Friday, March 2, 2018

February Was Death History Month

Glad that's over with. February might have the fewest number of days of all the months, but there sure is a lot of extra evil cabal activity in it. Or at least the B-team gets a chance to play while the veterans get a chance to relax. The decode is pretty easy.

DEATH=213, 218, 228.

Reported as the dates of 2/13 and 2/18 and 2/28. Not just these dates could be identified as somebody could be identified as dying on those dates, but every one actually was used in February. Somebody died on 2/18. That's never happened before! DEATH=218 must mean something. February 7th is the 38th day of the year and DEATH also equals 38. There's a fourth date. I'm not sure that was used but I'd hardly be surprised. Maybe the DEATH=118 value in Jewish could be considered a January spring training camp for death. I hesitate to point out that this could be considered a Jewish death camp. (I know that joke shouldn't be made, but trust me, I'm not the source of the problem.)

If barley gets its own month I think something more important like death should get an honorary month.
You can live without barley, but you can't live without de...wait...never mind.

There's not a lot of value in pointing out that death is part of the story. If it's a gematria story we already know that death is involved. It's as if the freemason coroner's report lists CAUSE OF DEATH = DEATH. For a group that can create hurricanes something a bit more spectacular is in order. I'm still partial to something totally unique happening like being ripped to shreds by a pack of rabid weasels. Surely something can be tied to this other than the gematria of DEATH.

Now, these dates have several partners throughout the year. The 213th day. The 152nd day since that leaves 213 days remaining in the year. 38 days left in the year. All these +/- a day for date spans. Tributes to past deaths on other days. If the media reports a day or two late, that date counts, too. February should get top billing, but do we really need to report that somebody died because somebody died?

This same illogic extends to everything. Wait for March and we'll probably hear that BASEBALL=324 with the start of the season just around the corner. Something's bound to be going on in MLB then. That will now likely be changed to death, also as it will remind someone that baseball is just around the coroner.

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