Saturday, August 3, 2024

“DEI” - And How It Operates Like Gematria On Social Media

I’m not saying that DEI, the actual thing it represents, operates like gematria.  I’m saying that “DEI” the racist dog whistle operates like gematria.

If you were in the glory days of gematria related social media nonsense it was uncool to directly attack that which you didn’t like.  It was uncool to admit that you didn’t have any rational thought behind your bigotry.  But if you just wanted to arbitrarily slap a negative connotation on a group, slap a gematria decode on it.  See here, I'm not saying that Jews, blacks, Jesuits, etc… are bad.  The evil numbers created by the evil people themselves are saying that they’re bad.  And then it came time to address the problem, the inevitable problem, of how those evil numbers apply to anybody.  Well you just need to have “discernment”.  An open admission that you are applying some criteria other than gematria and it’s meaningless numbers to decide who is cool and who isn’t.

DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Nice sounding words that have been twisted to instantly form a negative connotation.  With no intellectual thought behind it.  A broad brush stroke that anything you don’t like is OBVIOUSLY wrong, to the point of creating and promoting fake evidence to support your bigoted message.  Litter boxes in schools!  That’s what you get with DEI!  If only litter boxes in schools were a real thing we might start to take it seriously.

As Kat explains (quite well) in the video, the DEI label is just a convenient dog whistle.  Being openly racist about Kamala Harris is bound to backfire.  But if we just label her with DEI talking points, that will confuse the dim witted long enough to just absorb the anti liberal news of the day.  The talking heads on Fox News love themselves some DEI fun.

Like gematria decodes avoiding the dipshitmatic immunity of something like HUBBARD=56 and SOCIETY OF JESUS=56, DEI labeling has its own discernment issues.  Mostly like gematria clowns they avoid talking about the blackness of Clarence Thomas or Candace Owens as much as possible.  The broad brush stroke of being black is not applicable because of <mumble><mumble><<shuffles feet>><mumble>.  Ignoring that Thomas has been caught red handed absorbing a lot of old fashioned bribes to make rules that actually do apply unfavorably to a large number of people.  The side that likes rules but only when they can be ignored if applied to them loves the broad brush stroke when there’s a lot of money involved.

Although there is a seismic shift away from the overt weird Qanon gematria decodes on social media, as a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome the mentality pervades.

So much so that TDS itself is a broad brush stroke devoid of intellectual thought and an often used unfair label.  The mentality pervades on both sides and degenerates into mindless name calling.  A flashy meme or three letter dog whistle or even a sports decode that slides a racist gematriot in is much more suitable to the armchair Constitutional law experts on Twixter.

The quantity and low quality of broad brush strokes paint a picture of right wing desperation.  If Trump, based on the actual evidence of his disastrous first term highlighted by Covid, his criminal convictions, and his declining mental state point towards a person with no business being in charge of a country.  And right now about half the voters are still weighing their hatred of furries, manufactured birth certificate controversy, and Obama is the Antichrist gematria decodes a system that they want to be part of forever.  We can expect a lot more gibberish low quality broad brush strokes in black and white through November and beyond.

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