Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Engagement Is…Off. Way Off.


Veritasium -Math of Democratic Voting

I watched the newest Veritasium video yesterday.  For me it was a long walk for the message that could have been simplified to:  Democracy.  We’re attempting it.  The math actually makes true democracy impossible.  But it’s better than the other options.

In the meantime, instead of campaigning on pros our favorite divisive fabricator continues to do preemptive strikes.  Just like 2020, it’s already assumed that the upcoming election is lost and justification for claims it was stolen are being hurled.  No, your engagement was not and is not organic and real.  Your engagement is heavily supplemented with baseless conspiracies.  With the way our imperfect system is set up, uneducated rural voters have an outsized impact on the math.  And that IS NOT, necessarily a bad thing.

I really need to look more at StewAnon and BlueAnon content to offset my daily dose of right wing baseless conspiracy nonsense.  I do know that the assassination attempt is and will be a topic with a long life span with content insisting it’s fake and offering various rather dubious speculations on what had gone on.  But what I am certain of beyond any shadow of a doubt, gematria and other low level manufactured fake evidence is heavily skewed towards pro Trump, pro MAGA, and pro weirdness.

If, for example, I were engaged in a legitimate conversation about the possible results of the election I would talk intelligently about things like this, that have have no clear outcomes:

The current election map based on closed minded gung ho one party only thinking shows Red with a big lead.  The same swing states that had a big impact last time are leaning Blue.  But there’s not enough buffer to assume it’s safe to declare any one of them a given, that’s exactly why they’re swing states.

The Kennedy endorsement of Trump is absolutely no surprise.  He’s part of the manufactured engagement crowd with posting odd things about vaccines and now chemtrails.  I counted those as Red votes a long time ago.

Capitalism and Democracy are different things but assumed to be the same.

These are all defensible arguments with actual evidence supporting them.  If you want to convince me otherwise, give me some real evidence.  What will backfire for me is claiming clearly manufactured bullshit.  Like gematria decodes, claiming Obama is the Antichrist, or Kamala or s an AI generated hologram.  If you support any of those views, I’m sorry that the education system has failed you.  Your average internet grifter loves that, but not the crowd that still has functioning brain cells.

In a surface level view the election systems are assessed as a method of allowing the common citizen a voice in who governs them.  In practice, there’s a set of rules that the GOP looks to break every chance they get.  Having lost the ideological battle the only way to remain in power is to cheat.  Instead of attempting to educate and uplift on whatever good ideas they have, screw that - it’s easier to cheat.  And it’s even lazier to cheat and accuse the other side of doing the same things you are doing.

When making a list that ranks past presidents we should make one just for the Most Fake.  Then the cheater can have a top spot for something, a dubious goal for someone down the road to top.  Misinformation and disinformation is what got us to where we are now, long before Kamala became the nominee.  The actual Bizarro clown opposite world is not recognizing that mostly Trump operates in a state of seeing what he says and you’d be better off doing the opposite.

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