Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The 1994 LA Earthquake’s Mystery Cloud

People pay a lot more attention to a sudden shift from the norm than they do from a gradual, steady sloped graph.  And this lack of appreciation for long term slow change could explain the running start of the Harris/Walz campaign ticket.

For starters, let’s go back to climate change.  We didn’t go from 2023 Everything Is Fine to 2024 Holy Shot the World Is On Fire.  It was gradual enough that spread out over something like 60 years it didn’t get the constant news coverage it does now.  The dangers were downplayed, quite effectively, by rich politicians teaming up with oil company execs to keep the gravy train rolling along for as long as possible.  (And trying to remain partisan about this is more difficult when historically you see it’s a very Republican thing.)

A not climate change story is the earthquake that hit Los Angeles in 1994:


People were accustomed to a nighttime LA with lots of electric lighting.  If you were a night owl you saw the same light polluted night sky over and over.  Only the older residents could be nostalgic for a time when LA wasn’t brightly lit all night long.  And when a power outage allowed them to see the night sky for the first times they naturally lost their minds.  That is if they didn’t have the education to realize that the Milky Way and astronomy was a real thing.  So the type of people that believe in gematria sports decodes called emergency services to report the not really so mysterious cloud.

Turning people against something they see everyday like calling contrails a derogatory and made up thing CHEMTRAILS is very much the speed and low quality of conspiracy based evidence.  A slow build up of bad ideas keeping one stuck in a perpetual negative feedback loop.  And the chosen solutions are so nutty and weird the odds that an actual solution as described is not going to happen.  That’s by design.  Aliens are not going to drop down and turn Kamala press conferences into CGI footage.  The Jesuits are not murdering sports celebrities for fun to rig games.  Viruses are not going to magically not exist because someone who wants to sell Ivermectin said they don’t exist.

The new norm is a daily and steady diet of misinformation, leaving those who want to choose and spend time to be a part of the electoral process a confusing option between two and only two options.  The system has been broken for so long that it’s why Trump succeeded in 2016.  The image portrayed was the product, not the actual person.  This in turn led to a stark realization that we got an illusion.  A light pollution covered show of what happens when a toxic narcissist proves over and over again they don’t care about anyone other than themselves.  That led to Biden taking over, not winning as much because Biden was a great option, but he won because he wasn’t Trump.  That led in turn to an angry country being told we were going to have a rematch between two old men, neither fit for office.

And finally that lead to something about a decade in the making.  Someone not Trump or Biden.  A massive seismic shift instead of a slow gradual change.  And the party that didn’t like a black man as President, that didn’t like the idea of a female President, now is looking at what to do with the idea of both in one package.  The Milky Way is exposed, and they are losing their shit.

It’s actually been quite awhile and they still aren’t really geared up to combatting the Kamala for President nomination.  The gematria and other low level make up evidence crowd is *still* doing the Greatest Hits album from the past:

Hillary’s emails never were and aren’t now having anything to do with Kamala’s qualifications.  Michelle Obama being a man is not a real thing and has nothing to do with Kamala’s qualifications.  Trump being able to beat Sleepy Joe in the race is not a real thing anymore and complaining about that is stupid, weird and has nothing to do with Kamala’s qualifications.  So far my mailbox has only gotten anti Kamala mailings that point out that she is…a liberal.  At least that is a real thing that is arguably bad.  But the sweeping social media attacks are dead.  

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