Monday, March 19, 2018

What Exactly Is The “Organic Matrix”?

I shouldn’t ask.  Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to.  Don’t try to find out what the reasoning behind substituting bean curd instead of pumpkin in vegan pumpkin pie recipes while both beans and pumpkins are vegetables.  I was reminded of this topic when checking out the hoax of Stephen Hawking.  A story I heard long before the actual fake death story last week.  Stephen Hawking actually died in 1985 and his life was faked ever since.  That has got to be the best acting performance ever.  The New World Oscars should be quite entertaining next year.  I’m not sure he’s even really dead now.  So is any award posthumous or what?  Anyway.  Summing up the kinds of theories as to what was presented to be as Stephen Hawking is this actual comment from a year ago (not a gematria video):

Stephen Hawking is a GRAND VENTRILOQUISM TRANSHUMAN DUMMY.  With 15 likes.

At least it wasn’t “Obviously a grand ventriloquism transhuman dummy”.  Or maybe that’s worse.  Maybe the word obvious is implied.  But let’s not put words on record that aren’t part of the original quote.

One of the problems with conspiracy theories is summed up nicely in a quote by Ted Goertzel about how the focus is not for the conspiracy theorist to present a positive argument for their case, but to try and tear down the existing model.  I’m still searching for a nice link with the exact quote.  In the meantime here is a link with another T.G. quote that talks about the topic:

So anywhere up to 16 people think it’s easier to believe that Hawking spent three decades as a puppet disregarding how that would actually work.  Maybe it’s using the same electromagnetic waves the maybe invisible drones use to rig baseball games.  No actual evidence for being right, but holds the key ingredient for critical commentary:  Do you agree with me today?  Yes, cool!  You rock, dude!

Now this organic matrix thing doesn’t have any evidence and not even much detail.  I won’t say it has widespread use, but it happens the same way the Hawking dummy story does.  Just gets thrown in there and the users of the phrase don’t seem to understand exactly what it is.  Because they can’t.  But we don’t either so it’s just another smokescreen.  From personal observation it seems to be

1). A gematria excuse for certain phrases.  RED PILL is a favorite.  Of course they never mention the most important part of the movies.  Carrie-Anne Moss.  The stories just roll along without discussing her.  The origin of the phrase a Rolling stoner narrative gathers no Moss.*
2). Religion.

If you Google ORGANIC MATRIX you get mostly hits on organic bone matrix data.  So zero help on how that ties into the movies or religion.  So I’m on my own, but I do notice what’s absent for the most part, which you can guess from points 1 and 2.  No Freemasonry.  The organic matrix is “this freaky shit is going on that can’t be explained by a group of guys better known for doing craftsman’s work and secret handshakes (at least as a stereotype). The NIPTUCKS.  Something higher than the Masons on the organizational flowchart.

I really don’t think you want to go that route.  The gematria system is centered on Freemason numerology.  Now all of a sudden out of the blue somebody just gets to escape hatch, “Nah, it’s not the masons in this case, it’s organic matrix stuff.  Masonry would be just plain stupid.”  At least the masons have a lot more homework done and all the previous two and three digit numbers have something to quote as a back up supporting comment.  Lame however it may be.

No big surprise Dan is a huge source of organic matrix style material.  Here’s a post mostly about a dream.
Organic matrix gets invoked for dreams, coincidences and don’t forget TV viewing!  I knew you were going to turn the TV on at the hospital!  Here’s a Family Guy cartoon I thought you’d like!  Muahahahahahahaha!*

So instead of poking holes at the way real life operates how exactly do you justify any evidence derived from something so vague as an organic matrix?  Needless to say dreams are personal and nothing that occurred can be proven in any manner at all.  Yet another variation of the old standby.  It’s the organic matrix because I told you so!  Your argument as always is completely unconvincing.  Any mention of organic matrix in a debate means you instantly lose.  So please don’t try to substitute it for Freemasons if you want to justify a more powerful scary organization for coincidence topics.  For instance, I mentioned my Bridge Collapse song parody of Dream Police before the Dan bridge/dream blog post.  Sharpens!  Get over it.  Learn about probability before making claims about what is a coincidence and what is manufactured.  I have an even better coincidence for the UMBC basketball upset which is too lengthy to share here.

*Matrix, being used in computer terminology and my mention of stupid things like grand ventriloquism transhuman dummies winning cookies leads me to believe that the dream and TV police are reading Dan’s computer cookies.  He should take the blue pill.

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