Sunday, August 11, 2024

Stupid Gematria (and Flerfer) Math


Speaking of how weird and stupid leads to grifters and attention seekers affecting public policy on things like climate change.  9’s and 6’s are interchangeable.  Because of course they are.  Anything that helps you make a “hit” out of a clear miss is a rule, a rule that is completely arbitrary like when you knuckle draggers try and justify what somebody’s skin color is to suit whether you are talking about Kamala Harris or a friendly face like Candace Owens or Clarence Thomas.  (It’s unlikely you will see a story that shows Owens is a man or Thomas is a woman, but their low standards of interchangeability dictate that they are, in fact inverted.)

Zooming in to the main anti-science message:

You’re going to be graded.  And just like a First Amendment audit, where the Supreme not reason for the existence of the video upload is predetermined failure, you can count on it being a failing grade.  I’m in a generous mood and there’s one that is absolutely correct.  But you’re gonna get some deductions because you brought it on yourself.  The meme says Perfect 666.  Perfection indicates a degree of precision.  And those that failed science class and develop into armchair political pundits reposting misinformation don’t have an appreciation for the lack of precision in astronomy.  That’s what happens when tiny minds who think it’s ok to substitute 6’s and 9’s all willy nilly get a phone plan with unlimited minutes.

1). Actually the Axis tilt isn’t standard and it bounces around between 22.1-24.5, averaging about 23.5.  I get that you’re subtracting this from 90 degrees, so 66.5.  665 is not 666, even when turning 6’s into 9’s.  Zero points.

2). The (more) precise answer is 66616.  That’s pretty darn close, and most reasonable not actually astrophysicists, rocket scientists, and cosmologists can’t complain too much.  But not perfect, so out of ten you’ll get 8 points.

3). Real answer is 21639 nautical miles, which is 6 x 6 x 601.  Out of ten your basic answer is worth two points.  But you lose a point for switching up to nautical miles.  Weird changes in standards to justify you answer get deductions.  Total one point.

4).  666.739.  You didn’t round up like you’re supposed to, Mr. Perfection.  No points for the base answer, minus a point for using knots which is super weird, and minus another two points for not even abiding by the simplest of math and science rules of rounding up when it’s clearly a better number.  Total this line = -3

5).  9.8 !?!   Where the hell did this 666 newtons bs come from?  It’s not even close.  I found this on Quora where there’s a constant and other discussion.  Some flat earther, a good chance the ultimate source of this meme probably got really confused.

Zero points.  -2 for weird units.  -5 for making me look it up to see what you’re talking about.  -7 total

6)  This is essentially the same as number one.  It’s still zero points.  And you get -3 for trying to pad your resume.  Try the standard, “I have a GED” lie next time.  -3

7). Well I can’t complain about the math answer, that’s right.  A full 10 points.  -4 points for the snarky anti science flat earther stab at NASA by calling her an Astro-not.  Minus -8 more for contradiction.  Flat earth content insists that it’s all a lie.  An astro-not would have spent zero days in space. -2

8). 238,855 =6 x 60 x 663.486  Close, but not close enough for perfection and not close enough for points.  0 points

9)  2159.2=6 x 6 x 59.978  Gotta give you credit for this one.  Only taking off a point for the rounding which isn’t super bad.  Let’s get to up to over zero for the total grade!  You can do it!  9 points.

10)  Part of me wants to mercilessly slam this, but it’s not wrong.  If it were more arbitrary like 6 eggs in a half dozen, benzene is C6H6, and the Beatles originally had six members I’d gripe more.  But honestly, three different sixes is not 666, even if there’s a common theme.  Let’s cough up 9 point because I know I get to do this next part.  That’s not a nine, it’s a six.  6 points.

11)  I found your bullshit reference with an easy Google search.

Zero points.  -8 points for trying to look edgy and cool by talking about the Inverse Square Law which you clearly know nothing about.  -1 for not just rounding to “more than 6 times brighter” which is all you really need to know.  -9 total

12).  WTF?!?  You don’t get to add two different units of measure together for the same data point.  And even then it’s 665.5.  I’d round that up to 666, so the base points earned is one.  Then -10 for forcing the issue just like a little crank magnetized gematria addict would do.  -9

13).  Yep, it is.  But dropping 1’s is a serious no-no even if you’re a super weird gematria guru you don’t publicly admit to dropping anything but zeros.  Zero points.

That’s a total of -9.  That’s an epic failure.  Your introduction of low quality evidence into social media proves that you are at best a gullible meat puppet susceptible to misinformation or at worst a spreader of disinformation.  Somebody trying to work up the crowd with unrelated trivial and worthless detail.

And that’s aside from the fact that it’s just plain weird.

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