Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Quiz time, what is a decent short definition of gematria?  Does your answer include that it connects words with numbers?

Maybe we should all just save some time and embrace Lazymatria like several posts on Twixter from a few hours ago.  Just post the words, call them interesting connections without actually showing the numbers that connect them.

If you’ve been around gematria political decodes as long as I have you notice some consistencies.  Not consistencies that make any sense or are important like showing why you need 5,823,644 different ciphers to decode with.  These are the top four

1)  It’s Qanon promoting pro Trump/anti everyone Democrat/liberal/RINO/whoever Trump announces as a personal enemy.

2)  There’s a stockpile of old always meaningful numbers that everyone who decodes knows exactly what they mean.

3)  There’s a news story that they think the gematria shows was predicted in advance, when it’s actually just because it’s impossible not to connect the story with some small numbers.

4)  That news story may or may not produce a number not ordinarily part of the stockpile of common numbers.

So what happens when a probable bot farm starts posting without the numbers?  That’s exceptionally lazy.  We expect at least a tiny bit of effort.  Someone investing at least a modicum of time to show that ABC = 6 and AE = 6.  And then expect that when AH does not equal 6 you struggle to justify why it’s close enough.  It’s our right as critics to bust on how weird your struggles are.

Somewhere out there on Gettr and other dubious sites there are low level self described decoders pulling out their calculators.  Double checking the math and seeing if that list of phrases actually matches up.  They might be checking up with someone they’ve identified as a guru, a person that first showed them gematria wonders.  It gives them something to do that makes them feel like they’re part of an important collaboration, proactively checking out the numbers.  And in the meantime reinforces the common theme of their echo chamber.  HARRIS/BIDEN/LIBERAL = BAD.  And in this instance just take my word for it since I don’t even have the numbers to back it up.

You never needed the numbers to prove it.  We can tell by the company you keep, the manner and arrogance and weirdness that you present your lack of empirical evidence shows that you are biased towards one side.  We don’t need to see gematria numbers to know you are pro bitcoin.  We don’t need to see the gematria numbers to know you’re a racist.  We don’t need to see the gematria numbers to know you don’t believe in anything resembling real evidence.  All we need is the word “gematria” posted, a quick glance around the company you keep and make our own knee jerk reaction that you are part of the crowd throwing around baseless claims on the internet.

If you don’t want to be called weird on the internet, don’t be weird on the internet.  Posting gematria without even posting the numbers is really, really weird.

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