This is not to say that the Krebs Cycle has actually been mentioned by name. It’s far too deep a concept to make it to a gematria story. It fails on the most basic requirements for that, namely who died to satisfy my immediate bogus prediction needs and if I don’t even understand the meaning of the word ‘equation’ does it meet my lack of scientific understanding?
In fact, the Krebs Cycle is literally a matter of life and death. It is the method that food gets turned into energy. And also a cool sounding name for a piece of exercise equipment to go unused in your basement next to the Bowflex. If one believes in some sort of “ organic matrix” it seems important.
We’ve already established that supposedly chemistry is important.
There you go. Two posts about carbon. Organic stuff. Now for the Krebs Cycle, also called the citric acid cycle:
Of course we are not going into the fine details here. All you need to know is:
1). Chemical elements have letters that the Freemasons hijacked the idea from the creators of the organic matrix to use to mock us in the media.
2). You can count the letters and see that the first step is to change citrate to isocitrate and they have the exact same number of each letter.
3). Citrate and isocitrate are different molecules (look at the arrangement) and behave differently.
4). If this didn’t work you wouldn’t be reading this now.
The prefix iso- means “equal” which is supposedly important. Isomers are common and share the same atoms, but because the bonds are different don’t act the same. If you want you can check any decent chemistry text for lots of information that shows this has been validated by real scientists doing real science. Even the molecules pointing in different directions has made it into our vocabulary. Supposedly words are important to gematria. Look up cis/trans isomerism and you can figure out how after transgender became a common term that cisgender was created. Leave it to gematria to trivialize chemistry by finding an idiotic match for COO, carbon dioxide, because the letters just happened to fall into place for something. Then don’t forget to call real scientists douchebags when they die.
The same way that I learned the quadratic equation in advanced algebra the Krebs cycle was my biology watershed moment. Dissecting a cat was cool. Less cats= good for dog lovers. Don’t worry, it was already dead. I was always more of a textbook kind of person than a hands on experiment person.
Anyway, the chances of finding a meaningful match about the Krebs cycle are somewhere around 0%. The best gematria could offer is something moronic like succinate reminds somebody of “suck an 8” or fumarase has the Spanish word for smoking, fumar, within it.
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