Thursday, March 8, 2018

Pigeon Chess/Hubbard's Book

As for the book, it seems to have been released, although things are somewhat vague on the actual details. I'll go through various inconsistencies, doubts and what makes the idea a good one in a couple of days. For now I'll simply note that there is a Patreon fundraising page set up. There's already information out there on the pluses and minuses of Patreon.
It took me a while to stumble on something in regards to "debating" gematria proponents and those with, let's call them offbeat ideas, in general. My original material was my own thoughts from personal experience. And as it turns out I was right. You can debate when the gauntlet is thrown, but it's a losing battle. The outcome, just like a tiny number in gematria, is predetermined. In gematria there's no room for PUPPIES=612 to have any meaning when there's a lovely little school children massacre that has that same value. In a debate, you've already lost before the debate has begun. It's called Pigeon Chess.

The idiots in this image can be substituted with any opponent that has a position with no logical basis. It doesn't matter how much actual evidence you have. Or how little evidence they have. You know they aren't going to change their mind so it's utterly pointless.

For example, I might start with how there is absolutely no empirical evidence that the Freemasons are involved. In a real debate that's game over, because there isn't. It's clearly shoehorned in. There's no logic to assume that 612 can't simply mean PUPPIES. I can then expect the counter argument of:


Knocking the chess pieces over. Unless you're fully prepared for every logical fallacy and every conceivable attempt to muddy the waters you can get tripped up. It becomes more about winning the debate than actually being right. Sir Sic (whom I incorrectly called Inequity Crusader, it's Inequality Crusader. Sorry.) has mentioned this in some video responses to flat earth hate mail. In the gematria world I can't tell if I'm about to be challenged on coincidences or quote mined passages or the ever lovable "you are a paid shill" argument or what ever else might pop up. The pigeon shit can get deep while trying to keep the conversation focused on shoehorning.

They have TONS of experience knocking the pieces over because they are completely wrong and have often encountered those that tried in vain to be nice about it. I haven't seen many good arguments lately. A memorable one from months ago was MOST HATED pointing out some things and eventually gave up. Gematria wins the debate by default. In addition to his comments being deleted the victory dance commentary from the gematria side remained. The pigeon flew home to the flock and they all bragged about how they won.

This does lead to some entertainment when both sides are wrong. Forgive me if I've gotten some of the details wrong. I think it played out this way.

A Call For An Uprising is a flat earther and a Christian.
He crossed paths and swords with Hubbard.
They had an argument, between two people allegedly on the same side.
Both put up hate videos.
Both knocked the pieces over. Hubbard put out a series of purely science related material and called "all Christians stupid".
ACFAU attacked Hubbard for being (obviously) an Israeli disinformation agent. I.e., disregarding whether gematria works or not.
Both sides declared victory.

At least this developed into enough harassment and bullying content that videos were struck by YouTube and deleted. As far as I know the feud hasn't been really resolved except both sides are confident that they won the pigeon chess game.

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