Friday, July 28, 2017

The Masonic Name Club - Who Is Lucy Allowed To Date?

We've covered the limited opportunities of finding a 666 match in Satanic gematria. Now it's time to bust on reduction methods.

I've gone on record many times that when I hunt for antonyms I limit myself to ordinal and reverse ordinal. If you refuse to acknowledge that WOUND/UNWOUND and GROUP/UNGROUP are clearly opposites and have the same simple system gematria, you're just a closed minded manipulator.

It's time to give satanism a break and go to freemasonry for a reduction review. In some respects being listed here is worse than being a potential dark lord. Masonic concepts are treated with some of the same occult wonder that 666 is regarded. But you don't get the full benefits package. No fire breathing nightmare steed chariot and parking spot close to the Gates of Hell. You're just some shadow empire underling.

Thinking of Miranda Kerr from yesterday, I think the reason she and Orlando Bloom parted ways was not some selfish desire to destroy the coolest celebrity couple name ever - Kerrbloom. The marriage......yes I'll say it, exploded, because they both had celebrity lives and couldn't spend time in both marriage and celebritying (real word). So if things are going to work out long term, even if not marriage, Lucy Furcertain is going to need someone more minionish (another real word) to date. Of course the name Mason comes to mind right away. But being a demonness, she is awfully hot. Blazing hot. So I found a list of names for her to date.

By accident, or not, because who can know exactly what the shadow realm has planned with all the Niptuck confusion going on, there is a movie, D.E.B.S, starring Jordana Brewster (The Faculty). If it's not enough proof of significance that her character name is Lucy in DEBS, I also offer that she was Kim Kardashian in the OJ trial dramatization. Pure evil. Anyway, her DEBS character is a lesbian. So I have a convenient excuse to include girl names in my list.

Not all inclusive. My data generation is from:
MASONIC (29,43)

That's the reduction numbers in regular and reversed. MASONIC doesn't seem to be used on the blogs. But these are masonic words. I'd also like to think that Mason's family has some sway in the invisible empire. In charge of the Gates of Hell parking lot or shift manager at the mason jar manufacturing plant. As a gesture of respect, I'll leave him and his 17/28 cronies out if this. I also could have pluralized and used other weird methods. But my patience, although far above average, is not unlimited. This list is long enough. The only other allowance I made is the first few in each of these lists are Jewish Gematria totals. No cross matching between systems other than that. As a concession I'll leave out some of the more soap opera style names I could have included.

Diana, Aidan( her twin brother. Threesome? COOL!) Ann, Nadia (foursome?) Ted, Alana, Jen

Meg, Bella, Maria, Alex, Dawn, Tim, Joel, Damian, Karl, Janice, Cedric, Cecilia

Mark, Andrea, Barbara, Rafael, Todd, Derek, Chloe, Brick, Karla, Wanda, Mona, Annie

Bella, Demi, James (Ha! Told you I was dating her!), Tom, Levi, Pamela, Donna, Ethan, Graham, Ellen, Jonah, Rita, Adrianna, Claire, Brandi, Amos

Danica, Mabel, Lilah, Ryan, Jesse, Nathan, Nicole, Robin, Danny, Albert, Lily, Roy, Oprah (so Ellen has someone to go to the bathroom with on double dates), Pedro, Daisy, Miles, Joyce, Melinda, Harold, Toni, Natalia

Diane, Aiden, Fabian, Maggie, Andie, Jason, Leonid, Joann, Darlene, Brent, Herman, Bonnie, Sherri

There you go self described astute researchers! Get cracking! By your logic these people are obviously freemasons just based on their first name. Just working out all the details of everyone named Mark alone should keep you busy enough to shut the hell up for awhile.  You don't want to miss the boat and wait until they die, do you?

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