Tuesday, March 6, 2018

NOVA - Prediction By The Numbers

I just watched this yesterday. I probably would have anyway, but since predictions, whether real genuine predictions or not and other predictive subjects have been a theme lately it certainly caught my eye. Note that this came on my radar screen after worrying about if I murdered Stacey Travis by mentioning her. I would be tempted to think that this television event was somewhat of a prediction. However, based on the content and pre-existing good common sense it's a fairly remarkable coincidence

NOVA, the long running science show, has been a project of the NWO masquerading as the government funded PBS television. Regularly the budget has been threatened with trimming all funding for PBS and so I have to say it.


Generally the PBS funding stays in the budget and Capitol Hill ignores Trump by choosing its highly variable competency level to remain at a high level for production of things that make gematria look bad, like this documentary.

The doc is aimed at giving a rough understanding to the basics of statistics and probability to a beginner in its approximate one hour running time. Clearly lots of gematria advocates do not have a clue about this, most notably evidenced by the repetition of two or three digit numbers. First by the actual numbers and then more amusingly to the outside world the laughable gyrations taken to turn larger numbers into two or three digit numbers.

The traditional example of a coin flip is used. Guess it once, 50-50%. Guess it ten times in a row, you might be on to something. This is the rule of large numbers and sample sizes. Vegas has at least a small edge in every single game and it's not even 50% for the player.

In line with my suggested prediction test of "tell me if the porn star's parent is dead or not based on their name" is a nice bit that fits to a tea. Science says that if you pour milk into tea or you pour tea into milk if the proportions are the same there's no difference. Some people might claim the only proper tea is to pour the tea into the milk. Fine. It can be tested with a blind taste test. There's no Earl Grey area, you're right or you're wrong.

Statistics and probability indicate that gematria picking a porn star's dead parents based on name only is no better than some random schlub guessing. Probability suggests based on track record that offering a genuine prediction and somebody actually undergoing a random test are so unlikely. It's much easier to wait until someone dies and paint the target after the shooting.

This is part of stacking the deck to increase the odds of apparent success. Then, top it off by refusing to ever admit defeat and finding different ways to force a proclaimed victory. Pick your favorite. Try convincing a blackjack dealer you didn't bust taking a hit on 19 because you considered it to be the eighth prime number.

If someone who is genuinely open minded and thinks gematria works but is willing to listen to reason there's some value to getting them to watch this. A truly legitimate system would have only one cipher. So every single gematria story is instantly wrong just based on that. Point out how many different numbers can be generated just by a single word. Don't forget to point out that in a gematria story 19, 91, 16, 61, 109, and 67 are virtually identical. And you can dig through here for more tricks exposed. If they don't get it even on material that was not specifically created to counter the gematria argument it might be time to cut their funding.

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