Friday, August 2, 2024

Name That Book!


That’s not a catchy new game show, some sort of sequel to Name That Tune.  It’s time for another Zachula compilation of misinformation.  And there’s enough previous episodes that he’s having trouble thinking of a catchy name and seeks help.

In the past Hubbard books have not been so much about the content, instead being shameless self promotion.  Getting your name out there and marketing so that as soon as the buzzwords are mentioned the limited pattern recognition skills of the target audience are brought into play.  And his name is the buzzword.  We can take some educated guesses on why he’s asking for help based on historical experience, some of which is documented in amusing detail here.  Like putting glowing reviews on the cover of just first book before it was even finished, much less made available to the public.

The net result of previous Hubbard literature was encouragement for the mid level members in the pyramid scheme.  The kind of people who would get fired up enough to travel to a meeting site like visiting New York City on September 11th and cheer Zach on while he competes with other grifters for attention, shouts through a bullhorn and largely gets ignored by law enforcement that have been trained on dealing with random lunatics.  It’s a glorified Attaboy!TM. A job well done above and beyond adding that date numerology he missed on his own “expert” decode.  The return on your time investment for basically getting his name out there is beyond a single cookie.  We’re not even talking two or three cookies here.  Something like 56 cookies for throwing together advertising for his taking the money and keeping it for himself instead of whatever is the current fundraiser.

What we are a bit surprised about is that the Name That Book! game isn’t turned immediately into a fundraiser.  Something like a new Patreon tier level.  You must join at the $500 a month level to be eligible to Name That Book!  Think of it as a golden opportunity to put your REAL NAME, and YOUR FACE out on the internet beyond sports decodes while you struggle through high school.  Belief in cherry picked confirmation biased oriented data is a huge selling point for your resume.  Tuck it right underneath the Education section where you list GED and just before the line where you ask the employer to please, please not do any background checks.

The chosen first stab at the name is lame.  Perhaps intentionally so for the upcoming glorified Attaboy!TM when something better comes along.  Satanic Panic as a theme and catchy rhyme is old, old news.  And it’s really hypocritical.  Some of Zach’s main gematria grift competition plays up the religious angle, so for the Shill Game content he makes “all religious people are stupid” is a common talking point.  But whatever, marketing is marketing.  And even stupid marketing will appeal to the intellectual level of your typical Trump supporter that cares naught for actual facts.

One educated guess is that confirmation bias’s just as evil twin, recency bias, will enter in for at least a full chapter.  Even the magical Kobe Bryant material that still pops up is old and stale.  It’s a perfect opportunity to throw in recent bad news.  Get the Biden and Trump stories from current news out there in book form.  (Needless to say previous books didn’t mention Biden at all as a huge Jesuit backed influence on current events despite his personal gematria not having changed at all.)

The livestreams have had some new anecdotal evidence.  Those are always good for a work of fiction that will surely be devoid of evidence based citations of sources.  We are to take it at face value this is a scholarly work with deep meaning that will impact our lives for ages to come, yet all the material comes from a single source.  How very cultish of you.  So maybe we can settle for some nice, “I couldn’t believe that this Amish farmer won that big contract” stories in print instead of video in a rare not angry ranting moment.  I source out more blog material in a month than he’s put out in a full book.

His books are also little toy surprises in your box of artery clogging snack food.  Even the lowest level Patreons can get a free book with a monthly subscription.  Now you can get more than one.  I’d prefer a t-shirt or hat, but I’ll settle for a pen.  Something I can keep on my bookshelf to remind me of how I did my part in the darkest times of disinformation.  My pen proves my identifying the government is evil as opposed to the government being evil proves the government is evil.  Never underestimate the value of a toy surprise.

Of all the books the others have put out, none of them have gained any traction on social media.  They do seem to genuinely enjoy the process of writing them.  They’re a creative outlet, but an awful lot of work for a little bit of attention.  There’s no community groups that sit down like bible study groups and think, “Let’s analyze chapter 14 of Joe’s book today.”  It’s the same thing over and over and over again.  The world is out to get me.  The numbers are out to get me.  The numbers could mean that the world isn’t out to get me, but I choose to ignore that.  A self fulfilling prophecy of cognitive dissonance where no actual solutions are provided.

My pick for the name:

Cookie, $10 Per Month

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