Monday, August 5, 2024

Kill Date Analysis- Part I

I ask that you throw aside your own personal thoughts of gematria being weird for a moment.  If you have those thoughts, you’re not alone.  And it is much safer now to express those publicly.  It used to be marketed Alex Jones style with Sandy Hook content.  If you dared fall for the invitation to try and correct a group of Truthers it was an excuse for a pack of conspiracy theorists to search and destroy.

Now imagine yourselves having the misfortune of dealing with a brand new gematria convert.  The best stories have been used to court them.  Their first comments have gotten the requisite number of Attaboy!TM responses.  In other words, they’re getting sucked in with cult style tactics.

Gematria owes a lot of its success to not having firm rules.  It’s easier to dole out Attaboys!TM when you aren’t constantly reminding them what they did wrong in the application of the system.  Sure there are some basics, but it’s extremely easy to find hypocritical application of anything resembling a rule.  And pretty much on a daily basis.  Maybe if they could decide once and for all if 201 was 201 or 21 and what to do about dropping zeroes we’d take them seriously.

Within the framework of gematria there is a pseudo rule about what to do with dates.  It’s not really gematria, but its existence in other numerology systems means that stealing it for your own system that already includes numbers is a must.  The number one non gematria inclusion within a decode is date numerology.  Gary died.  Gary died 63 days before his upcoming birthday.  63 means XXXXXX.  Sorry Gary.  You aren’t necessarily evil, but usually these stories are about the nefarious powers that be murdering you to further their evil plans.  A lot of times killing off people like a 97 year old Gary peacefully in his sleep, because that mocks us “normies.”

And like other gematria pseudo rules, dates are very open ended.  The number one unwritten rule, not even consciously followed and talked about is IGNORE BEING WRONG.  Mass production of a large list of numbers that a single hit validates your decode outweighs you’ve instantly created a lot of wrong numbers.

So picturing our gematria newbie who is striking out on his own with his calculator.  Creating content on his own instead of just commenting on the leader’s video.  They have been hearing non stop commentary about a Kill Date.  A date marketed like it’s rare, magical, and mystical.  And when someone dies on a date with killing numerology, of course that must be because the evil ones did it.  But exactly how many dates are a kill date?  How do you calculate that out when it’s a given they are more whimsical than factual?

Some reasonable assumptions must be made to calculate this.  So I started with this list of words and their gematriots in the four base ciphers.  An average mind first getting involved with kill date numerology could reasonably convince themselves that these numbers are on a “kill date” numerology.  Without the coercion of a gematria influencer with an agenda.

KILL = 44,17,64,28

DEATH = 38,27,97,25

DEAD = 34,16,101,29

MURDER = 79,34,83,38

SACRIFICE = 73,46,170,62

That’s 16 different numbers to choose from.  Which means right at the start you are wrong 15 times every time you’re right about the target kill date number you chose for your decode.  But it gets worse.  Your kill date calculator looks like this:

Even more wrong numbers to ignore.  As the two data sets are cross indexed you get a big fat matrix of ignoring a lot of being wrong and you’re supposedly right by declaring a single match.  January 1, 2024 = 16.  That’s dead on a kill date.  August 5, 2024 = 640.  But drop that zero (yes, they absolutely would do that) and that’s 64, killed on a kill date.

I ran every date in January 2024 through the calculator.  My apologies if I got any results wrong.  These are the dates in January 2024 that a reasonable (but by no means intellectually brilliant) gematria weirdo DOES NOT find to be a kill date:

January 5,6,7 and 24.  87% of the entire month could reasonably be assumed to be a sort of Kill Date for the forces of evil to be offering up ritual sacrifices.  That’s a lot higher than Hubbard’s percentage on sports picks in the rare instances he makes a genuine prediction.  It’s almost a no brainer.

Part two will finish out the rest of the 2024 calendar year.  I suspect January may be easier to score low numbers on when you’re operating with date numerology that’s multiplied.  For example today would not be a kill date except for the happy chance that 2*5=10 and we get to drop the resulting zero.  Trust that your type of person typing in a gematria calculator that has no idea of the scam doesn’t get that, and it appears magical.

Part 2 will delve more into the narrative and how it’s disguised.  For now we’ll leave at with this example.  If in December 2023 somebody predicted that in January 2024 a big name celebrity would die, not just on a January date, but a Kill Date January date, they are still picking odds heavily in their favor.

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