Saturday, August 31, 2024

Analysis of Ex YouTubers #3, Tiger Woods News

These aren’t really ex YouTubers, but better framed as Ex-sports decoding gematria groupies.  In honor of some format changes we’re bringing up old news here.  Since disinformation research requires some caution the source material is about three and a half years old - fairly safe to not give oxygen to the current flames.  You can see for yourself in the video and the comments section that the topics are forgotten news that has outlived its outrage porn emotional reaction quality.

The format changes?  Well if you throw out the 9 hour live stream of his road trip which had nothing to do with sports there hasn’t been a video posted on Gematria Effect Sports for two weeks.  Even before that it was getting a lot less content.  Baseball must really be boring for conspiracists.  Instead Zach has taken to posting a ton of short videos (less than ten minutes, sometimes a lot less) or long over an hour call in show videos on Gematria Effect News.

Our story begins with Tiger Woods car crash from 2021. At that time you could more easily find videos of Zach mini rants where he gish gallops through the outrage porn of the day or what happened in the ball games the previous night.  And as 99.9% of his content is geared towards being as insulting as possible his Tiger Woods fake car crash video aroused the ire of Golf Magic.

Zach’s originally video is embedded within their report, and note that they remark on his signature style.  The unashamed puffery of insisting he’s so sure of the importance of his work that in this case he’d bet the lives of his family members on it.  Amazingly, he has not dedicated his life to this single topic.  Or not so amazingly because football is what really keeps the Patreon going and the lights in the office on.  The source video is advertisement for gambling content spread throughout his other sports videos; a recruitment video.

Golf Magic, not surprisingly, is about golf news.  Not gambling on golf and they certainly don’t worry about the Daft Punk content within the narrative.  So their write up doesn’t touch upon the inevitable braggadocio of being the best gambler ever, the Daft Punk story, the non sequitirs to Bill Belichick and the Colts or the baseless accusations aimed at the Jesuits.  But I’m thankful they mentioned the 65k subscribers to the channel, because it highlights the important work losing traction to the now about 40k number of subscribers.  And it’s interesting to look at how the lives of these previous subscribers had changed from this Tiger Woods Fake News.

For an awfully important story it’s pretty amazing that nobody is talking about the synchronicity with Tiger’s incident TODAY.  Fake or not.  And by golly look at all those comments.  559.  Less some that were deleted as YouTube seems to show the number of comments originally posted and doesn’t update them for deletions.  That’s a still a lot of source material to work off of.  Let’s take a quick look at the original comments and compare them to what these people are saying on Zach’s videos now.


Every single comment.  All the many replies in the top three comments.  Not a single one of these people has stayed with the program long term.  None of these people have joined in the comments section on current affairs unless they have new accounts.

Qanon stuff was going on hot and heavy back in the day of the original Tiger Woods story.  Some people were still trying to justify overthrowing their government at the time.  Yet, even if we assume it’s 100% genuine interest in sports decoding, out of 65k shouldn’t there be at least ONE staunch defender who would be openly showing up to talk about how they’ve been around three and a half years and made a bundle on sports gambling?  ONE staunch defender who has decided to champion the perceived evils of the Jesuits and is keeping an eye on what Daft Punk is up to now?

That is classic gematria grift in action.  The Qanons had their own agenda.  The genuinely anti-Jesuit crowd doesn’t want to be the one to take the heat for a lawsuit by going over the line.  Let Elon Musk worry about making up transphobic Olympic athlete comments.  He can afford it, you are probably worried about your YouTube channel being banned.  And the sports decoders, they’ve moved on simply by first hand experience of it not working.  The traditional slinking away quietly into the net.  Too embarrassed to admit they were scammed by someone who claims his own family is less important to him than making shot up on the internet.

Correction:  Gematria Effect Sports has 89k subscribers today.  This in fact makes it look even worse - new subscribers as well as old subscribers not posting comments.  The astroturfing is strong.

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