Saturday, March 10, 2018

Somebody Has To Do It

So I guess it's me. The ever delayed gematria bible is still only a vision on the horizon.
Now let's go over some things that we do know.

YouTube has made things difficult and there is no current Zachary Hubbard Channel that hasn't been struck for community violation guidelines reasons.

A Patreon fundraiser has been created. Perks are a copy of a .pdf version of the unedited book, promise of a hardcopy down the road (about two months away) and when there are 1000 subscribers daily podcasts.

Bookbaby will not publish the book for SOME REASON.

Now to some things that don't make sense.

The claim is censorship and violation of the Constitution. I've already covered this and more than I should trying to keep this blog on topic of why gematria cannot possibly work. So I must limit this for purposes of not coming off as a total hypocrite. In my defense, this is related to the gematria book and therefore on topic. This Tweet and accompanying video sent in response to Hubbard's tweet about signing a petition mirrors my own thoughts. It sucks, but it's not going to work.
Curiously, the only Tweet from the relatively inactive Hubbard Twitter about 10 days before this was:
Explain to me how this is NOT harassment. And is typical of the sort of activity that leads to YouTube strikes. Even if Rubio is evil it seems like we're supposed to believe that a different set of rules apply. I would imagine the only reason the Twitter account hasn't been terminated is that it's likely Rubio never saw it. Some intern saw it and blew it off.
Let's add in that there's a loyal follower claiming legal expertise that hasn't said anything more than, "Yeah! Go get 'em!" to the censorship issue.

Patreon. My understanding is that they are a bookkeeping middleman between content creators and pledgers. There's no guarantee that anyone signing up is going to stay signed up. Based on the way the 2017 GoFundMe crashed and burned I have no reason to expect this will be a long term relationship. The claim is that videos will be made available on Patreon to the patrons. My understanding is that it doesn't work that way. They are not a rival of YouTube and don't host web services. It seems like the idea is to provide a short promotional video as advertisement to potential subscribers, not be the gathering spot for the actual content. I wish it worked that way because I have absolutely no problem with the content being confined to the sandalwood scented basement.

The Patreon page currently shows over 60 subscribers and pledges for now of over $600 per month. I would imagine that most of the diehard followers have already joined. Who knows what happens if and when the perk of a book is never more than a .pdf that you have to keep paying for monthly. What happens two months from now if there's another delay? Can you say, "track record"?

The Book. Part of the Patreon page is the book chapter index. Complete with the same grammatical error identified when the chapter list was first put in the FTFM blog. A grammatical error that shouldn't be made by someone claiming to have taught in public schools. And should have been caught by the loyal follower who works with editing that has admitted to having read the unedited book. The same material that supposedly was sent to Bookbaby in December, returned to Hubbard for final tweaks and we were told that he was sorry for the delay getting it back to Bookbaby for printing. That has the same grammatical error that absolutely no fucking way a professional book publishing editor would miss.

Did you EVER contact Bookbaby? Really? Because based on their website some other timing and date issues are questionable. The easiest way to avoid paying for publishing and editing services is to simply not have something published. Now we have not just a description of why this shouldn't happen in the Jenn Mariano comment to the blog post, but now Bookbaby is the baddie even if they know absolutely nothing about this.

Book publishers don't release client names. That way Stephen King can write about hot teenage lesbian vampires instead of worrying about being associated outside his genre. Or similar reasons for a pseudonym. It will be interesting to see what they say.* Until a time comes where I see proof that Bookbaby was ever involved I am sticking with the nonexistence of the book other than some slapdash quick cover up instead of nearly 800 pages. I'll settle for a review from any unbiased source instead of unsigned testimonials on a cover page.

* Yes. I said that. I predicted something like this and sent them an email in December. Just finished my follow up before this blog post.

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