Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Mandela Effect Conspiracy

Remember in My Cousin Vinny how the eyewitness testimony is destroyed as part of saving the butts of the accused?  Are you sure that scene was in there?  Because it was.  It’s ok to remember that being in there.  Because it was really in there.  You can go out on the internet, find it and rewatch it if you need to, because it was really there.  And as a display of how eyewitness testimony notoriously sucks it’s a candidate for conspiracy theorists who love to make things up to justify being wrong.

I guess I’ve clicked through too many Mandela Effect threads on Twixter and now the internet has decided to repeat the offerings because I keep seeing recommendations to look at more.  And frankly, I’m really tired of it because it’s old news and they’re always a replay of the greatest hits that show up over and over.  Darth Vader talking to Luke at the end of Empire, the Fruit of the Loom lack of cornucopia, the Berenstain Bears.  People have suffered through the mass delusion about these for so long that instead of defending being wrong, the conspiracy theorist needs more ammunition.  Entering the fray is that the Mandela Effect is a conspiracy itself.  A glitch in the Matrix, where it’s not a Deja Vu that happens again and again.  Something didn’t happen again.  And it didn’t happen again.  And look here, it still didn’t happen again.  Here, it didn’t happen again and I can’t find the book image on my Google search, but I’m not wrong.  My friends are not wrong.  Everybody is all wrong together and only the people that don’t admit they are wrong are right.  So you see, I’m wrong, but I’m right about being wrong?  Extreme conspiracist mental gymnastics.

Social Paradigm Contagion.  There’s a phrase that’s unlikely to come up in a conspiracy theorist YouTube video about the Mandela Effect.  Just in case someone with decent smarts looks up a scholarly article and gets a sense of what’s going on.  And you can use gematria as your example of social contagion.

Regardless of which branch of the main uses of gematria you fall into there are some basic themes that go along with it.  Cryptocurrency, sports betting, organic matrix/synchronicity, whatever.  You’ve found your tribe, a collection of people that have gotten pushback for being wrong outside the matrix (what normies call real life) and it’s not just ok to be wrong.  Being spectacularly cosmically, stupendously and comically wrong about everything is encouraged.  In fact, if you’re not extra aggressive and vocal about what you are wrong about you can become an exile for your tribe.  Try saying something negative about your cult leader though, that’s the exception.  You are allowed to be wrong about their alleged infallibility.

If you’ve discovered that the reverse ordinal value of RAISIN=92 and matched it with some other 92, you aren’t wrong.  But if you mention it today you are because nobody in your tribe is talking about raisins.  Your tribe’s talking about an election upcoming in November.  But you know what is being talked about by your tribe today?  The Mandela Effect.  When conspiracized (a real word you are remembering wrong) that’s always on topic for the aforementioned it’s ok to be wrong reasoning.  Suddenly the wheels start spinning and the mind wanders.  You know, I was just thinking about raisins.  And raisins are dried grapes.  Like Fruit of the Loom has grapes.  And other people talked about the Mandela Effect and Fruit of the Look logo.  And I swear it’s Sun Made Raisins not Sun Maid.  And let me just post that in the comments.


Now that you are stupendously wrong you are definitely ready to subscribe to my Patreon of being wrong about everything, but together.  Alex Jones preyed on encouraging being wrong to the tune of millions of dollars.  You personally will get the satisfaction of a tiny footnote on a long forgotten footnote on a video viewed 217 times with 7 likes for adding Sun Made raisin gematria to the lore of the buildup of misinformation.

Your 92 only becomes relevant to the tribe when merged in with the current topics.  And as a fallback position you can always talk about the oldies.  You know, the racist stuff is always popular.  And politics.  Or even better racist and political stuff.  Your tribe talks about that every day.  Raisins, not so much.

Your tribe wants to believe that fake news story.  So it’s cool to Mandela Effect your way into making your own brain misremembering what really happened.  Your tribe shuts out the trolls pointing out what’s wrong with your logic and there’s way more of them than you and your tribe.  (Face it, the Raisin Cult sounds cool but not that cool).  You are now on your journey to having thoughts that all of reality centers on you and all existence is centered on your own personal truth of what you want to believe and remember.

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