Thursday, July 27, 2017

Decoding Squared Satan - Lucy's Test Drive

Lucy Furcertain, queen of research of the damned, wanted a test drive in her new Mystery Mobile. Since she was born in the hellfire of '666' gematria it seemed appropriate to look at a blog with a satanic name. Never checked Decoding Satan before. Challenge accepted.

The post title is in honor of PhraseShopping. Ordinarily I would have said Decoding Decoding Satan. But here's another abuser forcing things to make different numbers.

One of Lucy's biggest concerns is where exactly this particular researcher got his start. Was there a model to follow? He has taken some liberties I've never seen before. In the most recent post we have an unusual combination of Tindering dates and Phraseshopping.

Two hundred thirty one days LATER (Caps mine). Oh really? Not content to just use 'two hundred thirty one days' you tacked a 'later' on to the end. To spell it out to get a different number. Why not 'after'? The span has a beginning and an end, why not 'before'? More? Extra? Did you buy stock in a laterhosen company and have a vested interest in how many laters are used?

He does this a lot with the laters. Lucy doesn't care about the consistency as much as a precedent that says 'gematria says you always phrase spelling out spans of days by adding the word 'later'.

Not everyone knows this, but the truther community got into an argument over flat earth gematria. One side claims the numerology is good. The other side claims the numerology is bad and (I'm not making this up) was placed by the enemy to confuse us. The world is a globe. Don't be a flat earth retard. I find the entire conflict to be silly. It's like arguing over whether the moon landing is a hoax because cats have longer whiskers than dogs vs. Satan killed all the unicorns to cover up a masonic ritual. I guess one side is supposed to be less wrong than the other.

Shouldn't other researchers be checking on this guy? What if he's supposed to after things instead of latering things. He was linked in another blog, so he's not some hermit holed up in a cave eating juniper berries and totally crazy from the solitude. If he's wrong, shouldn't someone throw a bucket of water on him and warn everyone else?

That has happened. Inaugural post, no introduction. Just a profile comment that he blogs about gematria. Just goes right into the story of the Israeli oil field. Lots of stuff  we've seen before. Gematria is done to get 732. Oh! 237 is 732 backwards! With no precedent let's just add those together because 969 is the number I'm looking for. And the most recent post has a list of 711 numbers. Victoria's Secret, Seattle False Flag, Powder Blue Dress. Where's the Satan connection? How exactly are you decoding Satan with this? I'm not sure about the color of the dress in Devil In A Blue Dress, looks like royal blue in the Denzel movie. Victoria's Secret has Angels. Is that Satanic? Is Miranda Kerr really the antichrist and we're all wrong about Jenna Coleman?

You're way short on details of how this all ties together. The only thing remotely satanic in the current post is.

REVELATION CHAPTER THREE VERSE NINE =717 in Francis Bacon. Which it doesn't. And this is a narrative about 711, not 717. Misspellings and pattern recognition 'close enough' arguments are old hat to Lucy. Must be a powder blue hat.

The bible quote gematria is way off. His research is faulty. Peer review nonexistent. They aren't looking at the work of other researchers. No indication on how he decided to use what excuse for logic he has presented. Just another site out to win some cookies, starting with the conclusion and working backwards.

At least I started this blog with an explanation of my interest in the topic. My arguments are way more factual and logical than any pro-gematria site. That's why I'm dating Lucy, not them. And you should be jealous.

She's a demon in the sack.

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