Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Truther Community Strikes Out On The Sun

Whether this video came before it after my recent post, no matter. I'd like to think my subject of the aphelion came first. I'll explain why in a bit.

Truthiracy3 has a YouTube offering in regards to how the real meaning of Indepenence Day is actually because of the annual aphelion. I only had to go one minute in until I found what I expected. That we think July 4th means Independence Day for the US, but we're wrong! It's the aphelion!

Strike 1 - At aphelion the sun is farthest from the Earth. So all those times it's been quoted at 93 are now wrong?!? Does it change on a daily basis? Why are we only finding out about this now? Have you read this blog? Is that why the wording has changed from Sun *is* 93 million miles away to *averages * 93 million miles away? So many questions. Batter confused, strike one called by the ump.

Strike 2 - Why is the aphelion important, and not its January counterpart, the perihelion? Why miles and not kilometers? Our language is loaded with words from different ethnic origins. And if it's just the English language, why not furlongs? Saturn is 93 and often quoted in narratives about anything else that turns up 93. Why isn't Saturn 93 million miles from the Sun? Why isn't it the distance from Saturn to Earth? Batter distracted by person holding up John 3:14 sign. Strike two called.

Here's the pitch, the batter cocks his bat, he's gonna have a swing at this one!

Strike 3 swinging!

 Yoouuuuuu'reeeee out!!!!

The aphelion doesn't always happen on the the 4th of July. Just like my posts on and before July 3rd it was July 3rd at 4:11 pm this year. Super powered Niptucks are often lazy. The reason it does happen on July 4th sometimes is because of the one word missing from the numerology dictionary. Coincidence.

Whether by happy coincidence or using my blog as a research tool they found a cool word that sounds sciency and important.

So do I need to add a chapter to my book on astronomy, too?

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