Monday, August 12, 2024

Conspiracies, Mental Health, And Election Polls

Look at that, I quoted a source again.  Something that indicates there are other people than me that share some of the same thoughts and maybe share enough values I could go to a bar and enjoy their company for a couple hours.

While the conspiracy theorist, who’s not necessarily “dumb”, is more likely to go to a bar to gain support of being wrong in a group of wrong people, or to be the loudest bullhorn to assert their dominance, to sullenly contemplate how their conspiracies aren’t actually helping (the gays still exist, it’s still getting hotter every year, prices are still too high, etc…) or combinations of the three and other less than mentally healthy attitudes.

Jumping ahead in the article, gematria is part of a broad conspiracy.  It has to be since two and three digit numbers can’t be isolated to a single event.  Instead of focusing on long ago debunked specific conspiracies (Moon landing hoax, Sandy Hook crisis actors, JFK assassination) the brush stroke is a broad one.  And what originally got started as a side hustle by scamming people for a couple bucks on sports betting got merged into Alex Jones territory.  Because, of course.  The “community” didn’t want results as much as sharing common hatred while being wrong, but being wrong together with the Attaboy!TM.  A chance to outwit those smarter than themselves by confusing them on well practiced memorized stories combined with fast paced Gish Gallop patter, substituting anger generation for quality of evidence.

Gematria does terrible in syndication.  And that’s where we are now.  And we have the Kamala Harris campaign to thank for it.  Whether by accident or design the sudden dropout of Biden left the big names like the Fox broadcasters no prep time for Kamala specific conspiracy.  All their prep time was devoted to keeping at smearing Biden.  Sure, the broad brush strokes covered the old Anti-Clinton and Anti-Obama animosity.  Now trying to turn that anger towards Harris is falling flat.

There’s a reason I brought up the climate change cost issue recently.  When people aren’t stupid, but just have some gullibility issues, you CAN get to a point where too much objective evidence overcomes your hatred long enough.  And since there’s a lot of crank magnetism and cross pollination going on, in gematria especially, the broad conspiracy doesn’t work.  There’s too much contradiction.  Too much in fighting among alleged friends.  If climate change is a hoax, why is it 90 degrees for over a month for the third year in a row?  And does my complaining about it change anything?  Why am I calling Kamala a clone now, when you didn’t tell me about it a couple months ago?  You just said it’s OBVIOUS.  Your syndicated series is old and worn out.  It shows, and you should have cancelled the next planned season.  Probably a couple years ago.

Within this structure, this bad movie studio, the pattern has been consistent.  Not exclusive, there are a couple of flicks like StewAnon or other BlueAnon content.  Overwhelming though the movies have the same theme.  FASCISM and AUTOCRACY are good.  Anything else is bad.  Vote for a dictator, the biggest oxymoron possible in an alleged democracy.  As if knowing that a three digit number proves Obama is the Antichrist solves the problem of him being the Antichrist.  People leave the theater with the bad movie feeling ok and then disperse out into the real world with only their ticket stub to combat how so many other people out in the real world think they are creepy and weird, and nothing has changed except they are a little bit poorer for their fleeting Attaboy!TM.

And it’s not so much that you enjoyed your bad movie.  A certain portion of the population doesn’t just want you to see the movie, to ally yourself with what they think are the best parts of the movie.  Some less than scrupulous movie reviewer has planted the seed that nothing ever is, ever was and ever will be more important than your bad movie.  And instead of profit going to the studio, now you have to pay the reviewer a fee to buy movie shirts, movie home microwaved popcorn and movie bumper stickers.  Your sense of superiority, driven by bad information and hatred does not equate to solutions to what you complain about.

The polls are saying that we want a new movie.  Across the world as well, there has been some distinct messages to leadership that autocracy is actually a bad thing.  Now is one of the best times to check out some other movies.

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