Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Clash Of Styles


That’s mildly amusing.  I looked through the followers and followings of both of these and they’re both MAGA oriented.  And gematria is a Qanon thing.  So why on Earth is there even a decode of Trump being 666?  It’s usually considered a bad thing to be known as the Antichrist.  But I refuse to delve into darker recesses of the internet where I’d need a VPN and large supply to f sedatives to get through.  The frustration would be overwhelming.

But a simple question, and not a trick question.  Just at a glance and the only options are one of these is good information and one is bad information, which one is good?

Yes, the answer is the first one is good.  As good as gematria can get.  It’s easy to trash the second one, IT’S ALL CAPS LIKE SOMEONE IS USING A COMPUTER KEYBOARD FOR THE FIRST TIME.  Dropping all vowels is not really a thing that caught on.  And the final product of shifting the format to Six 6 Six instead of Six Six Six or 666 is just…weird.  That’s the traits of someone destined to be a good little cult puppet, retweeting memes, liking and sharing videos and desperately craving an Attaboy!TM from someone who is willing to invest more time, effort and money into it.

Which is someone like the first.  It’s a pinned tweet.  The phrases are not low quality spam.  And you can tell from use of the matching entries function they have a paid subscription to the Gematrinator calculator, complete with the bells and whistles of a shit ton more ciphers and the pretty colors adding a thin veneer of credibility.

But if they are on the same team it’s never going to go far in a relationship, and that’s not just the insinuation that the messianic leader figure is being accused of being the most not messianic figure.  The “good” info references the glorious nature of the entire alphabet being magical.  The “bad” info suggests you CN DRP TH VWLS FR RLLY SPFFY DCDS.  Suddenly, the entire alphabet isn’t so magical anymore.

Using my amazing powers of gematria prediction, I am guessing that there won’t be any teacher/student interaction in the future.  A serious system would have a reply- “Dude, that’s not the way it works.  You need to use all the letters.”  Publicly.  Get some actual standards.  Call out each other for what’s wrong.  And that of course will never happen.

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