Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Gematria marketing is just…weird.

Don’t get carried away, I’m not suggesting this is all over the place.  It seems to be a one time instance instead of a serious, “I hope this takes off and I become a zillionaire” thing.  What my internet search tells me is that Logos 373 sells occult related merch.  And it’s really, really expensive.  Like $500 a book expensive.  One could say it’s SUPER expensive.  Or even SUPER DUPER CRAZY expensive.  But they’re the only game in town that will give you the skinny on the difference between the really cool Super-Gematria and the trashy piece of crap Pseudo-Gematria.  As long as you cough up $500ish.

This reminds me of years ago when someone bought a website named with gematria that sold…
Wait for it…
If you haven’t heard it already…
This is really good…
Vitamin and mineral supplements.  That weren’t just ordinary supplements.  That weren’t just ordinary because there’s a gematria tie in.  They were laser enhanced, which isn’t a real thing. 

 It’s called grifting, and the marketing is the same here.  The gematria isn’t the product, the overpriced books are the product.  In the digital era it’s really easy to make a cheap e-book and throw it out for everyone with even a modest budget to afford.  Now remember that 99.9% of gematria activity centers around a magic code that is being used to oppress the poor and downtrodden masses, and any spread of the knowledge is good and should be free or at least cheap.  Ownership of Superman issue #1 involves an actual rarity.  So selling $500ish books is at odds with bringing peace and prosperity to the oppressed.

But it works.  If only somebody had gotten the idea to do something really stupid, like make a limited edition production run of gold sneakers and sell them for hundreds of dollars apiece as a collector’s item.  Know your target audience.  While they are in the store purchasing the cheap new and equally useless Hubbard book there is bound to be someone that at least pauses and thinks about a $500ish allegedly rare collector’s item about super secret Super-Gematria.

They’ve already invested time into their not really gematria related occult books.  So it’s too late now to jump into the medbed market where you can buy a magic bed that will cure all disease, make you young and beautiful again, and provide you with all the gold and laser enhanced mineral supplements you’ll ever need.  But you are going to need something to read while you’re lying in your medbed cot at the old folks home with no savings since you fell for the Super-Gematria marketing.

And if you aren’t convinced it’s gematria as advertising to cognitively biased and damaged, from the same account on the same day:

Quantum Gematria.  It’s Super-Gematria without the hyphen, but FASTER.  And it’s got laser enhanced science behind it because it’s got a SCIENCE word!  No matter that quantum physics is actually a thing that helps explain some actual real life stuff and gematria is simply forcing the narrative to be whatever you want and explains virtually nothing.

It’s the age old problem of conflating wealth with intelligence.  Some genuinely smart people are wealthy because they’re smart.  Warren Buffet comes to mind.  Some people are wealthy because they aren’t intelligent, or at least not as intelligent as they are assumed to be.  Trump and Musk come to mind.  As long as there is hero worship beyond actual evidence of being heroic there will be a market for the downtrodden to squander their modest lottery winnings or Covid relief check on something overpriced and useless.  Then it’s back to the slave job and complaining about your bad choices masked as blaming the wrong “side” for your own bad decisions.

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