking Gone? Don’t Act So Surprised


Elon’s multibillion dollar experiment in controlling the information ecosphere continues its bizarre trek into the mirror image alternate universe.  Your xxxxs are now private to protect you, at least at face value.  This has generated a lot of push back xxxx the screenshot here. And I would  continue the joke of replacing the word like if I was operating in a Word document environment where I could easily find and replace “like” with “xxxx”.  But enough of that.

This is the kind of thing that annoys social media researchers.  Did that person who liked my comment by a gematria sports decoder just have a genuine interest in my pointing out the scam to them?  Or are they a random porn bot?  Or are they even a gematria fanatic themselves and it’s sarcastic?  (Spoiler alert:  most likely a porn bot account.)

The entire basis of social media is a search for members of your tribe.  A meeting of minds with similar interests.  Do you like funny cat pictures?  Do you like NASCAR?  Or even finding out if you like Donald Trump or Joe Biden a lot, enough to check out the other potential tribe members and see if they agree with you.  The easiest way to start the interaction and gain a mutual follow me and I follow you relationship starts with getting the attention of the other party.  If you fancy a potential one night stand you see at the bar you buy them a drink that his the socially acknowledged translation of, “I like you”.  You don’t just sit there and keep your thoughts to yourself and seriously expect the desired result to happen by magic.  (Unless you’re a gematria using clown that expects magic in two digit numbers.). After some kind of initial testing the waters of mutual compatibility, it’s up for the people to further socialize and explore and find out if things are cool or one or both are just trashy and creepy stalkers.

This comes along near the same time as the following someone being hidden.  That doesn’t really work for someone with powers of observation above a banana slug and some critical thinking skills.  You can find those because for now who follows you isn’t hidden.  Give Elon a couple more weeks and he’ll have that fixed, “for your safety”, too.

And you can’t block ads anymore.  At least not as easily.  You can say you’re not interested, get a screen with the friendly suggest to pay to not get ads and have the good sense to not pay for that downgrade…er…upgrade.

Overall the net impact is likely to generate a couple million metric bitch tons of inorganic spam bot and political propaganda activity.   Oh, right before the next highly contentious election in the U.S.  That’s weird.  I’m highly suspicious of how the feeds “for you” will be impacted.  If enough spam and scam bots follow you and like your comments it may increase your undesired viewing of similar content.  At best there’s no impact.  Zero chance of bots liking and following you having a positive impact on your social media experience.

Let’s chalk it up to another decision based on a wealthy person can do whatever they want.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Copying the Playbook


Little Sally opens up a lemonade stand.  Being just five years old, Mom is the one actually making the lemonade.  Mom thinks it’s neat that Sally is blossoming into a fabulous entrepreneur and keeps up with it.  Sally’s friends take notice and make their own lemonade stands.  And the entire operation comes to a close because the market is saturated with lemonade stands and not enough purchasers lured in by Sally’s cuteness that are willing to keep buying lemonade just for the cuteness.

Sally’s friends are not doing it because of the soundness of the business model.  Not all of their parents are willing to do the actual work to make the product.  Some of their lemonade may be superior to Sally’s, some worse.  But lemonade has some defined limits on what actually makes it lemonade.  And in our story they are not scamming, they are just riding on coattails and mimicking what someone else did first.

Sports decoders using gematria.  The bread and butter of the social media gematria grift.  Their lemonade is not actually lemonade.  Their product is marketed as lemonade, but it’s actually selling “You can make lemonade if you buy my secrets to how to make a successful lemonade stand”.  And instead of just passively garnering mimics it’s actively thrown in the faces of potential clients.

@AceGematria shows all the red flags of the dime a dozen sports gematria grifters peppered throughout social media.  Actively berating non gematria sports gamblers for not using the secrets of his lemonade stand.  A relatively new account (April 2024) that’s already encountered the one magic question that is all that really needs to be asked, “If you’re lemonade is so f*ijg grest, why aren’t you the king of lemonade taking in billions of dollars from your lemonade empire?”  How about because our unoriginal copycat saw what has been posted by an uncaring social media business and realized that right or wrong about the outcome it would be worth a try to make some easy money by starting a Patreon and make the usual false claims about a magical money making idea.

A true barometer of the talent of a new gematria sports decoder is the quality of the inevitable excuses when challenged on the problems with the system.  And Ace is off to a less than stellar start with the lack of originality.  Copying the previous excuses has been done before.  That’s part of the lemonade stand package.  “The games are double coded.”  “They changed the script to make me (and only me) look bad.”  Although I’m willing to give a quarter of a point for calling it a fade, I haven’t seen it called that before.  And he’s been challenged on posting his wins on Twixter.  After the fact. “Oh, the picks are on my Patreon hours before the games.”  The Patreon that has a free tier with no picks, then price points of $20ish, $30ish and $100ish a month before you find out how all the games are literally double coded and he’s wrong 50% of the time.   Big yawn.  The quality of your excuses suck.  Put a little sugar in that lemonade if you want more customers.  You know, some grifters actually make regular YouTube videos and have mastered the added sugar?  At least they’re TRYING.  Of course, that would require exposing your face to the public unless you want the overhead cost of deep faking your videos.  Good luck getting a real job after your side hustle exposes you for your shitty lemonade.

Oh, name calling.  NPC is the newest synonym for sheep.  Nice.  That’s a sure fire way to get repeat business as opposed to, say, actually making quality lemonade.

The actual product is what Barnum said.  You know the way you suck on a lemon slice and it makes your mouth pucker up?  There’s a sucker born every minute.  The product you’re getting is at best training other people to make more lemonade stands.  The product is based off the ingredient of, My god people are fucking stupid.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Know Your Conspiracy Tactics - Appeal To Limited Pattern Recognition

Building on what was posted yesterday regarding updating and updating.

You do need a basic framework to operate off of to have something to work from.  You literally can’t update without an infrastructure.  And consider yourself lucky if you were absent from the social media nightmare years of the lead up to Trump’s election and the aftermath we’re suffering from today, and likely quite a while to come.

In gematria camps, the pro gematria lingo served as a sort of dog whistle, and still does.  If you were talking about decoding all your gematria clan knew you were talking about gematria.  And the other associated phrases served the same purpose.  Your ciphers, Illuminati, NWO and other catchwords didn’t just become lingo for gematria alone.  It came to mean right wing politics.  And not just right wing, quite often extremist right wing.  Which is actually more anti-left wing as opposed to pro right wing, because that’s the content that sells on social media in the Alex Jones method.

In the gematria world there is acknowledgment of the “double coding in sports”.  Which isn’t wrong.  Everything can always mean not just some neutral and different thing in gematria, it’s always easy to concoct the opposite meaning.  Which leaves you with the narrator’s right wing message for the only context, skewed heavily towards liberal bashing.

And what if gematria isn’t your thing because so many other YouTube accounts use it and you really really need some attention?  Transvestigation where literally every celebrity is the opposite of their actual gender is taken.  There’s people talking about symbolism via hand gestures and clothing colors that could mean anything but the message is always right wing, those niches are already filled.   Heck, even the weird shot in the sky crowd = chemtrails = angry doomsday preppers = super duper pro guns is right wing. You need to appeal to limited pattern recognition skills to make those work. 

Well somebody found something a little different.  So you the aspiring attention whore or grifter can put some energy into trying something new.  It doesn’t seem to be wildly popular now but Notnilc is a thing.  And from my initial review it seems to be a “everything is tue opposite of what you’re told” thing.  The psychological projection of presenting the wrong answer to justify the opposite or at least a different result to what actual evidence fact checkers would present.  It fits right in with the other stuff. That’s not a contrail it’s a chemtrail.  It’s not Michelle, it’s Mike.  It’s not HUBBARD = 56, it’s SOCIETY OF JESUS = 56.  It’s you wearing purple because you like the color purple, but when the arbitrary scapegoat wears purple they sacrifice babies.  It’s Lady Gaga making a hand gesture to signal her demon overlords, but if you do it (because every hand position is evil) you just never even notice.  That’s how limited your pattern recognition skills are.

And the Notnilc content has their right wing arbitrary scapegoat selection covered, because like a new entrant to the conspiracy rabbit hole, you may notice it’s Clinton spelled backwards.  Purposefully selected as a slam on anything remotely left.  The first in the club joke to get you started on the years long worth of other Notnilc content out there.  If a neutral name were chosen like “Field Inversion Spiritualism” and the content was strictly occult, weird, and maybe the account sells some magic crystals and candles that’s not too bad.  But as soon as it becomes Notnilc you’re already treading on the disinformation border like.

It will come as no surprise to readers of this that gematria believers can be and are also Notnilcers. (By the way Nilc is pronounced like  NOT-NILK, the second syllable rhyming with milk).  I’m sure there will(iam clinton) be some lovely shill game content over the next several years as gematria leaders fight with Notnilc gurus over market share of the political grifting pie.  The supply of just the right amount of limited pattern recognition skills targets is not infinite.  They’re just noisier than most people and it seems that way.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Bonus Meme


I would have gone with Spork, but this is fine.

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Continuing Education Training

If you’ve been lucky enough to keep a job for more than a couple of months you may have encountered being required to take a course or go to a seminar.  They try to make them as fun as possible.  The gold standard is that lunch needs to be included as part of the price.  Although they tend to be boring as the main function is to suck money as opposed to actually educating.

Another way to search for red flags in the online grifter community is to look at changes.  Maybe your go to methods of searching out fresh targets aren’t working anymore.  It could be because the bigger influencers at the top of the food chain have been giving ongoing educational assistance.  And by the nature of the pyramid scheme it’s got the same “educational value” as the boring seminar - instruct and demand your sheep to do something just because you said so.

These instructions are very culty and a source of cognitive dissonance.  Part of the attraction is you are a member of an exclusive and enlightened team.  You know the buzzwords the outsiders don’t.  And you’ve used your limited pattern recognition skills to at least get the basics down on the right lingo to use in your echo chamber.  And being told not to use that lingo when talking to outsiders?  What’s up with that?

A great example is the Qanon, “There is no Qanon” phase.  All of a sudden once Qanon was mentioned Qanons started parroting, “There’s Q.  There are Anons.  There is no Qanon.”  Ummm…yes.  Yes there is.  And now there’s a subtle change in the gematria activity on Twitter.

The cult lingo is DECODE.  That’s the catch phrase that makes the newcomer feel smarter than they really are.  A puzzle has been presented, a message was encoded and you need to decode it.  Now a few uses of CODE instead of DECODE are being thrown in.

Decode, like other gematria lingo, has been overused.  To the point where lots of normies can search for decode, do a quick check for context and verify an entire social media account is unserious nonsense.  This change in lingo also coincides with reduced use of the actual word, GEMATRIA.

At least grammatically coding is more accurate to describe what’s done instead of decoding.  A speech was given.  A string of words spoken were converted to numbers and cross matched with a list of cult lingo and proclaimed to be meaningful while a gazillion non cult words could apply as well.  You’ve muddied the waters and encoded, not decoded it.  Good job.  You get a cookie.