Saturday, August 17, 2024

Kill Date Analysis Part 2

I stupidly thought I was going to finish the entire 2024 calendar year, severely underestimating the tediousness of typing dates into a calculator, even doing two at a time since I have a start and end date.  It’s not the end of the world since I get inspired to refresh some other themes that are contained within these blog posts.

First a recap of the format.  To start with I set myself some rules.  A list of five words related to death:


And I limited myself to the four base ciphers yielding the following distinct values:

16, 17, 20, 25, 28, 29, 34, 38, 44, 46, 62, 64, 73, 79, 83, 97, 101, 170

The way gematria decoders are trained tells them that as soon as a single one of those matches a date numerology which also has a lot of different choices to pick from, that’s a KILL DATE.  And remember, they don’t actual post an official set of rules.  Cheating is not only allowed, it’s encouraged.

A list of 18 different kill word gematriots is pretty generous.  It would be 20 except the <34> and <38> appear twice.  And it’s far easier to find a match than it is to not find a match.  In a screen filled with 11 different ways to calculate date numerology, they’ve been trained that one match of being right invalidates the other 10 if those are all wrong.

Through the first four months of 2024 these are the dates that are not kill dates:

January  5, 6, 7, 24

February  16, 29

March  3, 10, 12, 21, 22, 28, 30

April  2, 3, 9, 20

For a third of the year, 17 dates are not straight up kill dates based on some simple rules posted in advance.  So now let’s look at two cheats which happen all the time.

You need to put aside your Dunning Kruger and realize that people saddled with a lack of education do not thinking the same way.  Living in the rural south US is a nightmare of deliberate and unrelenting not caring about quality of education.  Once trained on the very basics of gematria, a less than capable person regarding critical thinking will also pick up on what’s ok to cheat at in gematria.  Which is pretty much everything, but just sticking with a couple for now.  The knowledge that’s missing from these people is that the teacher is corrupt.  They are not paid per lesson that gives out accurate information.  They are paid by how many students graduate basic training to take the test which only 50% pass, by dumb luck.  The test is a binary outcome sporting contest or maybe even a presidential election where there is far more at stake.  As soon as you’ve paid your testing fee (Patreon donation) the teacher doesn’t give a shit if you fail the test because you got useless information.

So picture a sports decoder who is trying to figure out clues for the recent death of a sports star.  And that happened on April 3, 2024 which isn’t on the list.  He doesn’t realize that the math of kill dates is way in favor (86% for 104 out of 121 days) of a date being a kill date.  But Hubbard ALWAYS can be counted on to make a big deal that 4/3/2024 can be written as 3/4/2024, usually by saying, “The majority of the world writes today’s date as 3/4/2024.”

Which means that any day from 1-12 has a “twin” for reversing the date to the European format, if it’s convenient and needed.  Now April 3 =3-4=34 which is a kill number.

Even more arbitrary is the dead person’s birthday.  It’s just an excuse to add a different date into the mix other than the actual kill date.  It’s a given the date of death will be recent, usually part of the day’s news stories for the day before or breaking news that day if it’s a big name like OJ finally kicking off…errr…running off.  One of the first priorities is to scavenge biographical data from the internet to change the date from current to another date.  Happens all the time and morbidly birth being used to mean death.

If you cross match a list of 17 word generated numbers with a list of 11 date generated numbers it’s way too easy.  If you do anything to alter the math, like generate a new list of maybe up to 11 new date numbers because of birthdays, wow.  Like I always remind people, it’s harder to not find a match than it is to find a match.  And all along date numerology isn’t even gematria.  But these people don’t think that way.  It’s all been presented to them as this big magical phenomena that requires being smart and skillful to succeed at.

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