Friday, August 23, 2024

2024 - Weird War 3

It was easy to see it coming.  2016, Weird War 1.  2020, Weird War 2.  2024, Weird War 3 isn’t just on the horizon it’s been raging and now the final battles are playing out.  What exactly can you do to join the party?  Pick a side, post memes, be as disrespectful as possible because trolling means quality content these days.

Twixter remains a cesspool of low level grifting content and nothing gets both sides more fired up than making a big deal about nothing.  How can we concentrate on immigration policy when there’s a super important Doritos problem to resolve?  Making a big deal about nothing has been a stock distraction for right wing extremist for…too damn long to figure out.  Now that there is a Weird rallying cry to dance around the left is heavy into looking for easy prey for retribution.  And this is a cautionary tale of someone that went too far.

Typical of lowbrow MAGA content, armpit hair is a thing worthy of complaining about.  Doritos are far too delicious and wonderful for long term trolling value.  But spam, spamming a subjective opinion about the human body, the side with an unhealthy obsession with body parts can rally around a good armpit hair comment.  Because that will solve the immigration problems.  The leaders don’t need to deliver all the Attaboys!TM. Liking and sharing among the tribe is sure to generate fun giggle fits for days to come.  And then it expands to something like this:

The Bad Medical Takes account routinely finds bad takes from conservatives.  The conservative grift economy loves to put up misinformation about things like vaccines.  And someone went a bit too far.  Instead of just a message relating they think armpit hair on women is gross, it was fun to insinuate that this woman is not a woman.  Big Mike instead of Michelle content is at a high level now.  Surely this will generate a big laugh.  Yeah, but also from the side your crowd accuses of being woke cancel culture.  Just because cancel culture is wrong doesn’t give you the right to conflate an issue that can have opinions with the biological reality that this is a woman.

And the transphobic content caught fire.  By early evening yesterday, the original commenter’s account was locked down.  Having the timeline dog piled on for their insensitive comment.  Dishing it out and not being able to take it.  I’m pretty sure they’ll be back.  Under a different and fresh account, because now it seems they’ve abandoned that one:


Cancel culture wouldn’t be a thing if trolling for likes and shares wasn’t a thing.  Ukraine fighting back and having a need for financial aid wouldn’t be a thing if Russia hadn’t invaded.  Retaliation is a fundamental part of humanity whether it’s good or bad in every situation.  The key is the context, the nuance that separates an insensitive and stupid mistake from something clearly wrong.  And the court of public opinion decided that calling this woman to be not a woman went too far.  I don’t make up the rules, I just live with them.

I imagine that self deleted (?) account was likely to be a fan of mean memes and maybe even gematria with low quality work like this.  That’s the kind of relatable and stupid and weird quality you get with gematria “evidence”.  You might get a laugh, or you might get both a laugh and dog piled on if you go too far.  And I would like you to be reminded of your favorite cancel culture defense - the I’ve been persecuted offense:

No, your Facebook account wasn’t deleted because you merely talked about Ivermectin.  Somewhere, maybe buried on a different FB post you did something really stupid AND factually incorrect.  Like said that Ivermectin cures cancer.  A common grifter tactic, “By the way, since you’re here thinking Ivermectin cures COVID, you should try it on your Mom’s cancer.  I’ve got some for sale!”.  Or maybe even said, “My gematria decode shows the Jesuits did it!  Warm up the wood chipper you Ivermectin denying scum!  And join my sports Patreon.”  While in the middle of a global health emergency.

For good are for evil you are being in part judged by the company you keep.  The easiest way to not be judged as a horrible person is to not be a horrible person.  And don’t be a horrible person in public if you insist on being a horrible person.  Find better friends instead of hanging out with horrible people.  I deliberately checked the profile because I knew the armpit hair complainer was a horrible person to see exactly how horrible they were.

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