Thursday, August 15, 2024

The NPC Ghost Problem

Time for a break and just post something silly for the sake of putting silliness out there. My mind has been wandering into dangerous territories.  The birth of the ensuing silliness is brought on by genuine thoughts of crank magnetism and picking and choosing what remains reasonable to an individual truther (think true believer being grifted, not a grifting disinformation peddler) and what is too silly for further thought.  There is a significant amount of actual activity now where prominent liberal politicians are simultaneously being accused of being clones, AI, robots, lizards, shape shifters and gosh knows what else I haven’t seen.  Your typical clueless true believer may have a favorite of the list of the choices, or simply ignore that it is senseless to have a shape shifting robot.  Overkill.

So you’ve got your NPC theory going on.  Within the framework of actual conspiracy grifting activity this gives one the sense of superiority.  Real life NPCs don’t actually just stand around and take verbal abuse when confronted by a frothing at the mouth truther.  Just whining about vague and undefined NPCs is good enough.  Just assume that the target of your bigotry is an NPC doing things that annoy you because of course the world centers around you.  Returning home to the comfort of your keyboard and gematria calculator and messaging your tribe is good enough.

Now what about ghosts?  Are ghosts an NPC?  A dead version of an NPC?  Traditional NPCs are ordinary mindless not meant to be reacted with for extended periods of time, or a major character.  Your Dungeons and Dragons game - the innkeeper who sells you a meal and you never meet again is the first.  The leader of the bandits that waylaid the princess’s caravan you need to fight to save her - that’s a major NPC.  The truther assumes that the political candidate is the latter, a ringleader or boss of a level.  The innkeepers are just people too stupid to realize the bandit leader is a problem or don’t know about him.

Now if there were NPC ghosts, it stands to reason that they’ve graduated to a major role regardless of what their ordinary job was.  I’m guessing an innkeeper ghost would float around and maybe say a couple of “boos” and just be annoying.  A bandit leader ghost would be a bandit leader on steroids.  Now he’s got ghostly powers of undefined limits.  Hey, I’m just asking questions here.  Don’t blame me.  If I were to gamble on if someone believes in ghosts or not and was told they believed in NPCs, I’d bet they believed in both.

Maybe a freezing touch.  That sounds like a cool bandit leader ghost ability. Or poisonous ectoplasm.  Yuck, but still cool.  Or power of suggestion by ghostly whispering?  

But here’s the start of the problem.  Now the bandit leader type ghost in the real world is a politician.  Given amazing super powers to affect PCs.  And a horde of NPC ghost innkeepers that …. Need to be woken to the evil of the bandit leader ghost and his yucky ectoplasm?!?!?  Wow that’s some heady stuff.  I’m gonna need some coke and Adderall and rage tweet about that sometime.

I know what you’re thinking.  It’s silly to need the part about the ghosts is unnecessary.  The NPCs whether innkeeper level or bandit leader level don’t need to be ghosts to be evil.  But what I’m hearing is, “It’s not stupid enough, yet.”

So among the living real world, we have Cotard’s Syndrome.
Living people who think they are dead.  What happens to a ghost of an NPC when in real life of not really being alive they had thoughts about not really being alive?  Do they mentally wake up and assume they were really alive before and recognize now that they are actually a ghost and really dead?

And what if that’s not stupid enough?  A gematria grifter is considered to be some form of a bandit leader by even his own fellow gematria grifting bandit leaders.  What if one dies and becomes a ghost?  Do they remember they did gematria or drop it for the love of their new freezing touch?  Or are we going to have gematria using, poisonous ectoplasm flinging, identity crisis befuddled NPC ghosts haunting us?

And now I’ve reached a point where I realize there is a message.

An actual comment on an actual video from someone who doesn’t pay attention to a cohesive message.  One day it’s evil AI.  The next day it’s lizards.  Then it’s shape shifting humans.  Then it’s dark energy from the spirit realm.  Absolutely no consistency at all in an overarching message that’s harder to follow than a Christopher Nolan movie.  Outstupiding the competition for engagement and at least an occasional super chat donation.

Congrats to Jen for figuring out that something was wrong here.  We don’t need a manifesto from the content creator giving all detail on the theme.  It’s too lengthy to ever get published as there’s a lot, a heckuva lot, of outrageous and stupid ideas to choose from.  But if you want to be taken seriously and not get trolled you could police your own content and stick to one thing.  It’s probably best to not make that theme gematria because that can be used to prove the existence of gematria using ghosts of werewolf alien lizard shape shifting robot clone AI raptured body thetans.  And you’re right back to square one with no consistent message.

But that’s kind of the point when your outstupiding for engagement.

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