Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Actual AI Fakery and Fraud

Prefacing this with old material.  Just like there is a group of people that share tips on the proper drinking of your own urine (ignoring that the real proper use is DON’T), just like there are still people that put up sports predictions with gematria that defy the actual definition of prediction by waiting until the game is over to “decode” it, there are people that are presented an image like the following and will swear that what they’ve seen is some sort of AI generated image:

It’s so nice to see that the conspiracy lite world isn’t limited to gematria fake evidence.  Just like basing a judgment on a person for being evil with gematria shenanigans, it’s a pointless exercise where every person that lived in the past, every person alive now, and every person that will ever live in the future is evil.  Other conspiracy lite topics are hand gestures and clothing colors.  “Symbolism” means you are only truly immune from being called evil yourself by not having hands and not wearing clothes.  As for the picture evidence here, it’s nothing more than a blurry picture.  That’s it.  People, albeit a small group, are getting themselves worked up in a tizzy over blurry photos that require no real effort to make.  

There’s tons of ways to get a blurry picture, and easy too.  Simply zooming in is all it takes.  Even Google Photos has tools to alter images including blurring the background.  You can pause the a video and use the still image which will be blurred some when paused.  And somewhat frustrating is that these blurred images are almost universally used as reasons to point towards why you should vote for Trump.  I’ll recap that after a recap of AI fakery with a little more effort.


That video was suggested to me by YouTube, and my Spidey sense tingles that it’s been because I’m researching AI fraud and algorithms have picked up on it.  There’s not much I can add to describing the actual process that this YT content creator details.  But so I can contrast it with blurry photos:

1). Invest in a green screen

2). Steal IP and record image of you singing merged with actual film footage (in this case America’s Got Talent, etc…)

3). Claim it’s your own copyrighted material.

4). Collect Ad revenue.


I imagine something will get done about it, but it will just take way longer than it should.  Because actually, stolen IP AI fakes were something that was anticipated long ago.  Our green screen dubbing fake has good enough quality that it can go viral quickly, a million views in a short period of time.  But to pull it off the cash investment and time to put in the effort is a lot bigger and isn’t for everyone.  Conspiracy lite content like deliberately blurry pictures and gematria - short term engagement farming combining super easy processes, outrage porn by associating it with politics combined with cognitive biased audiences.  Taking advantage of the aura of mystery surrounding new technology while being as lazy as possible.  Pumping out multiple videos a day instead of expending a lot of time on a bigger, longer project.

The goal isn’t to get the audience to believe in the reality of a blurry picture as much as it is to get them accustomed to AI being a talking point and the other part of the content.  Like gematria making any given person being good or evil as you choose, a blurry picture can be made of anyone.  But while the audience’s butts are parked in the seats for a blurry picture, they have the live participation mode to entertain themselves while the bad movie is playing.  Joe Biden is AI?!  Gosh I hate Joe Biden, here’s my golden opportunity for me to be told how thoughtful and insightful I am by commenting on this video!  And maybe go the extra step of posting something on my Facebook page.  Here’s a blurry picture of Trump.  I love Trump!!!  My confirmation bias is never going to allow me to think that’s fake news!

The way these things tend to work is conspiracy lite content identifies new recruits.  Somewhere along the line someone will market something with more effort into it.  That will still be fake, but a portion of the presentation will make its way in front of some very gullible people.  And there will be a financial angle towards it.  The hook has been baited and the race is on to reel the fish in first.

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