Sunday, August 18, 2024

How To Use AI in Conspiracy Content Without Using AI

Dear Pyramid Scheme Leader:

Hey Boss, I’m having a problem.  I love spreading misinformation and I’ve seen people using ChatGPT and talking about AI.  I can’t afford AI, but I love Photoshopping, claiming clouds have aliens and evil spirits in them, and gematria decodes ‘cuz they’re cheap.  What can I do to funnel more people to your Patreon page?

                   Love and Kisses,

                    Loyal Henchman


Dear LH:

I’m glad you asked that, because others have wanted to know what to do the same as you have!  Since I appreciate your undying lack of critical thinking skills, here’s what’s been working so far.  First take any old photo of a press briefing with your designated hero or scapegoat.  I chose Ronald Reagan here:

The threat of AI is stronger than actually using AI.  So what you need to do next is play Make Believe that this is AI generated.  And since you like Photoshopping you can appreciate this.  Use a meme generator, (some are free you adorable cheapskate, you!) to blur the image to “I’m saying this is Bigfoot but who knows what the fuck it really is” quality.

That’s it!  That’s all there is to it!  You can say *anything* about the photo.  Just say that the evil empire is the one that blurred the picture and that’s the original image.  People are already claiming that the altered photo is the original image.  And, get this, it’s an original image that is of AI fake people that come out on camera wrong because they’re fake people.  Some people are claiming they’re aliens or lizards of robots instead of AI, but you do you!  I made this minutes ago, and even *I* am starting to believe the woman in red has six fingers on one hand!!  And now I can see the Pope in that alcove in the background.

Another tip, you can run a video and pause it.  This will pixelate or blur the still image with the same low quality gullible people will eat it up effect.  No AI needed.  I expect three shapeshifter lizard videos, 13 blurry alien hands photos and one gematria blurry picture decode meme by the end of the week.

        Love you tons and Attaboy!TM!

        Your glorious Leader

P.S.  I used Ronnie because we’ve hit a bit of a problem with Antichrist Obama content lately.  I don’t want my channel deleted, that is your job - to take a fall for me.  Just picture yourself as running interference like Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit.  He was way cooler than the guy driving the truck.  I’m actually kind of jealous of you.

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