Thursday, March 29, 2018

Arbitrary Arbiters

A few times recently Dan has mentioned spam.  I assume this means “any comment not directly related to my specific blog post from somebody I don’t know”. Or, “someone I don’t instantly trust because of the particular two or sometimes three digit numbers that feed my feverish confirmation bias fueled ego”.  That is, there are normally four main types of spam.  Some sources cite the first three as true spam because of the bulk nature.
1). Get rich quick.
2). Buy my Viagra.
3). I’m a lonely Russian girl that sight unseen has decided that you are likely to be my soulmate and we can skip dating, casual sex, and jump right into the marriage thing.  (After marriage the casual sex ends unless you buy the Viagra).
4). Everything else.

Dan’s spam, as always, is part of number four except number four on Viagra steroids. It’s clue spam.  The first three are easy enough to spot.  The first two are money related, always  a red flag.  The third  category has varied wording however inevitably the email address to contact the lonely gal ends in .ru.  Which before the breakup Soviet Union was a huge red flag.

The dangers of clue spam.  Ignore the red flags and use this as motivation to look deeper for more meaning.  Throw aside the warnings when you can find a two digit number that can mean anything without further translation.  At this point the further translation always means Jesuits, Freemasons, Niggers, or what was on TV after waking up from a nap (or insert some other “Organic Matrix” bullshit for the post nap TV).  Never could it be anything about Wollongong or adoption of puppies that were abused.

There’s a bit more to the flag business than a convenient joke.  A selling point of gematria is that whatever number that Australia ties into you’re talking about doesn’t tie into the story.  So if you try to insist that it could be the lonely gal from Wollongong then the Australian  ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ doesn’t make sense.  But what about the current Russian  ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ?  Fittingly that is part red, but only 1/3rd.  Now there’s a case for Russia, not the Soviet Union.  And growing up in the Cold War era Russia is synonymous with Soviet Union.  Now a number that match matches either is fine, one set of numbers is not wrong.  And it’s easy not to care.

So now we have the gematria experts are the arbiters of who is a trusted source to look for more clues and who is simply a troll, faggot shill.  Because now we have a big issue that strikes at the core value of “Sacred Geometry”.  The Jesus.  They still can’t figure out exactly what to do with the Big J.  Is he part of the organic matrix?  Is he the organic matrix itself?  Or as one suggested did God create gematria and the Freemasons stole it?  (This evokes images of God staring at an empty wall safe and fretting over only having a single two digit number as the combination).  They don’t seem to know what to do with it, other than a huge source of words and numbers to gematrify.  No surprise, there’s no agreement even on how to pronounce geh-ma-tree-ah or with a soft g.

The classic example was gematria done on Occam’s Razor after the clue spam.  This has now been supplanted because early reports show the Gematrinator has taken this to heart.

Christ is just a title.  To be proper it’s Jesus the Christ, not just Jesus Christ.  Which would tend to make one think that maybe every time that gematria of Jesus Christ=xxx in the past was wrong.  However, Jesus himself is not above the power of clue spam.  He doesn’t need Viagra.  He laughs at Nigerian princes.  Lonely Russian women bore him.  But clue spam,  hmmm....let me click on that link.

There’s an out.  An escape hatch, because it’s been Yeshua all along.  No need to redo all the past narratives about the big J.  No need to create some new bizarre elision to cover it up.  No need to ignore the clue spam since it met the primary truther requirement of answering “Yes” to the question- Do you agree with me TODAY?

And what seals the deal is.  Oh fuck.....Google Translate????

Now Google is a trusted source after all the complaints about numbers being changed on Wikipedia brought up by Google searches and Google owned YouTube striking videos for copyright violations and deleting channels?  What sense does that make?

For newer readers, I’ve been over my stance on religion before.  As this is the topic of the target post I bring it up again.  If I haven’t insulted you with my previous God and Jesus references and youve made it this far.  I’m agnostic.  I object to gematria using religion as a numerical source to also bolster a “I’m really a nice guy” position hypocritically played out in the narratives when they have no clue on exactly how it fits into their scheme.  Like trying to fit Google Translate is OK today when yesterday Google was the source of all evil on the planet.

So, my go to shoehorn for religion.  Google Attu the Wonder Turtle.  You’re going to find this critically negative blog that if you are a gematria buff you’ll ignore because I don’t agree with you on any day.

The ultimate in arbitrary arbitration.

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