Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Identical - Another Misused Word

For those that may have been looking for an update at the normal time. Sorry. Lonny from the changing numbers on Wikipedia team called in sick and I had to cover for him.. I had some Internet connectivity issues because they’re out to get me of my provider having problems. We’ll get back to normal business tomorrow if they don’t flip the script to make me look bad all goes well. Here’s the picture of the day:

It’s not just identical, it’s IDENTICAL IN CAPS LOCK, so you know this is some serious shit, here. I usually reserve caps for words that I’m doing gematria, but I do this, too.  However, no doubt there is some emphasis on it being identical.

Which it absolutely is not.  McBiff McTannen gave him too many McNoogies.*

Marty has been around for awhile and should know better.  Looks like he just had the four basic elisions loaded up which do yield identical gematria values.  The same # of letters, yeah this happens.  As soon as you break into the more extravagant elisionage like English and Satanic this identical gematria breaks apart.  And being around for so long it’s unlikely he forgot that there are 62,098,911,426 other elisions to chose and ignore.  Now all of a sudden this one matches in more than one value and it’s super special.

Some other notable selective amnesia:

1). World Cup has two capital letters, Kemerovo one.  Francis Bacon is pissed.
2).  With the alternating between caps and lower case that should throw off Franc Baconis.  Francis Bacon is really pissed.
3). You’re allowed to misspell words.  Like Manilla.  Which is also a city name so there’s a whole bunch of ways to spell Kemerovo.  Chemerovo Chemtrails sounds like an awesome name for a crop dusting service based from the airport.  But hey, maybe you’re allowed to misspell Kemerovo as AUSTIN.  They never did make that clear.

Pretty much anything that isn’t an anagram of another word or phrase is going to not match some elisions.  Identical is not the right word when it turns out to be.  “Identical over the numbering systems I chose to not ignore”.

* McNoogies kids meal comes with plastic toy cliptractor™️ for a limited time.

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