Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Time for a quick review. Let me see. Pi. Yep. I did mention that before, and just like I thought the gematria version of Pi pisses me off. I was wondering if it was a malt liquor induced haze or a bad dream. Now I realize that I haven’t drank for nearly two years and as far as dreams go, alternate universe Pi is part of the organic matrix, so almost completely useless. You can’t spell ‘pisses’ without ‘pi’. Or Billie Piper. So if you need a randomly chosen babe for the day, there you go. (Note: Another obvious use for -pi- is pig, as in male chauvinist pig. I am fully aware that women do not like being called demeaning terms like babe. Billie was a Doctor Who companion just like Jenna Coleman. I’m already screwed, so I have nothing to lose.)

Something I realize I should get around to doing is putting a section at the bottom of each post for keywords to search for.  Categories like LOGICAL FALLACY, FACTUAL ERROR, COINCIDENCE, JOKE, STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY.  So when I rage quit it will be easier for others to find material on what went wrong in the gematria narrative they read.  So when I have something that might fit in to multiple categories I can tag it with more than one keyword.  Something like this.



Overused would be another tag, but most of the incommodious Pi problems are due to overuse so that would be redundant.  The key phrase can be found in that archive.  And the history goes something like this.  The story was 22/7=Pi.  Then the story changed to a close enough approximation of Pi.  After a quick picnic in Pisa to eat pickles and drink pints of pina coladas we established that everyoneent is out to get gematria because we hate equations:


And now we have this.  Pi is 3.14 not just because 22/7= 3.14 is an equation, but indeed it is the simplest equation.  Well use of the word “equation” is the most incorrect word that could be found for this argument.  Because indeed Pi absolutely does not equal 3.14 and 22/7 absolutely does not equal 3.14.  Do you even know what the word equation means?  Gematria is supposed to be about a relationship between letters and numbers, and the word seems kinda important.  It’s not terribly difficult.  EQUAl.  EQUAtion.  Is that some organic matrix non-coincidence?  My sources say that there’s significant overlapping etymology.

Now we can assume that the calling Whine-1-1 for the wahmabulance tweet was about Constitutional free speech.  Another significant document that was created in this country (that you’re more than welcome to leave) is the Declaration of Independence which specifically mentions all men being created equal.  (Babes created equal a bit later, but at least it finally happened.) That use of equal conforms to what most people think equal means.  Gematria has no equations once you get past the point of performing basic math.  Then it gets changed into gematria narrator being far superior because a different set of rules apply.  And your evidence is so unconvincing.  Once 22/7=Pi it’s a step to Pi equals anything then Pi equals Pi and anything equals anything.  Shortened by use of the wildcard to *=*.

Which strangely is pretty much the way these things play out.  It’s just a question of how much you insult our intelligence along the way.  I predict someone will die.  Oh!  His funeral date is close enough!  Not equal.  I think a major black celebrity was supposed to die this weekend.  Still waiting for how many more days or weeks that’s close enough.  *=* seems to be the great mathematical equalizer in pigeon chess.  I don’t know if the ill advised use of equation is related to the Tweeted equation; I’m guessing it is.  You probably would have been better suited sticking with 22/7 being an approximation which is slightly less insulting to those that understand math.

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